air defense command

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    General Dynamics F-111 Projects

    Air International Jan 1978
  2. P

    USAF ‘Improved Manned Interceptor’ (IMI) Program

    USAF ‘Improved Manned Interceptor’ (IMI) Program On 9 February 1968, the Defence Department announced they were not going to purchase the Lockheed F-12A interceptor (later the SR-71), opting instead to remain with the F-106 as the primary interceptor to protect the continental USA from air...
  3. sferrin

    North American XF-108 (F-108) Rapier

    In the book "Valkyrie - North American's Mach 3 Superbomber" they indicate that North American continued developement of the F-108 even after it was cancelled. They have a "1960" configuration that is a little puzzling. Either the canopy and windows shrunk considerably or the aircraft as a...
  4. Orionblamblam

    WS-202A, LRI-X (F-108 Competitors)

    Circa 1956. SHAZAM!!! P.S.: How do I post this with the little clickable thumbnail like most of the other pics around here? [edited to add picture]
  5. Antonio

    Ryan XV-5 and beyond - Liftfan VTOL designs

    Ryan Lift-Fan Advanced Studies Flying Review Vol.20 No.12 Courtesy of Lark Model 182 is a transonic close-support fighter developed from XV-5A. Model 186-C is a supersonic point defence fighter Model 187-B is a also a supersonic fighter
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