
  1. covert_shores

    SNLE-3G - next gen French SSBN program Expected into service in ~2032. 16 SLBMs, 14,500 tons surfaced.
  2. Michel Van

    French Aerotrain

    During 1960s the French build and tested a Hovercraft Train concept called Aerotrain About concept in english French videos about Aerotrain Battle Aerotrain vs TVG (in french)
  3. R

    140mm smoothbore gun

    In the late 1980s, research started on the new next-generation tank gun. It was quickly determined that it needed to be 140mm calibre. Initially it was to fire the same projectiles as the 120mm gun but at a higher velocity from a similar smoothbore barrel. My question - what was the British...
  4. Deltafan

    France-Germany-Spain Future Combat Air System (FCAS / SCAF / FSAC)

    Hi, As this project (for the replacement of the French Rafale and the German Eurofighter) is different of the Airbus project to replace the German Tornado and the Spanish F-18, I open a new topic :) Well, as the time to replace Rafale and EF is not for tomorrow, this topic may last for...
  5. Jemiba

    Early French Night Vision Devices ?

    Where can I find information about French night vision devices directly after WW II ? When and where such devices were used in the post WWII French armed forces ? From what I've found, most of the early ones used the activ system, so needing an IR light source. But the German Luftwaffe had used...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Jaguar EBRC (Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance et de Combat) [EMBR program] It's supposed to operate alongside the Panhard CRAB and the Griffon...
  7. Triton

    Future Cruise / Anti-Ship Weapon (FC/ASW)

    "France & UK Launch Next-Gen Missile Project with MBDA to Replace Harpoon/Scalp/Exocet by 2030" Published: Tuesday, 28 March 2017 15:21 Source...
  8. Grey Havoc

    Frégate de Taille Intermédiaire (FTI)

    Via CDR Salamander:
  9. A

    French Secret Projects 2: Bombers, Patrol and Assault Aircraft
  10. JFC Fuller

    Original French MASURCA ship program

    I am utterly confused about the original French plans for the deployment of this missile, the wiki page for the Suffren class destroyers states that six ships were originally planned and that this became two batches of three (the second tentative?) then just two ships when the money for the...
  11. M

    European MGCS ( Main Ground Combat System)

    RM released this late last year. MGCS=Main ground combat system= the supposed Leo III MBT.
  12. T

    S.O. 3020

    Bonjour à tous. We known the NC 3021 Belphegor ! but this one was derived from the SO 3020 which was studies in 1942 by "Le groupe de Cannes" I'm not able to find details of this plane ! Who can help me ? All my thanks PAUL
  13. Grey Havoc

    Panhard CRAB [Combat Recce Armored Buggy]
  14. I

    Dassault Mirage MD.800

    Does anybody have information about this plane, maybe AF VG project, or information about Mirage G3,G5,G6, fiction projects or true. Thanks in advance
  15. Michel Van

    French nuclear aircraft Engine ?

    According this Source the french SNECMA work on Nuclear Aircraft engine called "BRENDA" A gas-cooled reactor, using ceramic-clad enriched uranium oxide fuel and would be moderated by beryllium oxide. 1 MWth...
  16. Kiltonge

    Euromissile HOT

    Some interesting snippets of could-have-beens about HOT as I slowly work my way through the COMHART volume on anti-tank weapons 1. Initially the booster motor exhausted through two...
  17. Triton

    Dassault Mirage 2000

    Some Dassault Mirage 2000 goodness from Les Chevaliers du Ciel HD Promo! View: View:
  18. Triton

    Dassault Rafale NEWS ONLY

    "Rafale: Now Drawing Fire At Home" Posted by Robert Wall at 12/8/2011 5:19 AM CST It is certainly Rafale's time in the crosshairs. The French government is adding to the already huge pressure on Dassault to secure an export deal, warning the long-term prospects of the twin-engine fighter...
  19. J

    Verdun French Aircraft Carrier (images)

    I have been looking for some drawings or pictures of the unbuilt Verdun aircraft carrier that the French government ordered at the end of the 1950s, but I've been unable to find any. According to wiki, it would have had size and displacement similar to today's Marine Nationale CDG, albeit with a...
  20. goose

    AMX ELC light tank

    I have just discovered a tank I did not know existed. It is the AMX ELC, a light tank intended for airborne forces. It is very small but well armed, I can not find much information about it. I can't see where the drivers seat is-in the turret? If you know any more then please let me know. I...
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