
  1. blackkite

    Aichi Experimental Two-Seat Reconnaissance Seaplane (AM-10)

    Hi! Aichi Experimental AM-10 two-seat Reconnaissance Seaplane. In 1933,Aichi designed single wing experimental AM-10 two-seat reconnaissance seaplane apart from the experimental 8-shi reconnaissance seaplane. This airplane possessed the cantilevering system taper wing by which the feature of...
  2. hesham

    Chessin/Trey Odd Safety Airplane of 1935

    Hi, a very weird airplane designed by Alexander Chessin and Serge Trey. http://blog.modernmechanix.com/inventors-patent-odd-designs-for-safer-planes/1/#mmGal
  3. hesham

    Ultra-Streamline Odd Plane of 1935

    Hi, here is a strange airplane concept,I never saw like it before ?. https://books.google.com.au/books?id=yyUDAAAAMBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=POPULAR+SCIENCE+1935&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCwQ6AEwBGoVChMI-NHVp73WxwIVh44sCh3cXAzB#v=onepage&q&f=false
  4. Apophenia

    Weir autogyro and helicopter designations

    Cy-27 said that he was working on a Weir designation list which which was the kick in the pants needed to prompt me to finish off my list! ____________________ J&G Weir Company, 1932-1943, and Cierva Autogiro Company (Cierva-Weir), 1943-1951 Weir autogyros and helicopters received simple...
  5. H

    1937 Italian Submarine Hunter

    Anyone have any more information about dimensions and speed of this 1937 Italian sub hunter of 1300 tons with anti-submarine float plane? Love to know more about the floatplane. 3x1 120mm; 4x1 20mm; 2x2 torpedo tubes; 4 depth charge throwers, and sonar...
  6. Tzoli

    IJN Settsu Modernisation Proposals

    I've posted this on another forum but it is better to post many forums to see if anybody know anything about this, I've got hold an extract from a naval forum about possible modernisation plans for the Kawachi class Battleship IJN Settsu which was stripped from her armament after the Washington...
  7. P

    Spec R.1/36

    Has anyone seen what the early Saro S.36 with gull wings looked like and what was Saro's reason for changing to the design they finally did? What did the Supermarine 314 look like?
  8. hesham

    British specification P.27/32 Light day bomber

    Hi, in the Spec. P27/32E for day bomber aircraft,hawker submitted a proposal for low cantilever wing two seat aircraft project,and maybe a retractable landing gear.
  9. Apophenia

    Tatra Aircraft Designations

    Tatra Aircraft Designations - Závody Ringhoffer-Tatra as* The Ringhoffer-Tatra Works of Prague (Praha-Smíchov) produced a range of aircraft and aero-engine designs in the late 1930s. Both aircraft and engines had 'T' prefixed type designations. Tatra applied a separate 'T' series designations...
  10. blackkite

    Mitsubishi 7-shi Twin-Engine Carrier Attack/Type 93 Land-based Attack Bomber

    The navy type 93 attack-bomber (Mitsubishi 7-shi twin engine carrier base attack bomber) The aircraft carrier "Akagi" went into commission, and the IJN which could make the room the fuselage size which can be used from the carrier directed development of large carrier attack bomber to Mitsubishi...
  11. Stargazer

    Hiro Type 95 Land-based Medium Attack, Twin Engine (G2H1)

    In 1932, the Imperial Japanese Navy issued a specification for its 7-Shi Land-based Attack. The only known contender (and winner) of that competition was the Hiro G2H1, or Type 95 Land-based Medium Attack, Twin Engine, also commonly known as the "Dai-ko" or "Big Attack." It was a remarkably...
  12. blackkite

    IJN Specification 10-Shi (F1, Reconnaissance Seaplane, 1934)

    Hi Aichi F1A. Competitor of Mitsubishi F1M. There was a sea plane version and a land base plane version of F1A.
  13. blackkite

    IJN Specification 12-Shi (E12/E13, Reconnaissance Seaplane, 1937)

    Hi! Kawanishi E13K. http://www.airwar.ru/enc/sww2/e13k.html Auto translation. In 1937, the Imperial Japanese Navy decided to change the old Scout Kawanishi E7K seaplanes (Navy Type 94 Reconnaissance Seaplane) to more advanced aircraft. For this purpose, contracts were signed with companies...
  14. blackkite

    Aichi 16-Shi Navy Reconnaissance Seaplane (E16A Zuiun) (AM-22)

    Hi! Aichi E16A1 Zuiun.
  15. Schneiderman

    Gloster Flying Boats and other monoplane projects

    The next edition of The Aviation Historian, published on 15th Oct, will include the first of a 3-part article about Folland's monoplane designs for Gloster in the early 1930s. It includes description and details on three flying boats, including this one. http://www.theaviationhistorian.com/
  16. Stargazer

    McGaffey AV-8 Aviate

    I was so sure I'd shared a photo of what was then a mysterious aircraft, but couldn't trace the topic despite my efforts. Our friend Tophe probably could have identified right away, since he mentions it in his Forked Ghosts and Catamarans du Ciel works, but he no longer visits this forum...
  17. Stargazer

    H. Capelis Tandem-Wing Airliner Projects

    The Capelis XC12 prototype transport [X12762], built after a patent issued to Greek immigrant Socrates H. Capelis, of El Cerrito, in 1930. It was the sole product of the Capelis Safety Airplane Corp., based at Oakland Airport and El Cerrito, Calif. The aircraft was funded by local Greek...
  18. Grey Havoc

    Royal Netherlands Navy fleet tanker program [1939-40]

    At the same time as the Design 1047 battlecruiser project was being worked on, the Dutch need for dedicated naval tankers, especially to support operations around the Netherlands East Indies could no longer be ignored, so what was intended to be a eventual two-ship class was (belatedly)...
  19. Tzoli

    Greek Large Cruiser Design 1939

    Greek Large Cruiser proposal from DNC https://www.deviantart.com/tzoli/art/Greek-Large-Cruiser-Design-259030560 This warship is based on the Dido but on an enlarged hull. The DNC or Director of Naval Construction was assigned to create studies for a warship of the Hellenic Navy in 1939. Her...
  20. hesham

    Messerschmitt Bf 110/161 Projects & Prototypes

    Hi, here is a comparison between BF.161-V2 and BF.162-V2.
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