
  1. Jemiba

    Radar imaging of sea bottom topography and submarine wrecks

    Sorry for the somewhat cumbersome title, I've just used the title of the research paper of the "Federal Armed Forces UnderwaterAcoustcs and Marine GeophysicsResearch Institute". I ordered it from the library, triggered by the keywords "radar" and "submarine". Actually, as the title alreay says...
  2. Apophenia

    Otto Funk, Peter Funk, & Bücker und Funk Designations

    In the late 1950s, Otto Funk was the director of apprentice-training at the Heinkel plant in Speyer. As an exercise for apprentices, airframes were designed for assembly using a variety of construction techniques. In 1990, Otto's son Peter Funk (along with Dirk Breitkreuz) founded B&F Technik to...
  3. TheKutKu

    Chinese orbital launcher projects

    I noticed there wasn't a general thread for this, so I created this since there are a lot of unrealised chinese launcher projects. Starting with one that's already described on astronautix, but I'm posting a source, taken from Xiandong Bao "A Modular Space Transportation System" (IAF-92-0857)...
  4. Grey Havoc

    History of Hughes Missile Systems Company

  5. uk 75

    Could NATO Frigate 90 have been made to work?

    Perhaps the most ambitious NATO programme of the 1980s was an attempt to design a common escort ship platform for NATO navies: NATO Frigate 90. https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/nfr-90-and-other-pre-horizon-aaw-projects.923/ The project foundered as it became too expensive and failed to...
  6. Voltzz

    Matra BAe Dynamics ARAMIS

    Does anyone have more information on the Matra BAe Dynamics ARAMIS powered (?) glide bomb? Afaik it was offered for the french AASM program and was fire-and-forget using an imaging-ir seeker and INS/GPS.
  7. I

    MX Missile (Peacekeeper/ LGM-118) Transporter Emplacer (TE) Fate?

    Does anyone know the final disposition of the Terex MX Transporter Emplacer (TE)? This vehicle was designed to support MX deployment in a system of multiple protective shelters linked by above ground roads, the so-called "Racetrack" proposal. In 1979, President Carter announced that 200 MX...
  8. Grey Havoc

    FORM (computer algebra system)

    Via Slashdot: https://www.quantamagazine.org/crucial-computer-program-for-particle-physics-at-risk-of-obsolescence-20221201/
  9. World B4

    Stand-off mini-torpedo

    On this page, http://www.hisutton.com/Warships sunk by sneak attack.html, I see this line "Combat swimmers with stand-of mini-torpedo" used to explain the sinking of the PC 176 Mukos. I had no idea this was a type of weapon fielded, and am super duper curious. View...
  10. TomTom

    Secret Projects of the French Armoured Forces

    I don't know if you have more info about this. The French magazine RAIDS, dedicated its special issue N°73 to the "Secret Projects of the French Armoured Forces" published during winter 2019-2020. I haven't managed to get hold of the magazine yet, but it mentions the AMX-APX ALLARM project with...
  11. K

    Airbus Super Puma/ Cougar Alternative to NH90

    I am wondering if anyone has any information on a proposed Super Puma/ Cougar alternative to the NH90. I read somewhere that when the NH90 programme was in its early stages and experiencing the inevitable problems, Airbus briefly considered an updated version of its Super Puma as an alternative...
  12. that_person

    Extended Cold War Naval Development

    Ok, this is a scenario I've been working on for a while now, so I'd like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it. It has some plot devices though (the Soviet Union not completely falling apart, Bush restarting the Cold War, etc), but I think it's realistic enough to seem sane from a glance. In...
  13. Grey Havoc

    Skjold-class fast missile corvette

    View: https://www.reddit.com/r/WarshipPorn/comments/oezs6j/6000_x_4000_the_skjoldclass_corvette_hnoms_glimt/ Original source
  14. Grey Havoc

    32nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre

  15. Grey Havoc

    Russian-American Observation Satellite (RAMOS)

  16. Grey Havoc

    Adobe Flash Player finally bows out

    https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55497353 https://games.slashdot.org/story/21/01/01/029259/its-game-over-for-farmville-as-flash-also-buys-the-farm https://tech.slashdot.org/story/20/12/31/0217256/adobe-now-shows-alerts-in-windows-10-to-uninstall-flash-player
  17. Grey Havoc

    How China Broke the World's Recycling

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXRtNwUju5g https://e360.yale.edu/features/piling-up-how-chinas-ban-on-importing-waste-has-stalled-global-recycling
  18. Y

    Royal Navy mid-1980s planning

    SSomewhere online I've seen a document from he early-mid 1980s with Royal Navy planned surface ship construction through to the mid-1990s. It had projected order dates for 24 Type 23 frigates, eight AORs, and two more CASTLE class OPVs. I seem to recall that it was an omnibus document from the...
  19. G

    Russia sticks with the MIG-1.44?

    Pretty simple, what if the Russians don't flip flop around with their 5th gen program and decide to keep developing the Mig 1.44? Would they have a 5th gen(ish) aircraft earlier? what would it's export potential be? how effective would it be? my 2 cents are It would be operational earlier that...
  20. Y

    Cancelled UK smart anti-tank munition

    I've been researching flight trials of a doppler-sharpened millimetric radar which took place in early 1990s (possibly 1990-4). I've been informed (by an ex-project member) that: Trial was in connection with a smart "fire-and-forget" UK anti-tank munition. Used a dual-mode...
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