It is unclear if they are being leased out to the RAAF or another government agency, though on reflection, the wording makes it seem more like the company itself will providing ISR coverage under contract/s?:
So let's assume that Indonesian socialist leader Sukarno was more competent in terms of economic (or at least listened to better advisor) and managed to avoid the economy crisis that led to his downfall in OTL 1966. He remained relatively popular and in power; Indonesia remained socialistic and...
alternate history
angkatan laut republik indonesia
angkatan udara republik indonesia
australian army
cold war
indian ocean
indonesian air force
indonesian army
indonesian navy
late 1960s
nuclear powered vessels
pacific ocean
republic of indonesia
royal australian air force
royal australian navy
soviet union
tentara republik indonesia - angkatan darat
Admin suggestion: if there is an appropriate existing thread, please combine.
The RAN has had a very spotty track record after 1945 with regards to actually landing forces on any of the islands in its neighborhood outside of existing port facilities.
This first post is to establish what...
alternate history
amphibious warfare vessel
australian army
british commonwealth
cold war
pacific ocean
post-world war ii
royal australian engineers
royal australian navy
vietnam war
Pretty serious situation even though Govt says no issue.
A comment in another thread abut how Australia should have transferred RAN A4s to the RAAF instead of selling them to New Zealand reminded me of a bunch of other Australian decisions.
Meteor for Korean War service when we were building Nene-Vampires.
Authorising 30 F104s in early 57, cancelling...
alternate history
anti-submarine warfare
close air support
cold war
electronic warfare
royal australian air force
royal australian navy
strategic bomber
strategic reconnaissance
aerospace industry
cold war
douglas aircraft company
early 21st century
late 20th century
mcdonnell douglas
post-cold war
united states
20th century
air new zealand
ansett airlines ofaustralia
ansett airways
ansett transport industries
british commonwealth
british empire
civil aviation
cold war
early 21st century
interwar period
late 1930s
new zealand
pacific ocean theater
post-cold war
sir reginald myles ansett kbe
united states army air forces
world war ii
(Last post extract was from July 2013)
It seems that SEA 1180 was later reactivated in 2015, with a contract awarded to Luerssen Australia and Civmec Limited in 2018, but things are apparently not going well at all...
arafura-class offshore patrol vessel
asc shipbuilding
australian department of defence
civmec limited
cold war ii
early 2020s
early 21st century
late 2000s
luerssen australia
naval vessels lürssen
offshore patrol combatant
offshore patrol craft
offshore patrol vessel
post-cold war
royal australian navy
sea 1180 phase 1
war on terror
ardr 16 / 0054
australian army
australian department of defence
british commonwealth
cold war ii
defence science and technology group (australia)
land division (dstg)
late 2010s
unmanned aerial vehicle
unmanned ground vehicle
Ok, WTF? is all I can say about this brain fart of an idea!
Is Australian Defence really so desperate for enticing recruits for it's headlong war against China to come up with such a pathetic metaphoric carrot, and is Thales so desperate for sales of their product?
Seriously, the last thing the...
I am reading an article on the LW/AW radar set designed in Australia. It states the first production unit went into full operation at Tufi in November 1942.
When I google Tufi airfield, all I find is this web page, which claims it was built in the 1960s...
australian new guinea administrative unit
british commonwealthcommonwealthofaustralia
new guinea campaign
new guinea force
oro province
pacific ocean theater
royal australian air force
territory of papua
united states navy
world war ii
austal limited
cold war ii
fijian navy
guardian-class patrol boat
pacific maritime security program
pacific patrol boat replacement program
republic of fiji
republic of fiji military forces
In late 1956-early 1957 the RAAF received Cabinet approval to acquire 30 F104A to equip a single sqn, this was announced publicly, but in mid 1957 this order (or approval) was cancelled and instead the RAAF ordered 40 Australian built CAC Avon Sabres. It is important to note that this order, if...
cold war ii
enhanced lethality surface combatant fleet
royal australian navy
sea 3000
tier 2 general purpose frigate (ran)
In July 1940 the hounded British government warns the Australians of an imminent embargo of any aviation materials.
On 10 December 1941 the capital ships of the Royal Navy H.M.S. Prince of Wales and H.M.S. Repulse are sunk by Japanese airplanes. On 21 December of the same month, the firm...
british commonwealth
british empire
commonwealth aircraft corporation
curtiss-wright corporation
general electric
pacific ocean theater
post-world war ii
pratt & whitney
royal australian air force
world war ii
wright aeronautical corporation
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