
  1. flateric

    US & German Harassment Drone / LOCUST / DAR Designs

  2. M

    European MGCS ( Main Ground Combat System)

    RM released this late last year. MGCS=Main ground combat system= the supposed Leo III MBT.
  3. Grey Havoc

    Taktisches Luft-Verteidigungs-System (Tactical Air Defense System) [TLVS] 1980s

    The primary contractors on this late 1980s program were MBB, AEG and Siemens. Unfortunately it fell prey to the post-Cold War peace dividend, being cancelled in favour of what originally had been a stopgap program as far as Germany was concerned, the US led Advanced Tactical PATRIOT, later to...
  4. uk 75

    Re-arming the Bundeswehr: Which Projects?

    Just a thought that occurred. The German Armed Forces have been massively downsized since the end of the Cold War. Assuming a decision were taken to re-arm to meet current threats what projects would be back on the table? Or what stuff would you like to see?
  5. eshelon

    Gefechtspanzer Puma.

    Found today ;D
  6. Jemiba

    IFV Marder 1A3 Mod - Systronic Demonstrator

    Seen today on the open house of the German Ministry for Defense, the Marder 1A3 Mod is used as the so-called "Systronic Demonstrator". Basically the same vehicle as the Marder 1A3, it is fitted with a drive-by-wire system, usable from three stations inside, a remotely controlled weapons turret...
  7. M

    Unknown Leopard 2 or SP-70 tank chassis

    Hi everybody Here a unknown Leopard 2 ? or SP-70 ? tank chassis with 8 roadwheels . The website says it was a prototype for a bridgelayer. http://www.hartziel.de/index.htm?/_typen/vt_bruecke.htm www.hartziel.de/senne/seite3.htm http://www.preservedtanks.com/Types.aspx?TypeCategoryId=950 Maybe...
  8. Grey Havoc

    Global Hawk problems

    Testers Find Limitations For Global Hawk Jun 6, 2011 By Amy Butler U.S. Air Force testers say the Global Hawk Block 20/30 unmanned aerial system (UAS) is unable to completely and reliably perform the high-altitude imagery and signals intelligence collection missions for which it is...
  9. M

    German postwar 4x4 projects Transportpanzer-2, Spähpanzer-3 and ATAK

    Hi everybody Anybody knows more about the german postwar 4x4 projects Transportpanzer-2 , Spähpanzer-3 and ATAK. Maybe anybody knows pictures of these vehicles ? Here the prototype of the ATAK (P3 from EWK) http://strangernn.livejournal.com/295605.html Here infos about the ATAK from EWK...
  10. Antonio

    MBB projects

    Found that profiles at my old mags. (Aviation & Marine International Sept. 1979) The quality is awful (it can hurt your eyes) as it was a second hand magazine and I had no choice to get a better copy. Could any of our German members post decent drawings and brief data of the Bo 125? And can...
  11. S

    German Navalized ROLAND-II SAM system

    In the early to mid 1970's the German navy was experimenting with the navalization of both the Gepard SPAA gun system and the ROLAND-II surface to air missile system. I was wondering does anyone know if these systems were ever tested successfully and ever used? I remember seeing them in a old...
  12. Triton

    Heckler & Koch G11

    The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch...
  13. Abraham Gubler

    Kampfwagen 90 - Marder 2

    Developed as the first of the West German Army KW 90 vehicles in the 1980s (the others being the PZH 2000 and a new tank) was the Krauss Maffei Marder 2. The design won a competition in 1988 and two prototypes were built. German Army requirements published in 1984 were: Same mobility as Leopard...
  14. P

    Rapier SAM / Marder MICV Combination Project

    I found this proposal for a British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) Rapier SAM system incorporated into a West German Marder MICV chassis, in a copy of a 1972-73 Jane’s Weapon Systems, which I purchased the other day in a second hand book shop. This Rapier/Marder project looks a very thorough thought...
  15. airman

    Weser Tilt Rotor Designs

    Than the "Weser-Flugzeugbau GmbH" was active also after wwii ! :o :o
  16. Jemiba

    German HS 30 Prototypes, Derivatives and Projects

    Probably no need to post more infos about this HS30 derivative, just 3 additional photos of the Kanonen-Jagdpanzer and another use of the 90mm gun in the prototype of the "Spähpanzer mit Turm und 90mm Kanone" (Recce tank with turreted 90mm gun) (all photos from Werner Oswald "Kraftfahrzeuge und...
  17. Abraham Gubler

    APE Amphibious Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle

    The following information has been copied from Jane’s Light Tanks and Armoured Cars 1984 by Christopher F. Foss. It is posted here for educational purposes: APE Amphibious Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle Development In the early 1960s EWK (Eisenwerke Kaiserslautern Göppner GmbH) developed a...
  18. uk 75

    Red Star White Star 1975 Whatif orbat

    Many years ago in the 70s I bought a boardgame called Red Star White Star about a hypothetical mid-70s war between US/West German units and Russian forces. The counters had neat silhouettes of M60s and Sheridans for the US and Leopards for the Germans. Seeing the thread on MBT 70 reminded me...
  19. RyanC

    DIVAD Proposals

    Sperry's Proposal for the DIVAD system: Was based off their earlier T37 VIGILANTE AA Gun, but rechambered in 35mm NATO instead of 37mm. ------ General Electric's Proposal for the DIVAD system: Utilizing their GAU-8A AVENGER cannon system.
  20. hesham

    Heinkel He 212 / VFW VC-400 tandem tiltwing

    My dear Jemiba, Did you hear about the Heinkel He 212 army reconnaissance tilt propeller aircraft project ? thanks in advance.
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