
  1. CxxTxx

    Latest news on the possible fate of the CG Ticonderoga class

    "Adm. Greenert has been in a cruiser tug-of-war with House Seapower chairman Randy Forbes for years. The Navy has 22 aging Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers, whose Aegis radar and targeting system is more powerful than the version on the newer but smaller Arleigh Burke destroyers."...
  2. bobbymike

    United Launch Alliance (ULA) Vulcan Next Generation Launch System (NGLS)

    http://www.ulalaunch.com/ula-unveils-americas-new-rocket-vulcan.aspx Colorado Springs, Colo., (April 13, 2015) -- United Launch Alliance (ULA) unveiled its Next Generation Launch System (NGLS) today at the 31st Space Symposium. The new rocket, Vulcan, will transform the future of space by...
  3. Flyaway

    New 'Penetrating ISR' aircraft?

    Mostly about the history and future of the U-2 and RQ-4, but this article ends with this rather odd statement. Anyone have an idea what the author is on about here, or is this unsubstantiated speculation...
  4. Triton

    Pentagon Creates Electronic Warfare Programs Council

    "Pentagon Creates Electronic Warfare Programs Council to Boost U.S. Technological Edge" by Megan Eckstein March 17, 2015 10:16 AM • Updated: March 17, 2015 11:15 AM Source: http://news.usni.org/2015/03/17/pentagon-creates-electronic-warfare-programs-council-to-boost-u-s-technological-edge
  5. F

    Mobile Mulberry Harbor

    This thing looks like a modern re-interpretation of the WWII Mulberry Harbor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulberry_harbour In this case, the harbor can go wherever you go and doesn't tie you to a politically undesirable piece of land or force you to defend your supplies (from hungry mobs)...
  6. Michel Van

    Angara 5 test launch

    finally success for Russian with Angara 5 after Proton disasters i start to love this rocket View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsQOpD4TIZM&spfreload=10 View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciS0m3_MXUE&spfreload=10 View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whm_tkBycg4&spfreload=10...
  7. Triton

    Textron Starts Work on Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC) hovercraft

    "Textron Starts Work on New Navy Hovercraft" By: Sam LaGrone Published: November 18, 2014 7:58 AM • Updated: November 18, 2014 7:58 AM Source: http://news.usni.org/2014/11/18/textron-starts-work-new-navy-hovercraft
  8. Grey Havoc

    Russian next generation space station?

    Via Slashdot: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/russia-may-be-planning-national-space-station-to-replace-iss/511299.html ORIGINAL CAPTION: A model of the long considered space station hanging at a Moscow exhibition on space exploration in 2009. IMAGE CREDIT: Andrei Makhonin /...
  9. Grey Havoc

    Panhard CRAB [Combat Recce Armored Buggy]

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=POEU0gchYIM http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/panhards-crab-may-just-be-the-future-of-armored-scout-v-1581746120
  10. Triton

    Joint New Air-to-Air Missile (JNAAM)

    "Japan, Britain To Launch Joint Missile Research" Jul. 17, 2014 - 03:30PM | By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESS Source: http://www.defensenews.com/article/20140717/DEFREG03/307170036/Japan-Britain-Launch-Joint-Missile-Research
  11. Triton

    Next Generation Jammer (NGJ)

    "The $10B Next Generation Jammer Is ‘On Track, On Schedule’" By Colin Clark on July 14, 2014 at 1:29 AM Source: http://breakingdefense.com/2014/07/the-10b-next-generation-jammer-is-on-track-on-schedule/
  12. Deino

    New Chinese DDG - Type 055 maybe

    Found some weeks ago at the same testsite at Wuhan, where also the Liaoning and other ships EW's systems were tested ... Now a few more interesting high-resolution photos from that new Chinese DDG ... said to be a test-stand for the Type 055 DDG: Since ships are really...
  13. bobbymike

    Global Military Spending - NEWS ONLY

    US, NATO Allies Cutting Back; Rest of the World Arms The US and Europe were the only regions to cut defense spending last year, while several adversary nations topped the world charts, according to the most recent Stockholm International Peace Research Institute fact sheet. "China, Russia, and...
  14. bobbymike

    Army Indirect Fire Protection System and New Guided Missile Program

    Army To Develop Multi-Mission Launcher For Indirect Fire Protection Posted: Mar. 28, 2014 The Pentagon has approved the Army's plan to begin a technology maturation and risk-reduction phase of the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 program that will focus on the development of...
  15. C

    Spike S-512 Supersonic Jet

    Spike Aerospace S-512 Supersonic Jet. An interesting feature is the windowless passenger cabin. Panoramic displays are used. http://www.spikeaerospace.com/
  16. Grey Havoc

    Last RN Type 45 destroyer (HMS Duncan) enters service

    http://blogs.ottawacitizen.com/2014/01/02/royal-navys-last-type-45-destroyer-enters-service/ http://www.defensenews.com/article/20131230/DEFREG01/312300007/Final-Type-45-Destroyer-Enters-UK-Royal-Navy-Service
  17. bobbymike

    US Military Arctic Strategy

    Pentagon Issues First Arctic Strategy The Pentagon issued its first Arctic strategy, laying out how the US military will work to promote security, stewardship, and international cooperation in the region. "This strategy identifies the department's desired end-state for the Arctic: a secure...
  18. Grey Havoc

    Boeing KC-46 Pegasus

  19. Grey Havoc

    Dutch 2023 Frigate project

    http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?232114-Dutch-Navy-unveils-M-frigate-replacement Photos added from the link above
  20. Triton

    Metal Master FLARIS LAR-01

    Source: http://www.eaa.org/news/2013/2013-06-20_paris-air-show.asp http://www.flaris.pl/mobile/general.html http://twinn.pl/?idd=6&rok=2013&page=0&id=755&poz=ml0
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