
  1. flateric

    Belka&Strelka - 50!

  2. magnus_z

    Soviet space art (1963)
  3. XP67_Moonbat

    Salyut-Skylab Space Station

    Check it out! Moonbat
  4. Triton

    Soviet Lunar Expeditionary Complex

    Can anyone recommend a good English source for information concerning Valentin Glusko's Lunar Expeditionary Complex beyond the Russian Space Web site and Astronautix, either books or websites? Does anyone have concept art they would be willing to share? I have been on the Buran web site. It's...
  5. Triton

    Soviet N1 rocket

    I have read conflicting information concerning the Soviet N1 rocket. Some sources say that the 30 engine design of the first stage was fatally flawed and the complex piping was damaged during rail transport to Baikonur. But then another source says that Nikolai Kuznetsov continued to work to...
  6. boxkite

    Chelomey / NPO Mashinostroyeniya LKS

    Maybe Chelomei’s space interceptor ... ?
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