early 2020s

  1. 2IDSGT

    Iran Launches Monkey Into Space

    http://www.space.com/19490-iran-launches-monkey-into-space-report.html I'd make a joke, but NASA may become a joke pretty soon for all the priority it's given. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljmEkWkT5Qc
  2. A

    Iran manned space capsule program

    Hi, First concept image of Iran's manned space capsule project as unveiled last month by the Iranian Space Agency in Naples, Italy, during the International Astronautical Congress. They had a booth and displayed a poster wherein the capsule image was exhibited. Other 3D CGI images surfaced...
  3. flanker

    T-14 Armata - new gen Russian tank

    First view of it. PS: Possibly not Armata afterall according to bmpd's blog: http://bmpd.livejournal.com/302442.html#cutid1 We will see.
  4. Stargazer

    Northrop Grumman / Scaled Composites Model 355 Firebird

    Keeping in line with his habit of putting out a new aircraft every year or so, Burt Rutan registered two new types in 2010 and 2011. First one is the Scaled Composites LLC Model 355 (N355SX, c/n 001), a fixed wing twin-boom single pusher type certified on 24 Nov 2009 and manufactured in 2010...
  5. Maveric

    Mitsubishi MRJ

    Hi all, also Mitsubishi has projected a new regional jet in two versions MRJ.70 with 70 seats and the MRJ.90 with 96 seats. ( Source: FliegerRevue ) Servus Maveric
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