british commonwealth

  1. Grey Havoc

    Last known Battle of Britain fighter pilot passes away
  2. Grey Havoc

    Irish Naval Service / Irish Navy

  3. BlackBat242

    Alternate post-WW2 RAN amphibious fleet

    Admin suggestion: if there is an appropriate existing thread, please combine. The RAN has had a very spotty track record after 1945 with regards to actually landing forces on any of the islands in its neighborhood outside of existing port facilities. This first post is to establish what...
  4. R

    Different British nuclear reactors?

    I keep bumping into this from different angles, its technically very interesting to me so I'll ask the question here and see what happens. In the late 50s Britain was looking for a more commercially oriented nuclear power reactor type to follow on from it's operationally successful but not very...
  5. Grey Havoc

    Ansett Australia

  6. GTX

    Royal New Zealand Navy loses a ship
  7. Grey Havoc

    Automated and Autonomous Systems for Combat Service Support: Scoping Study and Technology Prioritisation
  8. P

    Spitfire alternative history: what happens if everything "goes to plan"?

    As any deeply invested Spitfire fan knows, the intended major developments never eventuated and the history of the Spitfire was one of interim variants that did very well. The dead ends are as follows: SPITFIRE III: Merlin 20 development with four cannon and major airframe revisions; abandoned...
  9. VictorXL188

    Short Long Range Empire flying boat

    I'm posting this in the post war section, but it is possible, given it's title that it may be a interwar project. I came across this proposal from Short Bros for an eight-engined long range flying boat. I have checked throughout the site but without any luck. Wonder if anyone can fill in the...
  10. blockhaj

    Lieutenant Norman Samuels' "super-heavy tank"

    So a dude on the War Thunder forums, "Whelmy", found some docs on this Canadian "super heavy tank" a number of years back, designed by a Canadian dude named (lieutenant) Norman Samuels. Unfortunately i only saved one of the documents from his posts, but he did publish a number of them back in...
  11. Pirate Pete

    Different thought process for Post WW2 British Navy

    I an sure I will call down a whole host of ‘trouble’ on my head for raising this, but, Here we go… We all know that the Royal Navy post WW2 was in an invidious position regards available finance and the shifting sands of changing priorities. One thing I think was the (in retrospect at least)...
  12. Schneiderman

    Library and Archives Canada

    If anyone is seeking copies of Air Ministry Specifications from the inter-war years and finds it tricky to find them in the National Archives and costly to order, then I thoroughly recommend looking to the Library and Archives Canada...
  13. R

    Pinnacle of Piston fighter: Last US piston fighters vs Spiteful Mk XVI?

    Due to the jet age, various super props never go to production despite their high performance. Among those, it can be said that XP-72 and Spiteful F.16 were the most high capable design. So let say if these prototype got to production stage, which would be the ultimate piston fighter? XP-72...
  14. M

    Tufi airfield in New Guinea?

    I am reading an article on the LW/AW radar set designed in Australia. It states the first production unit went into full operation at Tufi in November 1942. When I google Tufi airfield, all I find is this web page, which claims it was built in the 1960s...
  15. Grey Havoc

    The Met Office in WW1
  16. S

    British hybrid battleships: projects and proposals

    the richelieu hybrid: (in french)
  17. uk 75

    Royal Space Force

    Apart from on the pages of Eagle comic there is no such thing as the Royal Space Force. 1957 ;saw not just the infamous Sandys White Paper but also the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. PM Macmillan and Defence Secretary Sandys realise how vulnerable this makes the West and Britain in...
  18. R

    British 'virtuous circle' 1957 onwards?

    There have been several discussions about the British aircraft of the 60s since I started here a few weeks ago, apparently it's a never ending topic. They appear to start out technically and end financially and politically in a viscous circle of failure. In the process some interesting and...
  19. Gentleman’s Astronautics

    Man in space

    Hey fellas, I'm (planning) on making a video game, set in the late 1950s, where Britain, the USSR and the USA each have their own space programmes, the US having Von Brauns ferry rocket and space lift ops, and the Brits having the BIS', now formed as the British Interplanetary Commission...
  20. P

    Nemesis MBT development

    I can't find any thread on here regarding the Nemesis MBT, a British project with some US/Commonwealth contributions. This article makes mention of a variety of considered versions in both the mounting of the gun...
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