defense advanced research projects agency

  1. Matej

    Ripsaw UGV

    The Ripsaw Unmanned Ground Vehicle. Military prototype and privately funded DARPA challenger. Super fast (0–50 in 3.5 secs), manoeuvrable, tough. Emergency services, military escort, bomb disposal. Built by the Howe Brothers. $200,000.00 each.
  2. hesham

    Northrop XST

    The Northrop XST;
  3. R

    Long Range Intercept Experiment LORAINE

    This is from Seapower and Space, pg 241, by Norman Friedman. Does anyone have more information on this missile? According to the lexicon hosted on it was originally known as Ballistic Intercept Missile.
  4. flateric

    Secret Stealth VTOL Transport - "Senior Citizen"

    I have found that murky image in one of zillion AFRL ppt presentations, that serves for me a source of very interesting stuff for several years that proves to be real metall knowledge of what the hell X-41 or X-42 would be three or four years ago. "Aeronautics at AFRL" Provided...
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