I mean that they're not visible. Both images show attempts to obscure significant parts with shadow and vapour. Not very skilfully, I might add, as if someone looked at much clearer renders and ordered that some fig leaves be added in a hurry.
In the 'fog' render the starboard canard is obscured by a white blob, giving the chine an irregular shape, while the port one is more successfully hidden but there's a straight-edged dark shadow under the port wing that would be defined by the trailing edge of the canard. This suggests that the original render didn't have any or as much vapour and the plane was depicted against a darker background.
In the 'flag' image, while the canards are visible, there are suspicious dark shadows at the rear that become more obvious once the contrast is altered. They probably obscure the humps over the engines, but oddly, they extend a bit more over the wing root just a little bit more that the outer wing. That's why I was thinking that dorsal inlets might be a possibility.
Both images are head-on, more or less. Like the first official image of the F-117, both are meant to confuse certain details, proportions and angles.