
  1. Stargazer

    Beechcraft Raider (tactical missile project, 1985)

    The unbuilt Beechcraft Raider of 1985 was meant as a recoverable tactical UAV for active and passive countermeasures, and was derived from the basic MQM-107 Streaker design. Does anyone know if it was a company-developed project or if it was a reply to some official specification that was later...
  2. overscan (PaulMM)

    Secret Projects: Military Space Technology by Bill Rose

    I must preface this first look review by saying that, while I'm interested in space technology, its not my speciality, so I'm approaching this book from this angle. Bill Rose has put together a well written and nicely illustrated book on various military space projects. Its 192 pages long and...
  3. hesham

    Boeing P-8A Poseidon (737-800EFV) MMA (Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft)

    Hi, A new program for US Navy the MMA (Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft) is now fullfied by Boeing 737-800ERX.
  4. S

    Military Concorde

    Curious to know if Concorde was ever considered in a military role, maybe as a recce aircraft or cruise missile platform? Would this have been feasible?
  5. S

    Lockheed SR-71 / YF-12 Blackbird

    Just wondering if anyone knows what the tested maximum altitude and speed of the A-12/SR71 was? I contacted the USAF recently and they simply stuck to the published figures saying it flew at 85,000ft and could reach Mach 3.3. This doesn't seem to make sense as variants of the F-4, F-104 and...
  6. overscan (PaulMM)

    "Combat Tree" AN/APX-80/81 and QRC-248

    Topic for Combat Tree.
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