
  1. Apophenia

    Esquimalt Ant-Tank Rifle Trainer

    Rifles Anti-Tank (Training Pattern) This is esoteric but I'm looking for more information about an anti-tank training weapon created at Esquimalt, British Columbia in 1941-42. This training device was created by modifying a service rifle to mimic the shape of a Canadian-made Rifle, Anti-Tank...
  2. T

    Canadian Space Division (Force)

    Canada will have its own Space force in 2022:
  3. D

    Venezuelan Proposed Procurements (US State Cables)

    Grumman were apparently quite keen to sell the A-6E Intruder to Venezuela:
  4. S

    APCs before the end of WW2.

    The M3 Halftrack and the Sdkfz 251 are the most well known ones, but did the other major powers have APCs? What about WW1?
  5. helmutkohl

    Sikorsky CH-148 Thread

    Didn't really see a thread on this so here we go! I guess its not so popular because only Canada operates it.. but why they chose this instead of more Merlins is beyond me... 82% grounded due to cracks :eek...
  6. Grey Havoc

    French and other proposals for Canadian nuclear icebreaker (Polar 10) project, late 1970s / early 1980s

    Does anyone have any information on the French design at least? The program was a precursor to the equally ill-fated (non-nuclear) Polar 8 icebreaker program of the 1980s. The only hard info I have on the French proposal at the moment is that the reactor was a CAS (Advanced Series Boiler)...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Cosmos 954

    View: View: View:
  8. Grey Havoc

  9. Grey Havoc

    Tank AA, 20 mm Quad, Skink

  10. Grey Havoc

    Canadian Surface Combatant Related thread:
  11. tequilashooter

    Antarctic/Arctic Rush

    Surprised that this wasn't being discussed or have its own thread but it regards militarization, icebreaker projects, living in cold conditions, transporting fuel, possibly another area of conflict later. Examples of starting off thread to get the general idea...
  12. A

    RCA Astra-1 - the (mostly unknown) CF-105 Arrow radar

    I checked, no thread for this one. It was developed by RCA between early 1956 and september 1958 when it was canned. Before and after these dates, ( sigh...) the prefered option was the MX-1179 / MA-1. While the Sparrow II missile is well known, Astra 1 remains kind of mystery. It has been...
  13. F

    Multipurpose Orenda OT-4 gas turbine

    In early 1960, Orenda Engines, a division of Avro Canada, began to develop a gas turbine to meet a U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships specification for the development of engines for a new type of minesweeper. The Canadian company and two American companies, including Ford Motor, received development...
  14. M

    Saracen in Canada?

    Check out this interesting photo: It purports to be the world's first mortar-locating radar, apparently a Canadian invention and produced at CAL's purpose-built plant in Scarborough (now row houses...
  15. J

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Interceptor version)

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Interceptor version)
  16. J

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Tactical bomber version)

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Tactical bomber version)
  17. J

    A.V. Canada Project Y-2 (Patent May 9, 1955)

    A.V. Canada Project Y-2 (Patent May 9, 1955)
  18. uk 75

    Canada buys the A-4 Skyhawk

    Did Canada ever consider the A4 Skyhawk for its carrier aviation and Norway reinforcement role (instead of F5)? Would have been able to operate with USN/USMC.
  19. R

    What if all three Canadian Services bought Sikorsky S-61 in 1963?

    OTL in 1963, the Royal Canadian Navy received their first Sikorsky CH-124 Sea King Helicopters. They flew from Canadian ships for more than 50 years. I greased and refuelled Sea Kings on the flight decks of HMCS Athabaskan and HMCS Iroquois. I also washed innumerable GE-T58-8F engines...
  20. Michel Van

    SKYRORA - UK return to Space - This time it's Private

    SKYRORA is new British/Ukraine Company for Small Satellite launcher Based in Edinburgh, Scottland. They continue were Black Arrow was Stop, using rocket power on Kerosine/HTP to launch Small Satellite. For moment they have 3 models Skyrora Nano II a small sounding rocket with 10kg Payload...
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