commonwealth of australia

  1. Hood

    Australian AOE Replenishment Ship HMAS Protector

    In my university library I came across a pamphlet about the Australian shipbuilding industry and came across the following interesting plan for an AOE replenishment ship. HMAS Protector was cancelled in August 1973 after some work had begun. She would have been powered by four Rushton and...
  2. Tzoli

    The Cockatoo Heavy Cruiser

    From the page 80 of the book: Cockatoo Island: Sydney's Historic Dockyard: These cruisers are designed by Cockatoo Island naval Dockyards in 1924 and Vickers in 1929. They resemble a...
  3. Triton

    Hobart-class AWD (Air Warfare Destroyer)

    Published on Jun 14, 2013 A computer-generated animation has been released today which highlights the multi-mission capability of the three naval destroyers being built as part of the Air Warfare Destroyer Project. AWD Alliance CEO Rod Equid said the animation will increase understanding of the...
  4. GTX

    GAF Jindivik

    Brochure, thanks of "bertielissie" on AMI:
  5. R

    Protean by Y-ARD (Australia)

    :) Very interesting article from Navy International April 1975 regarding a convertible warship design. Does anyone have access to further information, perhaps a larger and clearer drawing as per page 23 or 25? Enjoy and I look forward to any replies.
  6. Stargazer

    Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton (BAMS)

    The Navy MQ-4C Triton is designed to provide the Navy with an advanced autonomous air vehicle and state of the art service-oriented architecture mission control system that will enable it to provide persistent maritime Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) directly to the maritime...
  7. Michel Van

    Darwin Launch Site in Australia

    During ELDO Europa 2 project, it became clear that Woomera launch site was not able to launch payload with Europa 2 to GEO One Proposal was to build (or move) a Launch site near of the equator, at Darwin in Northern Territory. But the French had...
  8. robunos

    Edgar Percival Jet designs

    I came across an article in the september 1984 edition of 'Aeroplane Monthly', about Edgar Percival, who had died earlier that year. In the article I found this :- "In 1962 he [Edgar Percival] designed the Percival Gull Jet, a 12-place jet-engined executive aircraft with a cruising speed of...
  9. P

    ‘Australian Project Waler APC’ Take Two!

    G'day gents I have been reading a book 'On Weapons Decisions: How Australia Chooses to Arm Itself (1963-1996)' by John Bruni (again!) Under Part 2, Chapter 5 Patterms of Procurement 1983-1992, it talks about the early 1980's plans to replace the Australian Army's M113A1 APC fleet with an...
  10. Petrus

    Australian Landing Ship Medium Mk. II

    At there is an article on an abortive Australian landing ship project. It says nothing however about the dimensions etc. of the ship as well as it contains no images. Does anyone here know more on this project? Any info, esp. regarding the...
  11. C

    Gordon Close-Support Weapon System

    Gordon CSWS Assault Shotgun: Battle Rifle/LSW: SMG: Assault Rifle: Machine Shotgun: Source:
  12. Triton

    Australia SEA 4000 Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD)

    Profile and characteristics of the Gibbs & Cox SEA 4000 Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) Evolved Design Option from 2006. This design was a variant of the Gibbs & Cox designed Arleigh Burke-class DDG. The names Hobart, Brisbane, and Sydney were announced by the Australian Minister for Defence on...
  13. Triton

    Royal Australian Navy (RAN) DDL project (1966-72)

    Artist's impression of Royal Australian Navy (RAN) light destroyer (DDL) project from 1966 to 1972. Source: For more information. URL:
  14. S

    Blue Streak (OR.1139) development

    Mystery UK Missile? Document referring to 1955 talk/discussions in Australia in which it was suggested that a total of twenty-five rounds be allocated as backup and practice rounds to support seven nuclear tipped hard site (silo based) operational missiles to be deployed by the Australians...
  15. Abraham Gubler

    Unbuilt Kockums Submarines: Early Type 471 (Collins Class) Proposals

    The IKL/HDW T.2000 was rated the highest on the initial tender submission but it would be wrong to say it was more developed than the winning Kockums T.471. For example the T.2000 would have needed more modification to carry the US technology Rockwell combat system than the T.471. The T.471 also...
  16. Abraham Gubler

    Sentinel ACIV

    And the Australian Sentinel ACIV tank with 17 pounder had a turret ring of 70” (1,778mm).
  17. hesham

    Australian Aircraft Consortium A.10 and A.20 basic trainer aircraft

  18. Triton

    Non-monohull forms (SWATH, catamarans, tri-marans)

    Many years ago I read about SWATH being the ideal hull form for future naval ships because of their superior seakeeping ability to monohulls. There stability made them ideal for carriers according to an article I read in Proceedings of the American Naval Institute. We breifly saw concept art...
  19. boxkite

    GAF "Bellata"

    The Australian Government Aircraft Factories proposed a ground attack version of the "Nomad" STOL transport called "Bellata". I would like to see an artist's impression or three-view drawing of this project - who can help?
  20. A

    CAC Postwar Projects

    About 10 years ago Air Enthusiast published an article on CAC projects. One was, if memory serves, the XP 65 Warrior, a stainless steel supersonic fighter bomber. AE reproduced a small scale picture but very little information. Does anyone have further information or pictures on Commonwealth...
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