
  1. I

    GAU-7 : Gun for the F-15

    Has any-one pictures or drawings of the proposed GAU-7 caseless ammo gun for the F-15? I can't find any :'(

    Chinese J-13 Projects

    J-13 develop by SAC(Shenyang Aircraft Corporation) in 70s,This blogger(Rainbow Bear) is the authors of old J-13's CG. Ten years later, he interviewed several designers, re-produced J-13 of the CG, and write an article of the J-13 project. part1...
  3. Triton

    Rockwell Low Cost Fighter

    Model of Rockwell Low Cost Fighter found on eBay. URL: Seller's description:
  4. Triton

    Douglas F5D-1 Skylancer

    Model of Douglas F5D Skylancer manufactured by Allyn found on eBay. Seller's description:
  5. overscan (PaulMM)

    Curtiss XP-55 Ascender canard fighter (Model CW-24) $99? Seems expensive.
  6. T

    Koolhoven FK-55

    Hello folks I'm looking for info of the prototype of the FK-55 fighter. It was developed by the Dutch Koolhoven company at Waalhaven. The engine of this fighter was added behind the cockpit,for better stability it made one flight and flew never again. I hope someone has drawings,pics or other...
  7. OM

    The Zero - Self-Sealing tanks?

    ...According to comments from someone on another forum, the Jap Zero's main weakness was that its fuel tanks were not "self-sealing", and that once hit they leaked profusely. Was this actually the case, and can anyone provide info on just exactly how the self-sealing tanks on Allied planes...
  8. K

    Northrop F-5 and T-38

    Does the length of the F-5 or T-38 include the pitot-static tube on the front or not? KJ Lesnick
  9. archipeppe

    Caproni Ca.183

    I've found out, at, these two drawings about Caproni's fighter project. Sincerely I don't know how much fictional, speculative or based upon real designs they are....
  10. kampfflieger

    Airspeed AS.31

    Airspeed AS.31 aka Airspeed F.35/35. Does anybody know more about it?
  11. Sentinel Chicken

    Mitsubishi X-2 ATD-X Shinshin Demonstrator

    A fellow aviation collector I know in Japan posted this image to our forum and he tells me that it was some sort of full-size RCS test model for a proposed Japanese fighter design. I've never seen anything like this in the press before but it appears to be some sort of F-22-based model with what...
  12. S

    Eurofighter Typhoon

    This is an article about the Eurofighter Typhoon's capabilities in air combat written by ME. The informations contained into this article are based on officially published data! The article is a not a direct comparison vs other aircraft types and the informations contained might not be to 100%...
  13. GTX

    Hughes H-1 Pursuit Variant

    Hi folks, I recently read that Howard Hughes submitted a pursuit plane version of his H-1 racer design to the Army Air Corps and felt confident that after his demonstration of his trans-continental flight the army would be interested because this airplane was definitely faster than any military...
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