DARPA Experimental Aircraft Program to Develop the Next Generation of Vertical Flight February 25, 2013
Higher speeds, increased efficiency, elegant designs are the focus of new VTOL X-Plane
One of the greatest challenges of the past half century for aerodynamics engineers has been how...
Paging Mr. David Mace, Paging Mr. Greg Bear.
Via Slashdot: DARPA wants to dot ocean floor with network of robotic pods that can spy, explore (NETWORKWORLD)
McDonnell Douglas UpSTAGE Anti-Ballistic Missile (funded by DARPA). Successful external combustion propulsion is quite visible in the last (in-flight) photo. I don't believe the Linear Aerospike engine ever achieved this.
An interesting review of DARPA projects (2 volumes), "Transformation and Transition: DARPA’s Role in Fostering an Emerging Revolution in Military Affairs":
Stealth, PGMs, UAVs...
From the site :
DARPA’s Anti-Submarine Warfare game goes live
April 04, 2011
Can you best an enemy submarine commander so he can’t escape into the ocean depths? If you think you can, you are invited to put yourself into the virtual driver’s seat of one of several...
DARPA to develop microscale navigational gyro for guided munitions and hand-held devices
Posted by John Keller
ARLINGTON, Va., 29 April 2010. Navigation and guidance experts at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., are asking industry to develop a...
DARPA wants basically an SUV that flies. They want it to be able to have a 250 mile range on a tank of gas. Since they didn't...
ballistic missile defense
cold war
strategic defence
strategic defense initiative
triad program
united states
united states air force
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