air defense command

  1. C

    I-70: Interceptor Version of the XB-70 Valkyrie?

    In the January 16, 2020 article "Triplesonic Interceptors: The F-103, F-108, and YF-12A", Tony R. Landis of the Air Force Material Command History Office briefly mentioned an "I-70" interceptor version of the North American Aviation XB-70 Valkyrie. According to Landis (2020), the "I-70" was...
  2. Orionblamblam

    Space Defense Platform

    A space weapon concept model from 1961-62. More jibberjabber here:
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    McDonnell Model 103 nuclear-armed air-to-air missile

    Associated with McDonnell-Douglas' Long Range Interceptor (LRI) studies in 1954. Drawing is of the Model 111A weapons bay which could carry 3. Model Description Date Model 103A AIR TO AIR MISSILE CARRYING SPECIAL WARHEAD. 24000LB. THRUST MOTOR. LENGTH 110 INCHES. FIXED FINS. SOLID ROCKET...
  4. patburke06

    LRAPIS - 1960 hypersonic successor to LRI-X?

    I heard rumors about and little bits of info on successors to the LRI-X interceptors that were hypersonic and had missiles with a range of 500 miles is there any info on them like blueprints and performance information?
  5. sferrin


    Is there a SAM today that can kill a target at 446 miles and over 100,000 feet? (It's a rhetorical question. There isn't.)
  6. hesham

    Convair F-102 Delta Dagger Development and Derivatives

    Hi, I found this strange drawing to F 102,may be,they meant Convair F-102, but please look to its air intakes !,I think this a French imagine to F-102 before it appeared...
  7. Triton

    Robert McCall space plane concept

    Artist's concept of United States Air Force space plane painted by Robert McCall found on eBay. Was this a real concept? Source:
  8. RyanC

    Douglas Missile (DM) List

    Very sketchy and incomplete! DM-14 - Nike-Hercules DM-15 -- Nike Zeus A? (sketchy) DM-15S --NIKE-ZEUS ASAT DM-15X2 -- Nike-EX. On 1 JAN 1967, was redesignated SPARTAN. DM-18 -- Thor DM-18A -- Thor Agena A? DM-19 -- Thor Delta? DM-20 -- Skybolt DM-21 -- Thor Agena B?
  9. M

    Convair "Sky Scorcher" nuclear air-to-air missile

    Hi everybody Here the Convair "Sky Scorcher" Air-to-Air Missile with a 2 megaton warhead I have not found any other informations or drawings of this crazy project ! Maybe someone...
  10. shadowcat48li

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    I am looking for information on Project Orion/Daedalus[British name for roughly the same thing] this was an early nuclear powered spacecraft that used focused nuclear explosions for thrust.
  11. Mark Nankivil

    Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor variants

    Thanks guys - just got lucky in receiving these. That wav file made the dogs in the neighborhood howl in pain ;D How about the XF-91 this time... Enjoy the Day! Mark
  12. K

    Would the F-12B Interceptor...

    I know this one has a lot of questions. If anybody has a good answer, I'd like to hear it. Would the F-12B interceptor have resulted in a significantly different development of Russian/Soviet aircraft? Would it have played a role in the development of our fighter designs? Would it have...
  13. hesham

    Douglas Astro delta-wing spacecraft

    Hi, the Douglas Astro was delta-wing vehicle and spacecraft,it was combined aircraft and rocketry concepts.
  14. J

    Convair XP-92 / XF-92 - Development and Prototype

    Convair XP-92 first configuration
  15. EEP1A

    Teledyne Ryan VTOL/VSTOL/STOL projects (NOT liftfan/Fan-In-Wing)

    Ryan VTOL fighter project of the late 1950's. From Japanese Magazine "The Aviation Magazine" September 1958.
  16. A

    XQ-11 / Radioplane RP-91 / F-108 Airborne Target

    Hi, this is a question for the real 8) F-108/WS-202A experts. My research in the less-known corners of U.S. aircraft nomenclature space ;) turned up two pages (attached) about the request for allocation, and subsequent rejection, of the "XQ-11" designation to something called "F-108 Airborne...
  17. overscan (PaulMM)

    AN/ASG-18 radar

    This radar formed the basis of the AWG-9, and was the first lookdown/shootdown weapons system. Originally developed for the North American F-108 interceptor, the origins of AN/ASG-18 lie in 1954, when alongside a new interceptor competition a competition was held to design a radar with a 100nm...
  18. overscan (PaulMM)

    Convair F-106 Projects

    F-106 "Fighter Bomber" One proposal based on two seat F-106B with 3 x KA-8 cameras and ECM pods. F-106A "Economy Fighter Bomber" New search and bombing radar and nuclear capability. IFR socket in front of windshield. MTOW limited to 40,000lb to remain compatible with existing landing gear...
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    General Dynamics F-111 Projects

    Air International Jan 1978
  20. P

    USAF ‘Improved Manned Interceptor’ (IMI) Program

    USAF ‘Improved Manned Interceptor’ (IMI) Program On 9 February 1968, the Defence Department announced they were not going to purchase the Lockheed F-12A interceptor (later the SR-71), opting instead to remain with the F-106 as the primary interceptor to protect the continental USA from air...
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