french third republic

  1. blackkite

    Arsenal VG-30 variants

    Hi! Arsenal VG-30 variants. "The Arsenal VG-33 was one of a series of fast French light fighter aircraft under development at the start of World War II, but which matured too late to see extensive service in the French Air Force during the Battle of...
  2. hesham

    Old Flying Barrel Airplanes

    Hi, here is some old flying barrel airplanes.
  3. Arjen

    Vedovelli Fantôme

    Spotted while looking for something else entirely - - so ugly it deserves a topic of its own.
  4. P

    SS Kanguroo Heavy Lift Dock ship 1912 From reading the description of the ship, the SS Kanguroo (1912) was a dock type heavy lift ship, built initially to transport submarines, but with access to the dock being done by dismantling the bows and rebuilding them after loading. According to the...
  5. P

    Battle of France and RAF light bomber choices.

    I've caught papacavy's "What If" disease, but this is purely for interest rather than literary purposes. As we all know, the Fairey Battle was an airplane which, once tested in combat, did not imbue its crews with any confidence that they would come home from attacking defended targets. Let's...
  6. hesham

    French Aircraft Specifications 1919-1939

    Hi, As I promised before,we can take here about French Aircraft Specifications,and we start year by year,that 's meaning;we will speak about one year at first to complete its Specifications and contenders,we will leave two to three days to each year...
  7. hesham

    Hamel Heavy Civil Flying Boat Projects

    Hi, the French designer,G. R. Hamel was aviator and pilot,and he designed some heavy civil flying boat projects,his activities started from 1935 up to 1945,he created a 100,300,400 & 500 ton Projects. Here is his 100 ton proposal,it was powered by eight engines,in twin fuselage...
  8. Cy-27

    Levasseur Aircraft Designations (France)

    Pierre Levasseur was a French aircraft designer born in 1871. His company was called Sociéte Pierre Levasseur Aéronautique and thay produced aircraft mainly for the French Navy in the inter-war period. As a subsidiary, Levasseur also ran a successful flying school. The chief pilot of his...
  9. C

    SNCAO designations (CAO-)

    SNCAO was a short-lived company originating from the nationalization of Loire-Nieuport and Breguet factories. It had design studies in Issy-les-Moulineaux (former Nieuport), using even numbers (200, 400...), and in Saint-Nazaire (former Loire), using odd numbers. - CAO.200 fighter, 1 built -...
  10. avion ancien

    Trébucien Sport (1935)

    I've found three photographs of this interesting French single seat monoplane of 1935, together with some technical data, but little else. The first two images show the Trébucien Sport in its original form (with an open cockpit and a 30 hp Poinsard engine) - These appeared in an issue of...
  11. Grey Havoc

    The ultimate 'Flak Tower'?

    IMAGE CREDIT: Tales of Future Past/Future War Just trying to build the thing would have been a nightmare....
  12. Avimimus

    Concours de la Securite en Aeroplanes (pre-WWI 'safe' aircraft competitions)

    This sounds like a fascinating series of competitions (with more than fifty registrants and twenty flying prototypes in some years). I'm quite curious to no more about it. I've found references (and photos) of a few individual contenders - but trying to figure out what the designers were...
  13. hesham

    Max Holste H-20 P.1 twin boom glider

    Hi, here is the Max Holste H-20 P.1 twin boom shoulder high wing glider, I think one was built.
  14. K

    Moreau JM-10 (formerly Delanne II)

    Found this photo on Ebay several months ago.
  15. Stargazer

    Mélot's "trunk-propeller": jet engines as seen in 1921

    Here is a four-page article I scanned from La Science et la Vie N°55 dated March 1921. It is entitled "Jet propulsion applied to flying machines" and anticipates that jet propulsion will be the future of aviation, presenting the basic notions of what jet propulsion is, and in particular...
  16. Apophenia

    Georges Sablier Type Designations

    Georges Sablier (and Aviación Vizcaína SA) Type Designations Designation Style: some current sources display Sablier designations as S-xx. Contemporary documents, including Sablier plan pamphlets always display designations as Sablier type xx. At some point in the mid-1930s, Georges Sablier...
  17. Stargazer

    Nord Aviation and SNCAN designations

    Here is a list of known SNCAN / Nord Aviation designations. It will be expanded and documented little by little. Feel free to add or correct! First numbering system: Nord (SNCAC) NC-700 Martinet Nord (NC-)854 (numbering taken over from SNCAC's NC- list) Nord (NC-)855 variant with Praga-D...
  18. Caravellarella

    Société des Avions Marcel Bloch (MB) designations

    I thought the Bloch MB.300 Pacifique was a pre-war trimotor airline prototype which was the competitor for the Dewoitine D.338. The MB.300 used the same wing as the MB.210 bomber and the MB.220 airliner, but with a wider 4 abreast seating fuselage for 30 passengers and an additional...
  19. hesham

    Breguet Br.420 bomber recce aircraft

    Hi, here is a little known aircraft,the Breguet Br.420,it was bomber recce aircraft ,design was based on Br.414.
  20. hesham

    Bréguet 760 Transport Project of 1936

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