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  1. The Artist

    Chanute Air Museum has announced that it is closing

    I just mentioned this in a B-47 thread, but I thought it should have its own thread.
  2. The Artist

    Boeing B-47 Stratojet

    The Chanute Air Museum has announced that it will close down on 12/31/2015.
  3. The Artist

    US Navy "V/STOL Type A" competition

    4.PNG Figure 1 above looks like it's based on the Saberliner.
  4. The Artist

    Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar and alternate projects

    DN 13, 14 and 15 seem to explain the model I photographed at Vought.,3052.msg156492.html#msg156492
  5. The Artist

    North American XB-70 Valkyrie

    A Robert McCall Painting that is new to me. Thanks for sharing.
  6. The Artist

    Bell XP-63D

    Thanks. I do use either Google or Bing on one screen while entering catalog information on the other. I had tried variations of XP-63D on Bing and had been getting "No Results" for some reason. I did not get any useable information on any tail number searches I had run earlier while cataloging...
  7. The Artist

    Bell XP-63D

    I'm having trouble finding information to catalog this photograph in the Museum's collection. The caption on the back says only "BELL XP-63D" Does anyone here have any additional information on this aircraft?
  8. The Artist

    Teaser Trailer for new Star Wars film "The Force Awakens"

    A side note to this excitement -
  9. The Artist

    Little-known American Helicopter Prototypes & Projects

    It took a while, but here is a scan of the Little Henry fuselage mockup photo. Still no additional information on this one. Edit - Replaced the image with a better quality image.
  10. The Artist

    what apears to be a tsr2 in anime

    Airfix has a kit that gives you the parts and markings options to do either the actual aircraft, or the one in the show.
  11. The Artist

    Possible problems with publishing aviation stuff

    This is a problem that aviation artists have to deal with as well. Take a look through the German aircraft paintings in this site dedicated to the work of Shigeo Koike. Most of them were done for the Fuji Heavy Industries annual calendar - marketed in Japan - but a few were done for box top art...
  12. The Artist

    US Next Generation Bomber Studies

    The one with the balloons brings this one to mind.
  13. The Artist

    Airliner from 2001: A space Odyssey

    That 2001 airliner mock-up is a photoshop. You can see more like it at the Sci-Fi Airshow. Be sure to check out the Eagle boneyard.
  14. The Artist

    Airliner from 2001: A space Odyssey

    There's a short story called "The Great Three Month Super Supersonic Stack-up of 1999" that dealt with air transport vehicles approaching the size of starships. Everybody decided to go to Jackson Hole for a long weekend and it created this massive air traffic control back-up. The story was...
  15. The Artist

    Ryan XV-5 and beyond - Liftfan VTOL designs

    Re: Unknown USA VTOL Surveillance & Recce Aircraft Project of 1960s Hey, it's a Friday, what other excuse do you need? :)
  16. The Artist

    Ryan XV-5 and beyond - Liftfan VTOL designs

    Re: Unknown USA VTOL Surveillance & Recce Aircraft Project of 1960s Those lift fans are not in the areas where the markings had been covered up.
  17. The Artist

    Gemini 6 & 7 - What might have happened

    This is from On The Shoulders of Titans. The idea of lifting a Titan rocket this way would make an interesting image. And here is how it happened.
  18. The Artist

    Two Unknown Boeing Designs

    They seem to me to be related to this,2504.msg95135.html#msg95135
  19. The Artist

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    I have found the presentation that goes with the NASA Knowledge Capture document I mentioned earlier. It runs about an hour and forty minutes. Some interesting bits of information to be mined from this one.
  20. The Artist

    McDonnell Model 119 executive jet prototype......

    You know, that idea had potential as the first corporate glider. That is unless one, or the other, component were to be redesigned to hold the engines.
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