cold war ii

  1. GTX

    NOMADS Armored Short Range Air Defense System
  2. uk 75

    Alternatives to NATO

    The time has come for Europeans to look into the abyss. (US Friends forgive this, but we in Europe have to plan for whatever you decide. We know its your call not ours) In the next year or so the US may decide to withdraw from NATO. Since only France has nuclear weapons which do not depend on US...
  3. Grey Havoc

    E=MCM (European Extended Mine Counter Measures) program
  4. GTX

    Leclerc Tank Developments

    Couldn't find a dedicated thread so here goes.
  5. GTX

    Fiji takes delivery of patrol boat
  6. Forest Green

    New China rules allow detention of foreigners in South China Sea

  7. GTX

    BAE Systems Bofors TRIDON Mk2 ground-based air defense system

    BAE Systems to unveil new air defense system at Eurosatory
  8. uk 75

    Failed Deterrence

    The Cold War in retrospect seems almost an oasis of reasonable behaviour. From 1945 to 1991 the US and Soviet Union only ratcheted up deliberately to threaten nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and the October 1973 Arab Israel war. There were other occasions (notably Able...
  9. M

    European "FAMOUS" concept armoured vehicle project.
  10. GTX

    Australian general purpose frigate program
  11. E

    DARPA is making Nikola Tesla’s dream of wireless energy a reality
  12. Arjen

    GPS location and mapping errors compared to the real world

    Found on Anastasia Bizyayeva's More at the link.
  13. Grey Havoc

    Ethiopian Navy (, registration or subscription may be required)
  14. uk 75

    1984 vs 2024 how bad are things?

    Back in 1984 the Reagan administration had faced up to the Soviet threat and produced a report for the public called "Soviet Military Power" which set out the Soviet arsenal and the US forces lined up against it. In 2024 the Biden administration has produced nothing similar setting out the...
  15. Grey Havoc

    Iranian President missing, feared dead, in helicopter crash
  16. F.L.

    New Chinese drone carrier.

    It seems that China has built a drone carrier !
  17. snne

    Malaysian Naval Acquisitions

    I couldn't find a relevant thread and it seemed like we needed one, so here we go. View:
  18. GTX

    Japanese Extra-large unmanned underwater vehicle (XLUUV)
  19. L

    Captured western armoured vehicles displayed in Russia

    Thought would be of interest to have a topic on this subject, rather than keep spreading such stuff in various threads. Among the big ticket items are Leopard, possibly Abrams tanks, Bradley IFV, and a variety of other stuff. Feel free to add anything else of interest that was/is/will be shown...
  20. A

    Sierra Nevada Survivable Airborne Operations Center - E-4B replacement

    I don’t think anyone was too aware of this until news that Boeing was eliminated from the competition,( so who will make this next “doomsday” plane? Northrop Grumman building...
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