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  • Before: 25 January 2019
  • Users: kitnut617
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  1. K

    Vickers VC.1 Viking

    No, if the wiki article is correct
  2. K

    Saunders-Roe Princess, Duchess, P.192 and other Flying boat projects

    Now that is an interesting picture --- hmm! I could cast up a bunch of these I'm making for my Lancaster FTB
  3. K

    Jet Powered Vought F5U-2 "Flying Pancake"

    Also, I seem to remember, is the prop-wash over the wing surface was an important part, especially at slow speeds. I've read that the earlier flying pancake when flown in tests (can't remember where but could be a Ginter book), that it almost looked like it was 'hovering' but in fact was just...
  4. K

    Belgium's quest to replace their F-16 fleet

    Erm! the Boeing offering to the XC-X was this below, nothing like the 747 configuration
  5. K

    Did Google Earth Image Reveal US Air Force’s Secret 4,600mph Spy Plane?

    Wasn't this discussed in another thread early last year or something ---- I seem to remember reading about it here before.
  6. K

    RB.106, RB.122 and RB.128 and Zeus turbojets

    It caught up with them during the war with the Sabre resulting in English Electric buying them out.
  7. K

    Airbus A380 family

    Must have been piloted by an ex-RN pilot the way he used that ski ramp ---- ;D
  8. K

    Hamilton Standard variable camber propeller

    A-ha! right --- thanks for that
  9. K

    Cessna 408 SkyCourier

    Having a T-Tail doesn't necessarily mean a swing-tail was contemplated, as any of the aircraft built as swing-tails will ascertain.
  10. K

    Hamilton Standard variable camber propeller

    You can certainly see the size of it in that photo of Tonton's, it's fitted to the nose of a B-17 EDIT: I would guess this is the same aircraft with the same propeller in flight (photos found on the internet, no idea who's they are)
  11. K

    Airbus A380 family

    In the case of the Engine Alliance failure, it should be noted that the 'whole' fan detached itself from the shaft. I don't think the test you have linked to had that in mind ---
  12. K

    Airbus A380 family

    From what I've read the Trent 900 was a development of previous Trents for the A380, not specifically designed for the A380
  13. K

    Airbus A380 family

    I would say that as both aircraft survived the incidents, it would suggest that the aircraft is pretty good, IMO. Engines failures are nothing to do with the design of the aircraft though. That's the engine manufacturers problems ---
  14. K

    Hamilton Standard variable camber propeller

    could it be an experiment for a 'slotted' propeller blade ???
  15. K

    Japanese next generation fighter studies pre GCAP (aka i3, F-3)

    I have noticed that many of the Russian (and Chinese) projects look a lot like many of the rejected western projects. Maybe it's because the ""technical data"' is more easily found on line -----
  16. K

    UAE and Russia To Jointly Develop a New Fighter

    Or maybe Russia just doesn't want F-35's in the area ---- what better way than to say what has been said.
  17. K

    Agusta A129 variants

    I had my own ideas about this
  18. K

    Short Skyvan on floats

    You could probably use the Twin Otter floats for the Skyvan, they have practically the same empty weight/max' take off weights. I'm considering building a model Skyvan with the amphibian floats the Twin Otter comes equipped with.
  19. K

    Astronaut Scott Kelly on the devastating effects of a year in space

    One thing I always bring up in conversations with friends on space travel is they'll have to go in something a damn sight bigger than a ISS size spaceship. Being cooped up in something that small for anything longer than what they do will turn people nuts -------
  20. K

    Martin-Baker M.B.1,2 and3

    It's quite interesting to note that where he started off with a concept and an aircraft with practically no fin, the MB5 ended up with the biggest fin/rudder combination of all the WWII single seat fighters (even though it didn't go into production)
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