21st century

  1. Grey Havoc

    Floating Cities, No Longer Science Fiction, Begin to Take Shape (New York Times)

    https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/13/business/dealbook/seasteading-floating-cities.html (Registration may be required)
  2. Michel Van

    ARCA Haas 2CA rocket (SSTO with aerospike engine)

    ARCA Space Corporation is a New Mexico-based aerospace company It was founded in 1999 as a non-governmental organization in Romania by Dumitru Popescu That want to build a SSTO that launch 100 kg (220lbs) of payload to low earth orbit. it feature a linear Aerospike engine called "Executor" is...
  3. S

    Otto Aviation Group LLC Celera 500L

    It at Southern California Logistics Airport https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/37058/what-is-this-odd-aircraft :o UPDATED
  4. Triton

    MBDA Future Cruise / Anti-Ship Weapon (FC / ASW)

    "France & UK Launch Next-Gen Missile Project with MBDA to Replace Harpoon/Scalp/Exocet by 2030" Published: Tuesday, 28 March 2017 15:21 Source...
  5. Triton

    ROC Navy - Taiwan - Future Guided Missile Destroyer - NCSIST

  6. Grey Havoc

    Frégate de Taille Intermédiaire (FTI)

    Via CDR Salamander: http://www.naval-technology.com/projects/fti-medium-size-frigates/ http://www.defensenews.com/articles/france-unveils-new-fti-frigate-ship-is-designed-for-the-french-navy-and-for-export...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Successor/Dreadnought Class SSBN

    BAE gets funds to start building new submarines (ft.com, registration may be required.)
  8. Grey Havoc

    VTOL On Demand Mobility

    Airbus is apparently getting in on the act, with a project called the CityAirbus Vahana. Via Gizmodo: http://www.airbusgroup.com/int/en/news-media/corporate-magazine/Forum-88/My-Kind-Of-Flyover.html
  9. Flyaway

    Amazon teams up with the UK to make drone delivery a reality

  10. Grey Havoc

    Submarine projects for planetary exploration

    http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20150014581 http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160405-the-space-submarine-hunting-the-solar-system-for-aliens
  11. D

    Boom Supersonic Overture M1.8 SST

    Story hit Bloomberg yesterday. Former Computer Science guy wants to build a 40 seat Concorde, more at the link: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-21/this-aerospace-company-wants-to-bring-supersonic-civilian-travel-back It is notable that the design shows minimal concern for noise...
  12. Grey Havoc

    ESA 'Lunar Village' proposal

    http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Momentum_builds_for_creation_of_moon_villages_999.html http://news.yahoo.com/european-space-boss-crazy-moon-village-plan-151401886.html
  13. Apophenia

    Brditschka/HB-Flugtechnik Designations

    Brditschka, HB-Flugtechnik, and HB-Aircraft The Brditschka corporate history is somewhat confused because of two separate lines of interest. Heinrich Wenzel Brditschka (born 1930) was interested in jewellery but was also an amateur aircraft builder. The first company was HW Brditschka OHG which...
  14. uk 75

    European War 2028

    In the 1960s children's comic TV21 Alan Fennell enlarged on the puppet shows of Gerry Anderson by creating a fictional world of 2065. He even provided a back history in which a limited nuclear in Europe had been started by an accident in 2028. A Prime Minister talking to an Air General (sic)...
  15. bobbymike

    Atlantic Council - Future Warfare in Space

    Fighting For the Final Frontier? Conflict in Space During the Late 21st Century http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/events/upcoming-events/detail/david-brin-05182015?utm_content=buffer3e139&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Monday 1pm eastern link to watch event live.
  16. bring_it_on

    Supersonic Turbine Engine for Long Range (STELR)

    This is what I could find on the topic - http://www.defenseinnovationmarketplace.mil/resources/AirForceSTOverview.pdf http://www.defenseinnovationmarketplace.mil/resources/Walker_Testimony_2013.pdf
  17. Grey Havoc

    A26 submarine program back from the dead?

    Via MilitaryPhotos.net: http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/2015/03/20/sweden-invests-in-naval-capacity-and-baltic-sea/25093841/ The old MilitaryPhotos.net thread on the A26 (I thought we had one as well but I can't find it)...
  18. uk 75

    Rearming the UK: What equipment? and how much?

    The usual crew of retired military and political types are warning that the UK is not able to meet its defence requirements with the present budget and kit. Given the collective expertise on this board what advice would you give the Prime Minister who takes over in May after the election? I...
  19. uk 75

    Re-arming the Bundeswehr: Which Projects?

    Just a thought that occurred. The German Armed Forces have been massively downsized since the end of the Cold War. Assuming a decision were taken to re-arm to meet current threats what projects would be back on the table? Or what stuff would you like to see?
  20. Grey Havoc

    Photos of the last four flyable S-3 Vikings together

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