
  1. JAZZ

    Saab Buster

    What information is out there concerning the buster - hypervolocity AT missile that was being considered by saab a few years back? Only illustration I have is attached -
  2. overscan (PaulMM)

    AIM-152 AAAM Phoenix replacement projects

    First we have General Dynamics Pomona's design, which seems to have gone through two distinct phases. In the first it has what appear to be folding wings, while in the later revision the wings seem to be gone. Thanks to Alanqua for the pics...
  3. JAZZ

    FF-21 Frigate design from Newport News and Ingalls

    In earl-mid 1990's both Newport News and Ingalls designed export designs for Frigates. Orginally competing to meet a requirement by UAE. There is an artists impression in Janes defence weekly 15 January 1994 P24, that showed the Ingalls design...I have a veryu poor photo copy, does anyone have...
  4. R

    M1 Abrams MBT Replacement

    My first post, I think. Bear with me... I've tried several times now to find more info on this Abrams CATTB (Component Advanced Technology TestBed), but Google and co lead me to VERY limited information. Text in the pic tell you all I know. Does Anyone know if Jane's International Defence...
  5. A

    Boeing JAST / JSF / X-32 /PWSC F-32 projects

    Hello! Well I've discovered that I knew rather bad the loser of the JSF contest, the Boeing X-32. This is one is well documented on the web, but drawings of the - aborted- operational variant are less known... Seems a mockup was build by Boeing and showed at Farnborough in july 2000...
  6. JAZZ

    Poland's Gorilla MBT - 1994

    Reported in JDW March 1994 was a concept model of the Gorilla, a prototype which was to be completed by 1998. PZl developed a 1000kW engine and it was armed with a 125mm gun with hull; based on T-72. See attached Later in 2002 Poland also developed a concept MBT Obrum PT-2001, which sought to...
  7. overscan (PaulMM)

    Ishida TW-68 Tiltwing

    This seems to be the patent for the Ishida TW-68, includes nice drawings. http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPATD332079&id=NeQpAAAAEBAJ&printsec=abstract&zoom=4#PPP1,M1
  8. overscan (PaulMM)

    UK Requirements: SR(A) 1236 CASOM

    Contenders General Dynamics Tomahawk/Airhawk AGM-137 TSSM Loral Vought ALCAM (ATACMS derivative) McDonnell-Douglas AGM-84E Rockwell Extended-Range AGM-130E with Williams P8300 turbofan Brunswick Defense ITALD Texas Instruments JSOW Rafael AGM-142 DASA/Hunting/Bofors KEPD250 Aerospatiale ASMP-C...
  9. JAZZ

    Visby follow ons and larger versions.

    Hi interested in any pictures or models of larger versions of kokums Visby class corvette. Orginaly it was developed as the YS-2000 and then enlarged into the current Visby design. A follow on design was considered with Northrop Grumman as a contender to tyhe FCS, but was not selected to be...
  10. flateric

    Boeing Bird of Prey Demonstrator

    If someone can help with BoP 3-view, I'd be very obliged. Seems to have been in Flight International. Thanks!
  11. JAZZ

    Horizon AAW concepts

    Early UK concept and French concept.
  12. JAZZ

    SES concepts 1990's

    A number of SES concpts were proposed in the 1990's - France built a demonstrator, so did Germany, and of course Norway put a minecounter measures boat and FAC into production and sweden developed an experimental stealth SES.
  13. TinWing

    CVN-77, CVX, and CVN-21 Design Studies

    Here is FAS link from 1997: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/docs/cvx-alt/index.html As you can see, the drawings survive but the NAVSEA reports are long offline. Were there any public documents that gave specifications for the design studies?
  14. flateric

    McDonnell Douglas & Boeing canard rotor wing (CRW) concepts

    DARPA Opts To End Boeing-Led X-50A Dragonfly UAV Effort By Jefferson Morris/Aerospace Daily & Defense Report 09/11/2006 09:35:13 AM The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has opted to end the X-50A Dragonfly unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) program, which was attempting to pioneer a...
  15. Matej

    JPATS competition

    http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1990s/1992/mj92.pdf See pages 10 and 11.
  16. C

    Grob G850 Strato 2C

    Hi Everyone! I'm very interested in the Grob G850 Strato 2C, (a research aircraft), and I was wondering if anyone had any three-views of this aircraft and if so, could you possibly post them on this website. I'd like to do some illustrations of this aircraft and possibly a scratch-built model...
  17. C

    Ayres LM200 Loadmaster

    Hi Everyone! Presented here is information on the Ayres LM200 Loadmaster, which is described as a Multi-role Light Transport, (an interesting aircraft which, alas, never entered production.) I've found plenty of photos of this aircraft but I've been unable to find any good three-views of it...
  18. flateric

    Secret Stealth VTOL Transport - "Senior Citizen"

    I have found that murky image in one of zillion AFRL ppt presentations, that serves for me a source of very interesting stuff for several years that proves to be real metall later...like knowledge of what the hell X-41 or X-42 would be three or four years ago. "Aeronautics at AFRL" Provided...
  19. sferrin

    Hornet 2000

    Back in the day when they were coming up with the configuration for the next generation Hornet which ultimately lead to the Super Hornet there was a study done which had several different basic configurations in mind. Some of these drawings made it into AvWeek. One of the designs had the...
  20. K

    McDonnell-Douglas Orient-Express

    The SERJ could work as a ramjet and a scramjet right? (It's been awhile since I read and responded to this post -- weird though, I normally have a photographic memory) Wow, that's such a simple strategy though. Start small test, if works go bigger, if works go bigger yet, if that works and...
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