
  1. Grey Havoc

    Battle of Britain fighter pilot Paul Farnes dies at 101

    https://apnews.com/05569875820b15fd4639ff46e9d24670 Rest In Peace. :(
  2. Grey Havoc

    USS Nevada (BB-36)

  3. Grey Havoc

    "The Polygon" - Semipalatinsk Test Site

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semipalatinsk_Test_Site https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Chagan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Explosions_for_the_National_Economy
  4. Grey Havoc

    75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50743973 https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/the-camps/ss-concentration-camp-system/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camps https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS-Totenkopfverb%C3%A4nde
  5. Grey Havoc

    CA class Midget submarines (Royal Italian Navy)

    An interesting midget submarine that became a vital part of an even more interesting operation of the Decima Flottiglia MAS that came close to fruition in 1943 (it was ultimately scheduled for December of that year, but events intervened). Development of the CA-class had begun pre-war, in 1938...
  6. Grey Havoc

    USMC Stinger machine gun

    http://cdrsalamander.blogspot.com/2020/01/fullbore-friday_17.html https://www.guns.com/news/2012/08/15/stinger-light-machinegun
  7. World B4

    Keisan Icebreaker

    Does anyone have any illustrations of the icebreaker that was supposed to replace the Otomari in Japanese service? Info on the Japanese wiki https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%81%B5%E5%B1%B1_(%E7%A0%95%E6%B0%B7%E8%89%A6)
  8. H

    Swiss Saurer FLB engine from WW2 period

    Does anyone have any more or better information about the Saurer FLB 2000 engine from the 1940s? Some of the information indicates maybe 2 stroke, fuel injection, opposed pistons, rhombic drive? http://www.saurer-romandie.ch/La%20maison%20Saurer/les%20dates%20et%20faits%20importants.htm
  9. Apophenia

    Weir autogyro and helicopter designations

    Cy-27 said that he was working on a Weir designation list which which was the kick in the pants needed to prompt me to finish off my list! ____________________ J&G Weir Company, 1932-1943, and Cierva Autogiro Company (Cierva-Weir), 1943-1951 Weir autogyros and helicopters received simple...
  10. Stargazer

    Bendix Aircraft's forgotten postwar designs

    Most of you probably recognize the name "Bendix": this company once one of the leading avionics suppliers in the aeronautical industry... Some of you with an interest in ordnance may also associate the name "Bendix" with a few missiles and weapons, notably the Eagle and Talos missile... The...
  11. Johnbr

    Report On BV 222 + 238

    I found this very interesting.
  12. Stargazer

    Bendix Helicopters Model K "Whirlaway"

    After the experimental Models G and H, Bendix Helicopters, Inc. had a go at finding their place on the market of small-size helicopters with the Models J and K, which both received the name Whirlaway. Unfortunately Hiller had already invested the segment of coaxial rotorcraft, and there seemed...
  13. Stargazer

    Cierva designations

    I still have to finish my detailed Cierva list, but here is a rough version: SPAIN BCD-1* 'El Cangrejo' two-seat biplane (* Barcala, Cierva & Diaz) BCD-2* small racing tractor monoplane (* Barcala, Cierva & Diaz) C-3 (large biplane) BRITAIN C.1 Autogiro N°1 C.2 Autogiro N°2 C.3 Autogiro N°3...
  14. hesham

    Need more info about two Gloster projects

    Hi, from Tony Butler's Air Enthusiast magazine; http://crimso.msk.ru/Site/Arts/Art3524.htm I want a more info about those two projects.
  15. H

    1939 Swedish Scout

    Looking for information about the Swedish SAAB L23 J23 "Swedish Mustang" I came upon this picture of a purported 1939 AFF P7 scout. Does anyone else have better information about this fascinating looking aircraft? Thanks
  16. redstar72

    Messerschmitt Me 362 jet airliner

    It is mentioned at http://www.designation-systems.net/non-us/germany.html and at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_RLM_aircraft_designations. Did such a project (at least a study) actualy existed at WWII times? Or it is only somebody's dream? Or maybe they mean that Egyptian late-1960s...
  17. GTX

    Junkers Ju 87 - Development, Variants , Related Projects

    Hi folks, I couldn't find an existing one so here is a thread for and unknown, secret or rare Junkers Ju-87 variants. To start with here is a photo (albeit poor quality) of a Jumo 213E powered Ju-87. It was a trial installation on a Ju87B. Regards, Greg
  18. B

    Lancaster High Speed Mail Plane (pre Lancastrian?)

    Lancaster High Speed Mail Plane (pre Lancastrian?) I Not sure if this counts as secret, or cancelled, or evolved? Most of the reference to the Lancaster High Speed Mail Plane refer to the Lancastrian. however the following book, on Page 41 has a small drawing of an alternative design, now I...
  19. Maveric

    Heston aircraft projects

    Hi all, can you give a short history of the british aircraft builder Heston? I need also informations about the aircraft(projects?) J.?.2/ J.?.4/ J.?.7 and J.?.8... ...was J.C.9 the last project by Heston? Thanks Servus Maveric
  20. M

    Blohm&Voss BV40

    Hi everybody The BV 40 was an armored Glider to be armament with different Weapons for example: 2x Mk108, R4M Rockets, Gerät "Schlinge", 250kg Anti-Aircraft Bomb, Four aerial Torpedoes ? The BV40 should be also fitted with Argus Pulsejets like the Me328 Thanks in advance
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