Search results for query: mustard

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  1. fightingirish

    Mil V-12 (Mil-12) HOMER

    View: Please also notice the upcoming video about the MiG-25 Supersonic Business Jet project Ye-155 just before the credits. :cool:
  2. red admiral

    A WW2 fighter design for rugged areas

    That was sort of in my mind too; maybe need some AH variant that uses water injection as specified to get to similar boost levels as 100oct without (ish) From going through the specified engines then I'm pretty sure Merlin offers the best power to mass / size and so this gives us more margin in...
  3. Orionblamblam

    AI art and creative content creation

    ...Mairanovsky and his colleagues tested a number of deadly poisons on prisoners from the Gulags, including mustard gas, ricin, digitoxin, curare, cyanide, and many others.[7] The goal of the experiments was to find a tasteless, odourless chemical that could not be detected post-mortem...
  4. sferrin

    AI art and creative content creation

  5. S

    Suborbital refuelling the orbiter." Can you please explain how a bimese tanker plus identical orbiter would not be bimese? You might like to read up on MUSTARD first, in which multiple non-orbital craft doubled as combined booster/tankers. Also, for your information a "drogue" is a particular device which...
  6. Triton

    Air Force Drops Two Thousand Poison Mice on Guam

    "Air Force Drops Two Thousand Poison Mice on Guam Aimed at wiping out invasive tree snakes" By: Daniel D. Snyder Source...
  7. Michel Van

    Military Aircraft Of 2163 - A Speculative Thought Experiment

    my mustard to the topic Option A India new quantum leap in aeronautics HAL Vimana from Hindustan Aeronautic Limited. It's use a magenetoplasmadynamic thruster superconductor drive, embedded in silica-carbon fuselage covered with monomolecular skin of nacre Powered by by small superconductor...
  8. S

    Agent to USA: "Yeah, about those bioweapons labs..."

    I didn't know it was 500, I stopped following the news about it. Before 2005, when the US gave up their search for WMD, the count was around two or three as far as I remember. It appears more has indeed been discovered. However, regarding their potential effect, small. There's probably indeed...
  9. L

    Free Lecutre - British Spigot Weapons

    ...I've managed to work into the book: UK: AEB bomb thrower, Arbalest, Bombard Experimental Gun, Bombard, Hedgehog, Hedgerow, Water Hammer, Mustard Plaster, Baby Bombard, Jefferis Gun, Stewblack Projector, PIAT, Petard, Denny Gun. Buffalo, Clarke Family (Tree, Ground, and Gun). US: US Tree...
  10. Hood

    Douglas DC3 Dakota replacement?

    DH's Ron Bishop was ahead of you, he wanted to tweak the Flamingo to match the DC-3 and in August 1943 sketched up the Flamingo Mk.II (possibly numbered DH.97). - new single tail (Mosquito style) - 950hp Perseus XA engines in new, cleaner design nacelles for 13mph increase in cruising speed...
  11. Hood

    Royal Navy Type 26 Frigate, helipad and hangar, multi-mission bay and good command and communications fit. A warmed over River Class isn't going to cut the mustard. Also, unless it shares a large proportion of components with the Type 26 then there will be no savings to the Type 26 production line due to the...
  12. overscan (PaulMM)

    Secret Projects: Military Space Technology by Bill Rose

    ...Rocketplane Nonweiler's Waveriders Armstrong Whitworth Pyramid Advanced Blue Steel Projects BAC Delta-winged Spaceplane RAE Space Fighter MUSTARD Hawker Siddeley TSTO concept HOTOL Interim HOTOL Skylon Lapcat 3) US Projects p.63 WAC Corporal Hermes Redstone Jupiter Rocketplanes (incl. Miles...
  13. M

    German Atomic Bombs in WW2

    ...the two groups of poison gases: the 'classic' or 'conventional' gases of the Great War, asphyxiating agents and blistering agents such as Mustard Gas, and improved versions developed between the wars, of which both sides had large stockpiles and manufacturing capacity; and nerve gases, such...
  14. newsdeskdan

    Image library licensing and copyright discussions

    ...that the company concerned (e.g. BAC) retained copyright on all materials and designs generated during the course of a project (as with MUSTARD, for example). But in other cases, the contract stipulated that the Government owned the copyright to those materials and designs. Copyright...
  15. Michel Van

    2001: A Space-Time Odyssey

    ...invest into new British Space program, much to surprise of every one they canceled HOTOL project and focus on old program of 1960s: MUSTARD stand for Multi-Unit Space Transport and Recovery Device study by BAC, now BAE it was a interesting concept of three identical rocket power Lifting...
  16. M

    Suborbital refuelling

    Archibald, things are by far not as black and white as you make them seem - there are 2STO (or potentially even 3STO - think son of MUSTARD) concepts that have some commonality across stages without being completely identical. Over two decades ago I was involved in ESA's Future European Space...
  17. S

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    Got hold of a copy at last. What a wonderful book. It covers not only the Mustard project but everything that led up to it, as well as some of the things that it led on to, and all In Dan's inimitable style of detailed dissection and acute observation combined with original drawings and artists'...
  18. Triton

    US/Russian Military Interventions in Syria

    Believe it or don't. "U.S. Lays Out Case For Assad's Culpability In Chemical Weapons Attack" by Camila Domonoske April 11, 20173:46 PM ET Source:
  19. A

    What if, the Mirage-4000 was produced?

    ...- in exchange for their sacrifices (no kidding: watch Marjane Satrapi Persépolis ) - Saddam was gassing both Iranians and Kurds with mustard gas, the SOB So yes, the Saudis were a little worried. But you are right, the AdA wouldn't buy the 4000 - not in 1976 nor 1979 nor 1986 nor 1988...
  20. M

    The Coming SSTO's.

    ...can leverage commonalities and design repeats with respect to propulsion and structures, all the way up to potential bimese (or, like the BAC MUSTARD, even trimese) designs, and result in lower costs than SSTOs. Return to launch site (which by the way is not really a firm requirement, since...
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