close air support

  1. Grey Havoc

    AIRLAND BATTLE 2000 (1982)
  2. topspeed3

    Diemert's Defender

    What a guy !
  3. fightingirish

    CIA Aircraft Projects

    This topic for built and unbuilt aircraft projects for the CIA, which are no longer in service. Video: View: Video: View: Video: View: Wikipedia -...
  4. I

    GAU-7 : Gun for the F-15

    Has any-one pictures or drawings of the proposed GAU-7 caseless ammo gun for the F-15? I can't find any :'(
  5. M

    European CAS/Attack common aircraft?

    European contries has make interesting lost projets in bombers and fighter aircrafts, read Tornado, Jagar, EFA, Harrier, and others, but, has been some pass or future especialized CAS/Ground Attack aircraft project? The Jaguar, Harrier and Spanish HA-500 are the only planes I remember at this time
  6. F

    Lockheed C-5A Galaxy Variants ans Proposals

    does anyone have any three views and cross sections views of the C-5
  7. GTX

    Bell Model 207 Sioux Scout

    Folks, Does anyone have a 3-view drawing of the Bell Model 207 Sioux Scout (see below)? regards, Greg
  8. Triton

    Convair Model 49 Advanced Aerial Fire Support System

    Convair submitted the Model 49 as its proposal for the Advanced Aerial Fire Support System (AAFSS) competition. From Modeling Madness: Sources:
  9. hesham

    British AST-412 light aircraft

    Hi, the RAF selected the Caproni C.22J for the military Specification as light trainer aircraft,the Caproni also planed to develope a single seat version as recce and light attack models and single seat anti-helicopter version armedwith Shorts air-to-air Blowpipe missiles...
  10. hesham

    Dornier LSK (Leichtes Schwebefähiges Kampfflugzeug) (Lightweight Hoverable Fighter) (1972)

    Hi, the Dornier sutdied in 1972 to develope an aircraft which was based on or looks like the SAAB-37 Viggen,and also designed a very beautiful lightweight V/STOL fighter,I never heard about them before.
  11. archipeppe

    FIAT G91R to U.S. ARMY??

    FIAT G91 was one of the most succesful Italian aeronautical products of '60s. A lot of the were produced and utilized at least by AMI, Luftwaffe and Portoguese Air Force. FIAT G91 was a close support light STOL fighter-bomber, with some recce capabilities despite its not optimal flight...
  12. Jemiba

    Martin "Mighty Midget" close support aircraft (1954)

    Martin proposed an interesting concept for close air suport in 1952. The twin engined jet aircraft was designed for simplicity, short field performance, low vulnerabilty, high maneuverability and provision for a wide variety of different weapons, including side firing guns, as later introduced...
  13. hesham

    Lockheed C-130 Hercules Prototypes, Variants & Projects

    Hi, The Lockheed had old project called C-130J,it was developed from C-130E with increase aileron and rudder chords,wider u/c track,improved braking system and additional armoured protection; do you have a drawing to it ?,(of course I know there was a new project to lockheed in 1996 called...
  14. hesham

    Northrop F-5G / F-20 Tigershark

    Hi, In 1985 the Northrop designed a new project called F-5S (by that time),it was proposed as a version of F-5G (F-20) for Sweden, with 30 percent larger wing,do you know it ?.
  15. TsrJoe

    Folland Gnat - Development & Derivatives

    DELETED POST (please remove from the thread)
  16. overscan (PaulMM)

    Fairchild FX fighter project (rival to the McDonnell-Douglas F-15)

    Fairchild F-15 (model number unknown) Early VG configuration Final submission- fixed wing
  17. P

    ‘Retractable Skidded’ AH-1 Cobra

    ‘Retractable Skidded’ AH-1 Cobra When Bell first came up with the efficient and versatile Bell AH-1 Cobra combat helicopter design, it originally went one step further by incorporating a retractable skid arrangement. This arrangement featured the skid’s retracting into the narrow fuselage. I...
  18. Skybolt

    Fairchild-Republic NGCAS

    Late in the Seventies, Fairchild-Republic studied a Next Generation Close Air Support aircraft. It would have been a two-seater, have a night-adverse weather capability, made with large use of composites and probably (judging from the design) sport a moderate supersonic speed. Weapons: GAU-8A...
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    The AX Competition (rivals and development of the Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II)

    OK, lets go back to the AX competition and the original bids submitted. Cessna's submission Source: A-37 in Action, Squadron-Signal
  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    Saab B3LA trainer/light strike aircraft

    Estimated specs from Flight International, 7 October 1978 Length: 41ft Span: 33ft Wing gross area: 240 sq ft Empty Weight: 8,800lb Internal Fuel weight: 3,300lb Clean takeoff weight: 12,500lb Maximum payload: 6,600lb Max takeoff weight: 19,000lb Max wing loading: 79lb/sq ft Powerplant: 1 x...
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