british army

  1. uk 75

    Canadian Heller Rocket launcher for British Army in 1962? Info needed

    An old book of mine about the British Army mentions that the Army in 1962 were looking at the Canadian Heller Rocket launcher and the Carl Gustav 84mm from Sweden to replace its bazookas. The UK chose the Carl Gustav. Does anyone have any info and pictures of the Canadian contender? UK 75
  2. JFC Fuller

    Bristol Helicopters

    The Bristol 191 was intended as the Royal Navy ASW version of the Belvedere (Type-192) and was developed from the Type-173 with uprated engines and modified under carriage etc etc. According to 'Vanguard to Trident' (Eric J Grove) 68 had been ordered to fulfill half of the RN's ASW aircraft...
  3. P

    Sea Ceptor - CAMM Sea Wolf replacement

    European missile manufacturer MBDA is starting to flesh out its plans for a common family of anti-air weapons, being supported by research funding from the UK Defense Ministry. The family, known as the Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (CAMM), is aimed at meeting tri-service requirements from...
  4. uk 75

    British Army "Flying Jeeps" / "Jumping Jeeps"

    In the book Project Cancelled there is a whole chapter devoted to the British Army project for a "Jumping Jeep" which could leap across obstacles using jump jets/rotorfans. The winning bid from BAC was under development until the mid 60s when it was cancelled on cost and practicality grounds...
  5. red admiral

    Green Mace

    Does anybody have any pictures or information on Green Mace anti-aircraft gun from post-war years? There was one model built in 102mm calibre but I haven't been able to find many pictures or information on it. Thanks
  6. uk 75

    Blue Water: More sources of info

    Just to follow up the earlier thread on Blue Water I can point you to couple of sources which should be available in old libraries and Amazon. A book published in the 60s in two separate editions, one in about 1962-3 and the other in about 1967 called British Army Vehicles and Equipment...
  7. R

    Fairey Rotodyne

    Hi all.Im brand new here and enjoying the site 100%. So can anyone provide any info on Rotodyne projects please?? ??? ??? Remember seeing an article in an old Flight mag about a Naval Variant but have seen nothing since!! Help please.
  8. overscan (PaulMM)

    Various Bristol postwar projects Some interesting stuff
  9. JAZZ

    MBT-80 British German

    There is little detail about the MBT-80 a British and german effort to find a replacement MBT, evetually they went their own ways. Any better photos than this out there?
  10. S

    Red Queen and Red King AA autocannons

    This is Red Queen, re the website in RP1's post. should it be a new thread? These pics are I suppose the mock up. I have seen another photo of Red Queen, I think in Ian Hogg's book on AA artillery.
  11. boxkite

    Westland WG.33

    This extraordinary mockup(?) of a Westland WG.33 coaxial helicopter dates from 1979. Looking for more information. SOURCE:
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