
  1. A

    Bo-105 weapons

    I've been looking for some trialled weapons on the bo-105 helicopter and I just can't seem to find any images of the stinger pods mounted on the chopper. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Grey Havoc

    PZ 87-140

    View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/185cohm/the_panzer_87100/ https://fighting-vehicles.com/tanks/pz-87-leopard-2/ Note: The KWS (Kampfwertsteigerung) III program, also referred to as KWS Stage III, was formally cancelled in 1995. Somehow I wouldn't be surprised if both the...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Swiss army Type 68 tank simulator (1970s/1980s)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcQifPHcMLE https://www.festungsmuseum.ch/fasip/ (In German) https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/articles/tank-driving-simulator
  4. Grey Havoc

    European Long-Range Strike Approach

  5. R

    WI West Germany buys British?

    The fledgling Lufftwaffe and Marineflieger appeared to be interesting in buying British in their earliest days. Of course this was the worst possible time to deal with the British, so every effort fell over. Wiki referencing Wood. The German Defence Ministry first expressed interest in the...
  6. RavenOne

    Bundeswehr orders 82 x Airbus Helicopters H145M

    largest order to date https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2023-12-airbus-helicopters-and-german-armed-forces-sign-largest-h145m cheers
  7. G

    Postwar German Experimental tanks

    Hi all. I'm looking for information about unsold tanks from Germany from the 50s to the 70s (maybe some MBTs, interesting versions of the Europanzer program tanks or prototypes of the Leopard 1?) If you know interesting vehicles from this period, please send them here!!! Thanks in advance!!!
  8. K

    Char AMХ-30 with Garrett GT601 gas-turbine engine

    There is information that in the 80s the Garrett GT601 gas turbine was tested on the AMX 30 tank. Does anyone have any more information about this vehicle or any pictures?
  9. Voltzz

    Flakpanzer Gepard upgrades

    Im looking for the upgrade proposals made for the Gepard SPAAG either before it was phased out in Bundeswehr service in 2012 or for the various export attempts (Chile, Saudi Arabia...). Sadly i dont have access to a good book on the Gepards history, so my contribution will be mostly limited to...
  10. Voltzz

    MBB Anti-Armour Projects

    I just found a very interesting picture on wikipedia, and i dont know where else to post it. All information i have for now is from wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt. i found it on the LRAC F1 article so maybe it was an alternative proposal for that program. In the image the rocket...
  11. Voltzz

    late cold war german mine warfare projects

    i just found a pdf in Hungarian with information on two Bundeswehr mine warfare projects. Google translate is mediocre and the images are atrocious, but they seem to be the Skorpion mine laying system mounted on a Bv206 and the area defense mine "TARANTEL" build by Dynamit Nobel. i had never...
  12. N

    Diehl IRIS-T SL

    Defence Updates has a new video out about the first IRIS-T unit delivered to Ukraine:
  13. Grey Havoc

    Rheinmetall Autonomous Combat Warrior

    View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/xzln4a/german_manufacturer_rheinmetalls_autonomous/
  14. Michel Van

    British German 1970 Future Main Battle Tank

    This about British German join Venture in 1972 on Future Main Battle Tank for 1980s View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYMPjN3ubzc View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJi3b2ojwHg View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z53bG3ANCHw View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwHrocEOCiI
  15. C

    German-French MBT-90

    So I have been looking at various late cold war tank projects (abrams block 3, Panzerkampfwagen 2000 ect) and one thing that keeps popping up but which i can not find any information about is the mbt-90 program, aperintly Germany figured 3ed times a charm (after mbt-70 with the US and mbt-80...
  16. M

    POLARIS Spaceplanes SSTO

    More in German. https://www.flugrevue.de/militaer/auftrag-an-polaris-raumflugzeug-demonstrator-fuer-die-bundeswehr/
  17. M

    The German Wiesel AWC replacement project, the airborne weapon carrier (GSD LuWa)

    Translated form German. https://soldat-und-technik.de/2021/07/bewaffnung/27778/luftbeweglicher-waffentraeger-luwa-gesamtsystemdemonstrator-vorgestellt/ CGI of the demonstrator.
  18. M

    MBDA Germany JFS-M (Joint Fire Support Missile)

    Google translation https://soldat-und-technik.de/2021/06/bewaffnung/27341/mbda-praesentiert-neue-details-zum-enforcer-und-der-joint-fire-support-missile/
  19. Grey Havoc

    Waffenträger Wiesel 1 development

    One of Porsche KG's (from 1972 onwards Porsche AG) interesting Cold War military projects. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRb3o5OJsHo
  20. hannesjo

    Unbekannte Panzerstudie

    Hello dear tank friends :) Here I show an unknown tank concept that dates back to the 70s! There are no details available, just the contour! Its in 1:10 scale Greetings from Frielendorf Germany
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