
  1. hesham

    Boeing C-135 variants

    Hi, When I got a variants to Beoing C-135, I think it was not interesting, but when I read it I find many variants were little known. C-135A cargo/troop transport aircraft for US Military Air Transport Service with J57-59W engines. EC-135A conversions of KC-135A as flying command post and...
  2. F

    Future French Naval Concept: the Swordship

    Obviously, this concept by French company DCN is aimed to rival the Zumwaalt class of future destroyers that are being developped ( not without problems, so it seems) by the US Navy. Trimaran design, a proposed armament of a single three gun turret ( 155mm). One single launch module for 48...
  3. Jemiba

    Dassault Etendard Prototypes and Projects

    Only a question, I just came along : There were, planned or actually built, twin seat versions of the Ouragan, the Mystere, Mystere II and IV, the Breguet 1003 Taon and, of course, of the Mirage series, III to 2000, some intended as trainers, others as night/all-weather fighters. But still...
  4. hesham

    Hurel-Dubois Projects

    Hallo, Hurel-Dubois HD 45 a turbojet transport aircraft, and I read about it in a competition I will remember it. in some sites a number of unknown projects for example and...
  5. Jemiba

    French ECAT Projects

    Perhaps someone has more infos about the Dassault proposal for the ECAT competition, which was known as the Cavalier (not to be mixed up with the VSTOL design with the same name) and which lost against the Br.121, later Jaguar. It would have been powered by two GE J85 engines and was intended...
  6. Antonio

    Bugatti 100 Racer and 110 Fighter Projects

    Aviation Magazine Num 768 (15-XII-79) On page 71 we find a reference about 110P fighter which was a development of Type 100P racer ordered in 1939 by Ministère de l'Air but never developed due to the outbreak of WWII. Type 100 info and pics here:
  7. Jemiba

    french hydrofoil missile boat

    Just found today in Icaré 1971 issue,french project for a hydrofoil missile boat. As it's desigantion is SA-850, I think it had been a project of the naval branch (?) od Sud-Aviation ? Nevertheless, maybe it's interesting for you ... displacement : 75 t, speed 48 knots, armament 4 x Exocet and...
  8. Jemiba

    Dassault Mirage III V/STOL Derivatives (Balzac, IIIV)

    Just a trick, I know, but there was a 2-seat version of the Mirage IIIV planned, which would have been built as number 3 and 4 and was even proposed to the USAF (from
  9. Jemiba

    Arsenal de l'aéronautique: built prototypes and unbuilt projects

    Arsenal VB.15 ( a version of hte VB.10 powered by two Arsenal 12H engines, french versions of the Jumo 213), this is a post war type. For the Payen pre-war types and projects I would recommend, but you'll probably find out, that especially informations...
  10. A

    Mirages I - III/5, Prototypes & Projects

    The Mirage III was the result of an evoluting program launched in 1953. At first, it was for lightweight interceptors to reach mach 1.5 with a single AAM. At the time, only 3 publics firms (SNCA N, SE and SO) and some private (Breguet, Dassault and Morane Saulnier) were able to build this kind...
  11. Golfus

    Beautiful Turkish MBT project

    Hi, gentelmen. I have found in (spanish web and forum) a very interesting project. It is the proposed new MBT for the turkish army, designed by GIAT. Could anyone hav 3-view derawings of this beauty? Thanks in advance Golfus Viva er Beti manque pierda...
  12. A

    Early Mirage III competitors (1953-1956)

    The Mirage III was the winner of a competition for a multirole, mach 2 fighter. Its only two competitors were the rocket-powered Trident II, and the Durandal which was quite similar to the Mirage, with a frontal air intake. The Trident was eliminated as too specialised, and the Durandal because...
  13. hesham

    French Light Civil Aircraft & Helicopter Projects and Prototypes

    Hi, Do you know the Wassmer Wa-70 light aircraft ?, it was side-by-side two seat trainer aircraft with T-tail (only a project). Wassmer Wa-53 :a Wa-51 with 125 hp Lycoming engine
  14. A

    BAC/Sud Aviation Concorde - Development, Variants, Projects

    According to Key Publishing (I just hate this forum, so don't ask me why I browse there!) there had been studies for an improved concorde. - No reheat - another stage compressor on the engines - 25% more range - leading edge slats - more fuel Of course, this went to nothing because of the...
  15. sferrin

    Liberty air defense system.

    This was an air defense system based on the M1 chassis. ISTR it had two 25mm guns and ADATS missiles but I can't find anything on it.
  16. Jemiba

    Postwar Arsenal de l'aéronautique ("Arsenal") projects

    - The Arsenal 2301 was a modified 1301 with swept wings instead of a delta, an engineless glider. The Arsenal 5501 I don't know
  17. overscan (PaulMM)

    PAH-2: alternatives to and evolution of the Tiger attack helicopter

    Translated from PS: small edit made by Deino as the German name for that helicopter was not "Fleidermaus" but only "Fledermaus" without an "i" meaning "bat" !!
  18. JAZZ

    Eurotrainer: Alphajet Proposals

    Just a couple of drawings showing two jet trainers proposed for the German/French trainer programme. Dassault Bregeut TA-501 VFW-Fokker T-291 They are a bit Scratchy anyone got better?
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    Evolution of the Eurofighter Typhoon: TKF-90, AST 396, AST.403 and more

    1976 BAe projects
  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    Mirage F1 projects

    Aeronavale Plan recommends a naval Mirage F1/M53 to replace the Jaguar M. Source: Air Enthusiast March 1972 M53 engine expected to equip future Mirage F1; final 20 of 105 for Armee De L'Air to have M53, giving top speed of Mach 2.5. J79 engined version expected for export to J79-using...
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