airborne forces

  1. Stargazer

    Christopher AG-1 and Timm AG-2 assault gliders

    Alongside the training and cargo gliders already in service at the outbreak of World War II, an idea that received more attention with the U.S. Army Air Force was the assault glider. Major Lewin B. Barringer, a glider specialist, on the staff of AAF, presented blueprints for such a glider in the...
  2. N

    USAAF Heavy Cargo and Troop Transport competition

    Hi All! In early 1946, USAAF issued a preliminary specification for a 50,000 pounds payload Heavy Cargo and Troop carrier type aircraft. My opinion these manufacturers were participating of this competition: Fairchild Model 99 Lockheed Model L-168 Martin Model 240 (?) (?)...
  3. P

    Soviet 2S2 Airborne SPH?

    G'day gents I stumbled across this Soviet prototype 2S2 (122mm I assume!) airborne SPH design, which looks like it is based on the BMD-1 chassis Does anyone have any more info (specifications/drawings/pics) on this design? Also does anyone know why it didn't it enter service? Looking...
  4. J

    Rotorcycles for USMC

    Rotorcycles In the early 1950s the US Marine Corps was considering a single seat portable ultra light helicopter which could be airdropped. The programme was conducted by the US Navy’s Office of Naval Research and included the following designs: Hiller 1033 Rotorcycle: Two prototypes...
  5. Apophenia

    RMI -- Hungarian Aircraft Designations

    RMI Aircraft Designations RMI stood for Repülo Muszaki Intézet or Aviation Technical Institute. Aircraft were primarily (but not exclusively) designed for RMI by László Varga. As a result, RMI designs are often given the Varga name (in some cases, even when he was not a major designer)...
  6. airman

    Operation Ikarus on wwii

    Operation Ikarus on wwii Anyone know more about this ?
  7. cluttonfred

    M29 Weasel video, variants?

    I came across this neat OSS briefing film referenced in the Wikipedia article on the M29 Weasel. The 10 minute video--worth the wait, I promise--includes some discussion of the various alternative approaches to travel across ice and snow that were evaluated as well as a lot of footage of the...
  8. J

    USAAF 1946 Informal Design Competition, Glider, Assault, Light

    I am looking for a picture of the Douglas CG-19 glider project that was initiated in 1946. Anybody can help? Jso Heyman
  9. CJGibson

    Test Vehicle TV.1000 - The ultimate off-roader?

    In RE Smith's British Army Vehicles and Equipment (Ian Allan, 1964) There is an entry for the "T.V.1000". Described as a 6x6, differentially steered test vehicle powered by a 535bhp Meteorite petrol engine dating from 1959. It is continues: "one of the most powerful wheel vehicles then in...
  10. Jemiba

    Transport gliders

    During WW II the idea of the transport glider was "en vogue", so several countries developed and built such types. One of them was Sweden. The AB Flygindustri of Halmstad designed a glider with the designation Fi 3 of wooden construction, intended for 11 troops plus pilot. Much better known...
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