french fourth republic

  1. Jemiba

    Roland Payen projects and prototypes

    - The 3-view of the Payen Pa.310 is shown on, a site with other interesting Payen stuff, unfortunately only a small part of those projects, which could be shown ... :'(
  2. A

    Early Mirage III competitors (1953-1956)

    The Mirage III was the winner of a competition for a multirole, mach 2 fighter. Its only two competitors were the rocket-powered Trident II, and the Durandal which was quite similar to the Mirage, with a frontal air intake. The Trident was eliminated as too specialised, and the Durandal because...
  3. hesham

    SNCASO-ONERA « Deltaviex »

    Hi everybody, do anyone know SNCASO Delta XV very small delta wing research aircraft?, and why it was designed?.
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