alternate history

  1. Dilandu

    Sukarno stays in power - what would Asutralia do?

    So let's assume that Indonesian socialist leader Sukarno was more competent in terms of economic (or at least listened to better advisor) and managed to avoid the economy crisis that led to his downfall in OTL 1966. He remained relatively popular and in power; Indonesia remained socialistic and...
  2. BlackBat242

    Alternate post-WW2 RAN amphibious fleet

    Admin suggestion: if there is an appropriate existing thread, please combine. The RAN has had a very spotty track record after 1945 with regards to actually landing forces on any of the islands in its neighborhood outside of existing port facilities. This first post is to establish what...
  3. K

    WI:Albanian armed forces if communist regime survived

    I was wondering what would be the status of Albanian armed forces in a world where the communist regime survived into the '90s-2000s-2010s-2020s, practically till now. Would be Albania the "North Korea of Europe"? Who would be her main armament sources??? Let's say PRC, DPRK, Cuba??? Any...
  4. R

    Alternative RAAF fleets.

    A comment in another thread abut how Australia should have transferred RAN A4s to the RAAF instead of selling them to New Zealand reminded me of a bunch of other Australian decisions. Meteor for Korean War service when we were building Nene-Vampires. Authorising 30 F104s in early 57, cancelling...
  5. M

    Warsaw Pact Britain - naval strategy and other considerations

    It probably is a somewhat strange topic, more of a mental and visual experiment than anything else (feel free to move it to artwork, if it's more appropriate there). In some sense my primary "enemy" in envisioning this setting is the 1966 Defense Review, which I want to circumvent and reverse...
  6. Dilandu

    Anson-class missile battleships (RN)

    (this ships is from the same AU as Lepanto-class missile battleships) The full description is on my Live Journal, on Russian. The Suez crisis of 1956 became a moment of truth for the Royal Navy. It was impossible to deny anymore, that Great Britain is lagging dangerously behind both United...
  7. R

    WI Medway Trident and VC10 Super 200?

    Both of these airliners were shrunk at the request of their initial customer, the Trident from 111(130?) seat Medway sized to 97 seat Spey sized and the Super 200 from a 212 seat 28' fuselage stretch to a 174 seat 13' stretch for the Super VC10. The Super VC10 was then embroiled in a public...
  8. Pirate Pete

    The Ships that never sailed….

    Over on ‘Found on the Internet’ there is a brief discussion about some unbuilt Liners…. This is a slightly updated version of what I wrote there…. Random thought as regards the White Star Lines cancelled Oceanic (1928)...Accepting that Lord Kyslant still does not escape being uncovered as a...
  9. T

    The Swedish connection instead of French/'Euro NATO' connection for the UK?

    IOW - earlier & greater cooperation with SAAB and the British companies, while the cooperation between the later and the French and other European NATO is much smaller? Draken was powered by the British engine, Viggen was supposed to be powered by the Medway, while the Gripen should've been just...
  10. Grey Havoc

    Event Horizon (1997)

    An appropriate subject for the night that is in it, methinks. View: View:
  11. R

    Different British nuclear reactors?

    I keep bumping into this from different angles, its technically very interesting to me so I'll ask the question here and see what happens. In the late 50s Britain was looking for a more commercially oriented nuclear power reactor type to follow on from it's operationally successful but not very...
  12. isayyo2

    Longer B-47 Service Life?

    Greatly inspired by the "Longer B-58 Hustler service?" thread by @Rule of cool How could the B-47 have had a more impactful service life? Improved engines and aerodynamics? Exports to friendly nations? As a total What-if thought, I would consider a four-engine B-47 evolution as seen with...
  13. P

    Spitfire alternative history: what happens if everything "goes to plan"?

    As any deeply invested Spitfire fan knows, the intended major developments never eventuated and the history of the Spitfire was one of interim variants that did very well. The dead ends are as follows: SPITFIRE III: Merlin 20 development with four cannon and major airframe revisions; abandoned...
  14. E

    The Franco-Belgian front holds 1940: consequences for the RAF?

    Hi everyone, I tend to be quite interested in discussing the details of a scenario where the Entente holds the front near the Franco-Belgian border in 1940 (mostly in other forums). I was now wondering what the impacts would be for the RAF. Obviously we may see fewer American aircrafts in...
  15. R

    Longer B-58 Hustler service?

    I saw a B58 Hustler for the first time the other day, I was surprised by how small it was. I also finally understand what the combination fuel-weapon store is and does. Was the design too specific and limited to remain in service beyond 1969? Could it have carried SRAMs or other advanced...
  16. uk 75

    Royal Navy frigates in the 70s

    The saga of the Royal Navy's carriers after 1966 has been the main focus of interest here, but the workhorse of the RN then as now was the frigate. By the 1970s the RN had plans to replace its Type 12 Leander class frigates with the larger all missile armed Type 22. Leanders were designed...
  17. barbara_em

    Kitbash: German jet seaplane

    I found this photograph on, a website that covers militaria and sundries. The entry and caption were for a Curtis SC Seahawk. Obviously, this ain’t it, but what is it? I did a cursory look at Luft’46 didn’t come up with anything that looks like this seaplane. The tail looks like it came...
  18. A

    Hawker-PAC Sea Fury FB.61 "Turbo Fury"

    Excerpt from i need to get pictures, real pictures of this beauty
  19. R

    EC-121 Proliferation?

    The USN acquired 142 Lockheed EC121s in the early 50s to mount long-range early warning barrier patrols in the Atlantic and Pacific. The main strength was 5 sqns for each ocean with various cats and dogs supporting units. The barrier patrol lasted until 1965 and afterwards the USN transferred 30...
  20. I

    Orenda Iroquois Single Engine Fighter application theory

    Good Afternoon everyone, hope you are all doing well Lately i have been having a lot of thoughts about engine capabilities and i thought long and hard in regards to Orenda and other smaller engine manifacturers of the 50s and 60s, i thought about the Iroquois engine a lot and not only because of...
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