21st century

  1. Forest Green

    Air&Space Forces 2050

  2. Grey Havoc

    23rd Anniversary of 9/11

    https://www.911memorial.org/connect/commemoration/23rd-anniversary-commemoration View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPQ7EeNO2M0 https://apnews.com/article/sept-11-anniversary-ceremony-children-reading-names-ed7dcd42524dca1c5098b6b3364aca91...
  3. GTX

    General Future Submarine Technology developments

    Not linked to any particular type, country etc. To start with: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S96oRLoE0Zk
  4. J

    Marriage of synthetic biology and 3D printing produces programmable living materials by American Chemical Society

  5. Flyaway

    Artificial Intelligence - General News

    New superbug-killing antibiotic discovered using AI https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-65709834
  6. GTX

    Cool Science

    Just a thread for cool science, not necessarily related to military or aerospace projects. For example: View: https://youtu.be/6qZWMNW7GmE
  7. Avimimus

    The Late 21st century AFV? Successors to the MBT?

    Hello, I agree with the arguments put forward as to why claims about the 'death of the tank' are, once again, unreasonable. However, life is clearly getting harder for tanks: - The overall PHit/Pk of anti-tank missile systems have increased dramatically, flight times have reduced, and they...
  8. Flyaway

    The CIA: Secret Drone Wars

    The topic is so huge that when you listen to this it ends up just being the equivalent to an introductory chapter of a book. https://shows.acast.com/the-world-wars/episodes/the-cia-secret-drone-wars
  9. GTX

    C-130 Hercules sales and associated developments (not secret projects)

    A thread for the bird that just keeps going and going...a worthy successor to the DC-3/C-47 arguably. Note this thread is not for experimental or secret projects but rather for those sales and other developments (e.g. in service upgrades).
  10. T

    Sigint/elint satellites

    So those trios of sigint/elint sats that US and China have in droves, what sort of signals can they detect? Infantry Battalion level Comms? Long range Comms (hundreds of km distance)? SAM battery targeting radar? Radar of a maritime patrol helicopter? Fighter jet radar? Large shipborne air...
  11. Michel Van

    ArianeGroup SUSIE (Smart Upper Stage for Innovative Exploration) concept

    or Smart Upper Stage for Innovative Exploration, The human/cargo transport capsule imagined for Ariane6 ! Presented on IAC2022 in Paris Unclear if European ministers council will approve this proposal.... It land vertical
  12. E

    Hoverbike anyone?

  13. Grey Havoc

    21st Anniversary of 9/11

    https://www.npr.org/2022/09/11/1122247528/us-marks-21st-anniversary-of-9-11-terror-attacks https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/september-11-ceremony-watch-live-streaming-today-2022-09-11/ https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/us-marks-21st-anniversary-911-terror-attacks-89683860...
  14. GTX

    Queen Elizabeth II dies aged 96

  15. Flyaway

    Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)

    Good explainer about SMRs one of the most important answers in looking for non-carbon power generation. https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/what-are-small-modular-reactors-smrs
  16. GTX

    BAE Systems Hägglunds AB/FMV/Bofors CV90 family

    https://www.baesystems.com/en-us/productfamily/cv90 https://www.baesystems.com/en-us/product/cv90 https://www.baesystems.com/en-us/product/cv90-mkiv https://www.baesystems.com/en-us/product/cv90-ifv-world-leading-combat-capability...
  17. Graham1973

    The Biggest Planned Trains?

    What Hitler planned for German Railways had they won the war... View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkuEP5iMRiM
  18. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Solar geoengineering thread

    Solar geoengineering — putting aerosols into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and reduce global warming — is not a fix-all for climate change but it could be one of several tools to manage climate risks. A growing body of research has explored the ability of solar geoengineering to reduce...
  19. Grey Havoc

    India's Chief of Defence Staff dies in helicopter crash

    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/12/08/helicopter-crashes-india-military-chief-board-seven-dead/ https://thehill.com/policy/international/india/584855-four-dead-in-crash-of-helicopter-carrying-indias-defense-chief RIP.
  20. H

    China: Projecting Power in the Atlantic Ocean

    https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-seeks-first-military-base-on-africas-atlantic-coast-u-s-intelligence-finds-11638726327 Nothing to see here I'm sure.
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