
  1. Deltafan

    Book on the Dassault Super Mirage 4000.

    Alexis Rocher (aka MIRAGE 4000 on SPF), current editor-in-chief of the French monthly Le fana de l'aviation, informed us a few days ago of the forthcoming release of his book on the Dassault Super Mirage 4000. He also informed us that the book will exist in an English version...
  2. TheKutKu

    WI: Dassault-Aerospatiale Merger in 1997?

    In the second half of the 20th century, successive French governments had repeatedly tried to acquire control of Dassault. Notably, in 1981, following Mitterand's election, the socialist government attempted it, but effective lobbying, fears of disrupting the company's effectiveness and Marcel...
  3. R

    Dassault MD.450 Ouragan, Prototypes, Projects & Variants

    "In September 1947, a series of talks outlining the project took place between Dassault and the Bureau d'Etudes et Plans d'Etat Major. The French government's response to the proposal was positive; however no firm order for the aircraft was placed at this time, necessitating the project to...
  4. S

    Dassault display models

    hello, while doing research on mirage 2000 display model (for a what if revell tigermeet mirage 2000), I found those website showing multiple dassault display model, including prototype http://maquettes-dassault-mee.e-monsite.com/ Display model for the mirage 2000 N, notice the small difference...
  5. Deltafan

    Dassault Albatros

    Hi, from the French magazine Le Fana de l'Aviation for the month of April (free Facebook page of the magazine):

    Aircraft with air intakes like Dassault Rafale's air intakes?

    Hi, Can you suggest projects of aircraft, the shape and the location of the air intakes of which is similar to the shape of Dassault Rafale's air intakes, since I have not found built aircraft with such air intakes, so please contact here (also attach drawings of such aircraft if possible)...
  7. GTX

    Mirage F-O Supersonic Trainer for Australia

    Is anyone able to provide some details on this:
  8. galgot

    Dassault EUROTRAINER (2003-2005)

    Came across this on a modeling site. A modeler did a detailed model out from a bare unpainted Dassault resin (?) display model. The author says he know very little about it apart that it really comes from dassault, was to be called EUROTRAINER and was a 2003-2005 study for a Alphajet...
  9. Triton

    Dassault Mirage 2000

    Some Dassault Mirage 2000 goodness from Les Chevaliers du Ciel HD Promo! View: http://youtu.be/HEe3xfWfkG8 View: http://youtu.be/60XPS66MxmA
  10. Triton

    Dassault Rafale NEWS ONLY

    "Rafale: Now Drawing Fire At Home" Posted by Robert Wall at 12/8/2011 5:19 AM CST It is certainly Rafale's time in the crosshairs. The French government is adding to the already huge pressure on Dassault to secure an export deal, warning the long-term prospects of the twin-engine fighter...
  11. hesham

    Dassault LOGIDUC program

    Hi, http://www.air-attack.com/videos/73/nEUROn-UCAV.html
  12. hesham

    Dassault STAR-H aerospace plane

    Hi, the Dasault company designed the STAR-H aerospace plane in 1990. http://www.flightglobal.com/PDFArchive/View/1990/1990%20-%203366.html
  13. Antonio

    Dassault Super Caravelle

    Received this interesting pic from Scorp: Can anybody post more info about the identity of this design?
  14. Jemiba

    Dassault Etendard Prototypes and Projects

    Only a question, I just came along : There were, planned or actually built, twin seat versions of the Ouragan, the Mystere, Mystere II and IV, the Breguet 1003 Taon and, of course, of the Mirage series, III to 2000, some intended as trainers, others as night/all-weather fighters. But still...
  15. Jemiba

    French ECAT Projects

    Perhaps someone has more infos about the Dassault proposal for the ECAT competition, which was known as the Cavalier (not to be mixed up with the VSTOL design with the same name) and which lost against the Br.121, later Jaguar. It would have been powered by two GE J85 engines and was intended...
  16. A

    Unbuilt & Prototype Mirages 1955-1980

    Nord 5000 Harpon Durandal, Durandal IV and Durandal IVM (naval variant) MS-1000 Breguet 1002
  17. A

    Mirages I - III/5, Prototypes & Projects

    The Mirage III was the result of an evoluting program launched in 1953. At first, it was for lightweight interceptors to reach mach 1.5 with a single AAM. At the time, only 3 publics firms (SNCA N, SE and SO) and some private (Breguet, Dassault and Morane Saulnier) were able to build this kind...
  18. A

    Mirage project and numbers

    Aparently at the beginning the first Mirage were named by number such as I, II, III and the like. If I understand well Mirage I Small interceptor, 2 Viper 930 kgp each Mirage II Bigger interceptor, 2 Gabizo 1500 kgp each Mirage III Final interceptor, 1 Atar 101 4500 kgp Mirage IV More...
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    Mirage F1 projects

    Aeronavale Plan recommends a naval Mirage F1/M53 to replace the Jaguar M. Source: Air Enthusiast March 1972 M53 engine expected to equip future Mirage F1; final 20 of 105 for Armee De L'Air to have M53, giving top speed of Mach 2.5. J79 engined version expected for export to J79-using...
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