Search results for query: mustard

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  1. M

    Suborbital refuelling

    ...effect on payload" you claim above. After having read "Britain's Space Shuttle" by Dan Sharp, who is an esteemed member of this forum, I dare say that a whole lot more competent thought and professional work was put into MUSTARD than into say the flock synchronized launching routine. Martin
  2. A

    Suborbital refuelling

    ...boom and the USN thing. Yet suborbital refueling may marry them, adapt them, to boom rendez vous I mentionned up thread ( once again). And Mustard inspired Triamese and both were not workable as discussed up thread. NASA expressedly rejected Triamese for Shuttle as early as april 1969, for...
  3. newsdeskdan

    Some Future Titles of Interest for SPF Members new artworks which are currently being made. The goal is to create an appropriately detailed, accurate and fully illustrated followup to my earlier British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle (which, if I'd had my way at the time, would have been called MUSTARD: Britain's Space...
  4. Dilandu

    V-2 with Chemical Warheads plans ?

    Well, as I mentioned before - the truly devastating warhead for V-2 may be the one, filled with N-stoff, chlorine trifluoride (assuming, of course, that Germans figured out some way to handle this horrible stuff without blowing the missile up several hundred times during preparation). When such...
  5. shin_getter

    Various Ekranoplane and WIG projects

    Does anyone where to find (non-paywalled) info on this? To use the snippet of paywalled info
  6. sferrin

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy

    Look at that. In what, FOUR posts it's already been forgotten that "getting operational" isn't the metric. That's the part to remember. A test flight with ballast or a flight with a commercial payload doesn't cut it. (Though we all know 99% of those who even remember the claim will forget...
  7. Z

    Hitler orders advanced intercontinental bomber projects into production to carry on his war plan for attacking Manhattan

    You’re correct about the historical dates for Tabun but had such a plan been an absolute national priory it just might have happened earlier. Ok I’ll throw another one in, maybe such an attack was an escalation in response to an Allied first use on the battlefield. There were calls at various...
  8. JFC Fuller

    Re: Royal Navy Amphibious shipping in the 1960s

    ...version would require a considerably more powerful engine, in the region of 20,000lb +to match the performance expected from the rocket version. A single Avon just does not cut the mustard in this regard and the only viable option looks like the RB.106 or something much larger like a Gyron.
  9. A

    1980's European space plane

    None of the 1992 era concepts made a lot of technical sense. Even as a 10 year old I already smelled something was amiss. I started to dip my toe and whack my brain into RLV concepts. Even if the lack of Internet did not helped. Orion Express and HOTOL and Saenger were pipe dreams, Hermes was...
  10. Hood

    What if Iran never had a revolution?

    ...and having been a long-term US fighter user, the Iranian AF may have pushed to keep buying US. Mirage F-1s might not quite have cut the mustard, though the Mirage 2000 would have been tempting and maybe the 4000 if there are enough petrochemical dollars available. You have to remember, the...
  11. B

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy

    A Space Test Program payload qualifies as a national security payload. It actually won't be that hard. ULA knows how to fly national security payloads and to get certification of their vehicles.
  12. bobbymike

    US/Russian Military Interventions in Syria treating sarin victims - "no comment" from officials on if Russia did latter. No ISIS or other terrorists in area have sarin (just mustard gas) - attack was "not a terrorist holding of sarin or a terrorist use of sarin" WH official on if Russia, present at airfield, knew of sarin...
  13. U

    BAC Designation System

    ...E.6 Hypersonic: these were Hawker Siddeley studies, all part of the larger APD.1019 family of advanced projects from Kingston (See BSP4). Mustard is nicely covered in the new BSP 5 and it comes under the EAG series. As for the EAG series, these were strictly speaking drawing numbers...
  14. K

    Lycoming R-7755 Powered Aircraft?

    ...big aircraft were beginning to move along at 300-350 mph so something like the H-4 doodling along at 250 mph just wasn't going to cut the mustard. The H-4 was very nearly as long as a 747, and was/is as deep in the fuselage as an A380, and the early 747 were powered by four 50,000 lbt...
  15. D

    Some off the wall profiling from Damian - French Skyhawks

    ...hope you'll enjoy them!! So today I bring you the Skyhawks of France! We'll all just pretend that this was a good idea and cut right to the mustard so to speak! 1. Flottille 17F '70s 2. Flottile 11F '90s 3. EC-2/3 Champagne '68 4. EC-2/3 Champagne '72 5. EC-2/7 Argonne '89 6...
  16. Richard N

    SpaceX (general discussion)

    ...them. And third, he’s incredibly smart and is used to working with the world’s smartest and most accomplished people, so if you don’t cut the mustard then you didn’t cut the mustard. And here’s something funny he actually said to someone who was pissing him off in the Tesla factory: “You...
  17. newsdeskdan

    UK SST projects

    ...if it turns out, eventually, that what they wrote years ago under difficult circumstances was not entirely accurate. I began working on Mustard as a result of seeing Tom Smith's obituary and eventually decided to write a book on his work which I called Britain's Space Shuttle. You'll...
  18. Michel Van

    2001: A Space-Time Odyssey

    ...and if ballistic Reuse is commercial viable, use this technology. View: BAE on other hand, build reusable MUSTARD and successful tested it in Australia and British Government were in negotiations with French for launch site in French Guiana, For Equator orbit...
  19. D

    One Woman’s Mission to Rewrite Nazi History on Wikipedia

    ...hospitals in the Dardanelles where Nightingale worked. Herbal remedies of course were quite common among professional doctors, and Seacole's mustard poultices and cinnamon tea would have been as effective at reducing the cramping and dehydration associated with cholera as anything else...
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