
  1. klem

    The 'Excelsior' device.

    Developed in 1954 at the Royal Naval Air Station No.802 Squadron , Lossiemouth, Scotland for high-speed target practice. The 'Excelsior' banner (target) streaming device was especially for use on Hawker Sea Hawk FGA Mk.4 aircraft.
  2. Lascaris

    Cost of light fleet carriers?

    Trying to figure out which countries could actually handle the cost of light fleet carriers in 1946-60, so do we have any actual data at what prices the Colossus and Majestic class ships were sold by Britain in 1946-60? And for that matter how much their modernization with angled fight decks and...
  3. Flyaway

    Supermarine Swift

    Part of the one documentary threads on this channel. States it’s considered one of the worst aircraft to fly with the RAF. View: https://youtu.be/OO_t3HFGrhw?si=BJGkVc9QwQeiINZa
  4. Pirate Pete

    Different thought process for Post WW2 British Navy

    I an sure I will call down a whole host of ‘trouble’ on my head for raising this, but, Here we go… We all know that the Royal Navy post WW2 was in an invidious position regards available finance and the shifting sands of changing priorities. One thing I think was the (in retrospect at least)...
  5. Grey Havoc

    History of Hughes Missile Systems Company

  6. axlzed3301

    American experimental tank

    T34 Heavy Tank Developed in 1945 as a modernization of the T30 heavy tank. The vehicle was equipped with the 120 mm T53 gun and the new Continental AV-1790 engine. Because of the decline in heavy tank development after the end of World War II, the T34 never entered service. The prototypes were...
  7. klem

    British missile ID

    British missile to be identified. Apparently it must be from the 1950s.
  8. J

    Messerschmitt Jet Fighters

    CONTENTS Compressibility buffeting The research sites of the Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Me 262 Interzeptor Messerschmitt Me 262 Heimatschützer BMW 109-003 R (TLR) rocket/turbojet BMW 109-718 rocket Rocket propellants composition Messerschmitt Me 262 Hochgeschwindigkeits Rennkabine...
  9. Foo Fighter

    Unknown seat, aircraft from the 50's perhaps?

    G'day folks, looking to identify and get information on the seat in the pic attached. I am guessing a Korean war vintage helicopter but it could be from anything of the time. Is there anyuone who can identify it please?
  10. bercr

    AJ SAVAGE IN ACTION - David Doyle

  11. axlzed3301

    Postwar Soviet Experimental Tanks

    On 20.5.1952, Ministry of Defense industry of USSR organized a meeting with tank constructors and with the marshal of tank forces, I.S.Bogdanov, to discuss the future of armored forces development. The result of this meeting was a set of tank requirements from 18.6.1952. The resulting tank was...
  12. hesham

    Grumman G.81 Kitten,with Ducted-Wing

    From Air Pictorial 1965, is there any drawing to it ?,and thanks.
  13. B

    Proposed Argentine replacements for the Mauser mod. 1909 7,65 mm

    In 1953, the Argentine army evidenced a requirement for a rifles that would replace its Mauser mod. 1909-Hence DGFM built prototypes of the M1 Garand, the STG 43 and the Johnson rifle (the latter at the IAME) F Eventually, the FAL was selected in 1955, and license production began in 1959
  14. hesham

    British DC-3/Rapide Replacement Competition of 1953-55

    From Air Pictorial 1955, - For this contest,many companies entered in it,and essentially these proposals were involved; Avro-723,English Electric P.7,Hawker P.1098 and Percival P.87. - I suggest those projects; Armstrong AW.170,Blackburn B.105 & B.106,Bristol-187,Handley-Page Reading...
  15. Michel Van

    British STT Vulcan

    very strange and odd Tank Design from 1950s special this ammo autoloader View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0dw32rPUu8
  16. overscan (PaulMM)

    McDonnell Model 103 nuclear-armed air-to-air missile

    Associated with McDonnell-Douglas' Long Range Interceptor (LRI) studies in 1954. Drawing is of the Model 111A weapons bay which could carry 3. Model Description Date Model 103A AIR TO AIR MISSILE CARRYING SPECIAL WARHEAD. 24000LB. THRUST MOTOR. LENGTH 110 INCHES. FIXED FINS. SOLID ROCKET...
  17. uk 75

    The Minotaur and Tiger classes

    At the end of World War Two the RN had the elegant Town and Colony Class cruisers in service and was to add the Minotaur and Tiger classes to them. The cruisers were useful ships but could not be converted easily to missile ships like their US counterparts. They lingered longer than was probably...
  18. klem

    The Mysterious and Enigmatic Direx Assault Rifle 1956.

    The mysterious and enigmatic Direx assault rifle 1956 "In the early 1950's, there existed a firm known as Rexim S.A., with offices in Geneva. While CETME, of Spain, was developing the unfinished German Sturmgewehr 45 (M) the Rexim company began an parallel development of another assault rifle...
  19. M

    Orange William to Swingfire?

    A previous thread suggested that Orange William fed into Swingfire. I am not sure how this might be. OW was a command-guided weapon using a complex two-sight system, a computer, and IR links to the missile to control its flight through rear-mounted control surfaces. The rest of the system was...
  20. R

    Venezuelan warships to be built by Dutch shipyards in 1950s

    Archive Kon. Mij. De Schelde 1970-1975 inv.no. 1656 (stored at Zeeuws Archief). There is some correspondence preserved dating 1949-1950. The launches were never built. In December 1949 was the shipyard informed that the Commander in Chief of the Venezuelan Navy wanted to purchase 3 diesel...
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