air defence

  1. Triton

    CG(X) Air-Dominance Cruiser

    Does anyone have additional information or concept art for the Air-Dominance Cruiser, CG(X)? It sounds like it will be a replacement of the Ticonderoga-class (CG-47) and use technology developed from the Zumwalt-class project.
  2. P

    looking for information on the Soviet ZSU-37-2 Yenisei SPAAG

    Evening gents I was looking for information on the Soviet ZSU-37 SPAAG, when I discovered that there was a ZSU-37-2 Yenisei. The only information I could find was - The ZSU-37-2 Yenisei is a later, unrelated design based on the chassis of the experimental SU-100P self-propelled gun. It was...
  3. M

    Convair "Sky Scorcher" nuclear air-to-air missile

    Hi everybody Here the Convair "Sky Scorcher" Air-to-Air Missile with a 2 megaton warhead I have not found any other informations or drawings of this crazy project ! Maybe someone...
  4. K

    Would the F-12B Interceptor...

    I know this one has a lot of questions. If anybody has a good answer, I'd like to hear it. Would the F-12B interceptor have resulted in a significantly different development of Russian/Soviet aircraft? Would it have played a role in the development of our fighter designs? Would it have...
  5. J

    Convair XP-92 / XF-92 - Development and Prototype

    Convair XP-92 first configuration
  6. F

    current lack of a British high altitude intercept missile

    Hello Im new to this site so please bear with me if this post is a little naive. It seems that the uk lacks a medium to high altitude missile intercept capability whilst being reasonably served at lower altitudes by rapier and sea wolf. Am I correct in thinking this or out of date, I am ignoring...
  7. R

    Long Range Intercept Experiment LORAINE

    This is from Seapower and Space, pg 241, by Norman Friedman. Does anyone have more information on this missile? According to the lexicon hosted on it was originally known as Ballistic Intercept Missile.
  8. EEP1A

    Teledyne Ryan VTOL/VSTOL/STOL projects (NOT liftfan/Fan-In-Wing)

    Ryan VTOL fighter project of the late 1950's. From Japanese Magazine "The Aviation Magazine" September 1958.
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    AN/ASG-18 radar

    This radar formed the basis of the AWG-9, and was the first lookdown/shootdown weapons system. Originally developed for the North American F-108 interceptor, the origins of AN/ASG-18 lie in 1954, when alongside a new interceptor competition a competition was held to design a radar with a 100nm...
  10. Hood

    Violet Friend ABM System

    I found out some information about Britain's embroynic ABM system designed in the 1950s. The Ministry of Supply in 1954 placed study contracts with English Electric and Marconi to develop a ballistic missile defence. In February 1955 this led to Air Staff Target AST 1135. The entire programme...
  11. P

    Avro CF-103 transonic interceptor

    I was reading a little about the Avro Canada CF-100 on the net yesterday, and came across reference to a proposed CF-103 program. It stated that the CF-103 was a refined and swept wing development of the CF-100, when the CF-105 Arrow was unfortunately cancelled. The article stated that only a...
  12. P

    USAF ‘Improved Manned Interceptor’ (IMI) Program

    USAF ‘Improved Manned Interceptor’ (IMI) Program On 9 February 1968, the Defence Department announced they were not going to purchase the Lockheed F-12A interceptor (later the SR-71), opting instead to remain with the F-106 as the primary interceptor to protect the continental USA from air...
  13. Tuomasn

    MDP program - the Mikoyan Product 701

    Mikoyan Product 701 Crew: 2 Wingspan: 19 m Length: 31 m Height: 7 m Wing Area: 130 m2 Empty Weight: 35,000 kg Maximum TO Weight: 65,000 kg Cruise Speed: 2,500 km/h Ceiling: 17,000 m Subsonic Range: 11,000 km Supersonic Range: 7,000 km Engines: Two turbofans of 200 kN each Armament: 4 x R-72...
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