battlefield air defence

  1. Antonio

    Patriot SAM replacement

    I have been doing some research on my old newspaper clips and found that one dated 06-September-1992: Anybody knows what is the refered system: the PAC-3? Thanks in advance Antonio
  2. RyanC

    Divisional Air Defense System (DIVAD / DIVADS) Proposals

    Sperry's Proposal for the DIVAD system: Was based off their earlier T37 VIGILANTE AA Gun, but rechambered in 35mm NATO instead of 37mm. ------ General Electric's Proposal for the DIVAD system: Utilizing their GAU-8A AVENGER cannon system.
  3. uk 75

    BAC PT 428

    Have just been reading through the excellent Monograph online about the US Mauler missile at the Missile Site in the US. Apparently the UK gave up its own equivalent of Mauler, a system called BAC PT 428, and then had to adopt the simpler Rapier when Mauler was cancelled. As far as I can gather...
  4. flateric

    Lockheed pre-ATF & ATF studies

    "Clearly, ATF was going to be superstealth and not a cousin of YF-12 or SR-71," explains Osborne. "I stopped the YF-12 derivative effort, and we started working on an F-117 derivative for ATF." The design submitted in the Lockheed proposal looked like a larger and elongated F-117 with some...
  5. JAZZ

    German Short Range SAMs

    seems to have been a number of german short range SAM programmes in the late 1990's Perhaps for our german memebrs - BGT version of HFK/KV a two stage missile, with boster and coast to target second stage at mach-3 to a range of 12km. Photo below (JSWS-issue 30) others were DASA HKK/L2 missile...
  6. uk 75

    60s Point Defence Missiles: Mauler and the UK PT 428

    The US Mauler system for point defence was also intended for the British forces, both in its land and sea versions. It is interesting to speculate what the system would have looked like in UK service. Even more fascinating is the BAC PT428 missile system, similar to Mauler, but cancelled in...
  7. S

    Red Queen and Red King AA autocannons

    This is Red Queen, re the website in RP1's post. should it be a new thread? These pics are I suppose the mock up. I have seen another photo of Red Queen, I think in Ian Hogg's book on AA artillery.
  8. sferrin

    Liberty air defense system.

    This was an air defense system based on the M1 chassis. ISTR it had two 25mm guns and ADATS missiles but I can't find anything on it.
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    Romanian Supersonic Fighter projects

    IAR-95, IAR-S from late 1970s onward
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