20th century

  1. C

    Rule Britannia.

    I love very much the delightful novel "The two Georges" in which American revolution (and French revolution) never happened,and in a 1995 in many respects very similiar to 1935, British Empire reigns over great part of the world. My question is which can be the more plausible alternate timeline...
  2. Grey Havoc

    The general Cyberpunk thread

    Given the distinct trend that real world events have taken lately, I thought it was long since time for a dedicated cyberpunk thread. For both real world examples as well as the fictional (e.g. universes such as The Sprawl [Neuromancer], Shadowrun, Cyberpunk 2020, etc.). I'll start off things...
  3. Flyaway

    Proton rocket to cease flying

  4. Michel Van

    ARCA Haas 2CA rocket (SSTO with aerospike engine)

    ARCA Space Corporation is a New Mexico-based aerospace company It was founded in 1999 as a non-governmental organization in Romania by Dumitru Popescu That want to build a SSTO that launch 100 kg (220lbs) of payload to low earth orbit. it feature a linear Aerospike engine called "Executor" is...
  5. jzichek

    Streamlined Dreams: Ten Amazing Unbuilt Automobile Designs, 1916-1939

    New book available which may be of tangential interest to SPF members. Automotive history is filled with concepts which never left the drawing board, with early streamlined projects being among the more fascinating. This book presents ten of the most striking and unusual aerodynamic automobile...
  6. hesham

    Old Flying Barrel Airplanes

    Hi, here is some old flying barrel airplanes. http://allenfrostlibrary.blogspot.com.eg/2011/04/flying-barrel.html
  7. Apophenia

    Brditschka/HB-Flugtechnik Designations

    Brditschka, HB-Flugtechnik, and HB-Aircraft The Brditschka corporate history is somewhat confused because of two separate lines of interest. Heinrich Wenzel Brditschka (born 1930) was interested in jewellery but was also an amateur aircraft builder. The first company was HW Brditschka OHG which...
  8. Grey Havoc

    A26 submarine program back from the dead?

    Via MilitaryPhotos.net: http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/2015/03/20/sweden-invests-in-naval-capacity-and-baltic-sea/25093841/ The old MilitaryPhotos.net thread on the A26 (I thought we had one as well but I can't find it)...
  9. RyanC

    Nuclear Ocean Liners

    From a BBC article on N/S Savannah: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-28439159
  10. Grey Havoc

    Hovercraft/Hydrofoil hybrids

    Lets start off with the Stand Craft Luxury Limousine Super Yacht Tender: [IMAGE CREDITS: Stand Craft/gizmag]
  11. Grey Havoc

    THAAD Development

    I thought we already had a THAAD related topic, but I can't find it, so I'll put this old [1992] Thiokol Corp report on the SPBD booster program here.
  12. blackkite

    Japanese aircraft pioneer Chuhachi Ninomiya

    Hi! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%ABhachi_Ninomiya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WsPnusghwc
  13. Stargazer

    Igor Sikorsky's first helicopters (1909-1910)

    Presenting Igor Sikorsky as the father of the helicopter is not so far-fetched as it may seem. His 1939 tests of the VS-300 were hardly the first successful flights of a rotorcraft, but they marked the first time someone built a helicopter, flew it sufficiently high and long and repeatedly to...
  14. RyanC

    Rocket Engines, concepts, experiments (past/present/future)

    So I found an engine program which wasn't on Astronautix by randomly reading documents on the US Space & Rocket Center's digital archives at UAH. The document in question is: Launch Vehicle Engines Project Development Plan MA001-A50-2H (1 January 1967) And here's the link to download the...
  15. B

    Mothership concepts?

    Before we got LCS, their were a number of concepts that involved the use of one or more motherships acting as the center for a large number fo smaller, and more expendable combat vessels-- can anyone point to a source for information and images about these earlier concepts?
  16. Grey Havoc

    Nuclear Civil Vessels

    To start this thread off, here's a recent article on Nuclear Merchant Ships (part of a series on the peaceful uses of Nuclear power). Includes information on the only four such ships to have been built so far: NS Savannah, USA; Mutsu, Japan; Sevmorput, Russia; and the Otto Hahn, Germany. Also...
  17. Triton

    "Wings of Russia"

    Wings of Russia Studio has created a fascinating 18-part, so far, documentary series titled Wings of Russia that documents the history of Russian and Soviet aviation. The episodes are available on DVD in the Russian and English languages. Alas, it is only seems to be available for order in the...
  18. Triton

    Queen Elizabeth Class (CVF) development

    Two artist's impressions of the Royal Navy's proposed future aircraft carrier (CVF) from 1999. These both show examples designed to operate STOVL aircraft. Source: http://navy-matters.beedall.com/cvf2.htm
  19. RyanC

    US Navy/USMC/US Army Sea Basing Concepts

    Fun. I liek the C-5A for scale. Clearly we need a folding wing C-5C to fit below decks. ;D
  20. Bailey

    Small tandem rotor helicopters.

    Three of a kind:- Photo 1 The McCulloch MC-34 from the U.S.A. Photo 2 The Chu CJC-3 from Formosa/Taiwan. Photo 3 The AISA IH-49 from Spain. Photo's 1 & 2 from The Aircraft of the World, Macdonald 1956. Photo 3 from Aeroplano magazine No14.
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