Search results for query: Friedrich Georg

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  1. hesham

    Friedrich Georg "III Reich miracle weapons"

    From, Hitlers Miracle Weapons V1,by Friedrich Georg, a mysteries ?.
  2. L

    Jumo coupled engine Projects

    Be carefull with Georg Friedrich's 'histories' Würger..
  3. Antonio

    1940's Japan A-Bomb Program Speculation

    Please stop that :P
  4. fightingirish

    Id this rocket

    Friedrich Georg again. ::)
  5. G

    Do these projects have any basis in reality?

    As far as I can make out, this is not the collection of the great Friedrich Georg being sold off due to the recession! A chap named Rudolf Vogel seems to have a company called Bird Models, which makes models of the Friedrich Georg "designs". A bit of search engine work will show up a few other...
  6. airman

    Vengeance: Hitler's Nuclear Weapon. Fact or Fiction?

    And other book that can be considereed pure fiction is Hitler's Miracle Weapons of Friedrich Georg
  7. Michel Van

    V-4 Wunderwaffe, info needed

    ok ;) if you're fan of Friedrich Georg or Ancient Aliens TV Show try the Bob Arndt site it got allot of weird stuff, read own risk, it can blow your mind up... by the way Please, allot of his madness ended up in this forum, don't do it. nowadays we react...
  8. Jemiba

    Friedrich Georg "III Reich miracle weapons"

    Just search for the author's name here in this forum ... :rolleyes:
  9. hesham

    Friedrich Georg "III Reich miracle weapons"

    By the way, the third drawing was also mentioned in anther source ?!.
  10. Antonio

    Do these projects have any basis in reality?

    I agree with Thomas. That models are extremely expensive and look awful. Pure fake :P
  11. Michel Van

    Id this rocket

    Not again Friedrich Georg i had overlook the book author... In this case that Missile is TOTALY FAKE
  12. Jemiba

    Skoda-Kauba Atomic Bomber

    Nothing against Friedrich Georg ! Pretty sure, that without his masterpiece "Mit dem Balkenkreuz zum Mond" (With the Balkenkreuz to the moon) we wouldn't have had the great movie "Iron Sky" ! ;D ;D ;D
  13. Jemiba

    German Mistel & Piggy-Back Projects & Prototypes

    Sorry, my bad ! Friedrich George is cited as source in Farrells book. They seem to be spirit brothers.
  14. Jemiba

    Junkers Ju 290 and 390 Variants

    With Friedrich Georg as author of the article about the "Ghost aircraft"? Good reading certainly, good for a laughter ! ;D
  15. boxkite

    manned A.4/V.2 derivatives and projects

    These images are taken from one of the books written by Friedrich Georg ::) - be careful with the 'knowledge' of this man. BTW, would you like to enter the cockpit using such a 'chicken ladder' as in picture a4pci4.jpg? Herr Georg loves to create models to support his conspiracy theories ...
  16. S

    Skoda-Kauba Atomic Bomber

    ...once came across anything "atomic" in the German WWII contexts, nothing to join the two worlds together. Also, if you search for Friedrich Georg on this forum you will find a ruck of posts discussing his nuclear obsessions and fake inventions. Verdict: Nice and informed attempt at backstory...
  17. Jemiba

    Heinkel He 177V38: Luftwaffe Nuclear Bomber?

    ...this review from an amazon customer about a wunderwaffe book author:" It's probably well worth, to google the name of the author "Friedrich Georg" itself ! He's the author of such wonderful titles as "Mit dem Balkenkreuz zum Mond" (With the german cross to the moon), or "Atomziel New York"...
  18. M

    martinletts's Horten Ho XVIII artwork

    Hi everybody I saw a interesting drawing of the EF-140/Ho XVIIIB-2 in one of Friedrich Georgs books. I know Friedrich Georg is not a good source. But maybe we can discuss this drawing ? It shows the EF-140/Ho XVIIIB-2 with only 4 turbojets ! Normal are 6 turbojets. Someone knows more about...
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    Skoda-Kauba Atomic Bomber

    Source of this image is Friedrich Georg, Hitlers letzter Trumpf Which makes it pretty suspect.
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