early 21st century

  1. G

    The Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than a Tanker

    An enlarged update of Robert Hopkins' 1998 Aerofax book, already a pretty good tome: http://www.amazon.com/Boeing-KC-135-Stratotanker-Robert-Hopkins/dp/1910809012/
  2. XP67_Moonbat

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy

    For any of you fellow Trekkies on here. A great loss indeed. :'( http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/27/arts/television/leonard-nimoy-spock-of-star-trek-dies-at-83.html?ref=arts&_r=2
  3. covert_shores

    Swimmer Delivery Vehicle projects, old and new

    I'm planning to share information on a bunch of unknown SDV/midget submarine/DPV/Canoes etc via my blog (http://www.hisutton.com/) and thought i should also post here for the community. Rather than start fresh threads each time I'll just update this one. And I hope it can also be a general...
  4. Triton

    A Look Back at the Black Hawk

    Published on Oct 30, 2014 BLACK HAWK helicopters continue to be the work horse for the U.S. Army. Forty military and civil organizations around the world use this helicopter or one of its derivative models. View: http://youtu.be/BBk1sTWPKI8
  5. Grey Havoc

    James Webb Space Telescope (Technical Post ONLY !)

    I thought we had a thread for the JWST already, but I couldn't find it. Ah well. Via the Daily Telegraph:
  6. Triton

    Boeing’s Strategy: Holistic, Enduring and Innovating

    "Boeing’s Strategy: Holistic, Enduring and Innovating" By Andrew Drwiega, International Bureau Chief, reporting from St. Louis, Mesa and Seattle August 5, 2014 Source: http://www.aviationtoday.com/the-checklist/Boeings-Strategy-Holistic-Enduring-and-Innovating_82674.html#.U-FHW2PbHhI
  7. bobbymike

    US Military Arctic Strategy

    Pentagon Issues First Arctic Strategy The Pentagon issued its first Arctic strategy, laying out how the US military will work to promote security, stewardship, and international cooperation in the region. "This strategy identifies the department's desired end-state for the Arctic: a secure...
  8. sublight_

    Stuxnet's Secret Twin

    Cyberweapons are definitely here to stay.....
  9. F

    B-52 avionics

    Hello, I am air-enthusiast from Russia. Sorry for my bad English! Probably B-52 is the best strategic aircraft of the XX century. I especially interested in B-52 early variants and I have questions about the oldest "Buff"`s avionics. All the books I had read (Boyne, Davis & Tornborough...
  10. Triton

    Last Luftwaffe Phantom II retired

    Last Lufwaffe McDonnell Douglas Phantom II retired. Source: http://www.aviationweek.com/Blogs.aspx?plckBlogId=Blog:27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7&plckPostId=Blog:27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post:971aa875-bd7a-423e-9c7d-8a3c6e096932
  11. flateric

    Bill Gunston RIP (1927 - 2013) Memorial Topic

    We even have not exact date of birth or pristine photo of him on the web. This happen last weekend. RIP, Sir Thousands, tens thousands became connected with aerospace and got related professions or lifetime obsession with skies because of you. Many aviation journalists and authors started...
  12. A

    India Future Manned Space projects

    Hi, India is engaged in a low-scale manned space effort crowded with many would be items in the wish list. One of them is the MANAV "Manned Space Vehicle". Let's see which information shows up with time… A.
  13. hesham

    Embraer Projects

    Hi, I spoke before about some of Embraer projects,and I want a drawings to EMB-301 basic trainer,which was based on Neiva Universal,and EMB-311 COIN and attack aircraft,based on Caraja.
  14. Triton

    Harpoon missile

    "Harpoon missile meets 40-year milestone" video by Boeing Uploaded: Oct 5, 2011 http://youtu.be/-HSszSESmB0
  15. Grey Havoc

    Good NASA JPL PR vid (MSL [Curiosity])

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki_Af_o9Q9s&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzqdoXwLBT8&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syA7ml64zY4&feature=plcp Not bad for a PR piece.
  16. Grey Havoc

    ‘BLACK SWAN’ Class Sloop-Of-War

    Via HP&CA, a new MOD concept for the Royal Navy: Detailed specs Joint Concept Note 1/12 This concept is probably DOA. Someone should have told the MOD that Transformation and the like is dead and buried. 'Systems not platforms' is what brought about such disasters as the LCS.
  17. JFC Fuller

    Challenger variants

    A Challenger I hull was trialled with the Marconi Marksman anti-aircraft turret (pictures attached) and according to multiple publications a Challenger I hull was also trialled with the Vickers GBT 155mm turret, does anyone have any pictures of this combination? There seems to be a distinct lack...
  18. Michel Van

    To wish B-52 a happy birthday

    man time goes by On April 15, 1952 the Prototype of B-52 rolled out Hangar at Boeing for 60 year B-52 is backbone of USAF strategic Bombing carry nuke during cold war , bomb vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbian back in stone age and NASA NB-52B Launch X-15, D-21, X-38, X-24, M2-F3, HL-10 ...
  19. Stargazer

    Strategic/Theatre/Vertical Configurable Air Transports (S-CAT, T-CAT, V-CAT)

    Since the U.S. Joint Heavy Lift topic has become way too crowded with its 20+ pages, I think it's time to devote individual pages to the more significant projects, such as the S-CAT, T-CAT and V-CAT Configurable Air Transport designs. Images and texts from AFRL's Innovations in Tankers, Air...
  20. Grey Havoc

    JMSDF Takao class Destroyer Escort

    This is an unusual project, especially in light of known JMSDF doctrine. It was apparently conceived around the mid-'90s or there abouts by the JMSDF and the old JDA as a lower cost alternative to the procurement of futher units of the Kongō class (what would eventually become the Atago class)...
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