President Biden has announced, that the next two Ford-class aircraft carriers will be named USS William J. Clinton (CVN 82) and USS George W. Bush (CVN 83).
No offence, but now we can certainly predict, that the future CVN-84 and CVN-85 will be named after POTUS 44 and POTUS 45/47.:(
Sorry, I just wish former aircraft carrier names like USS Saratoga, USS Lexington or even the USS Nimitz again etc. should be chosen instead.:)
CVN-84 might be called the USS Lewinsky. A special ops Ford-class carrier specifically configured for Project Blue Dress. The goal of PBD is to acquire militarily, all Cuban cigar developmental and manufacturing technology without leaving a stain or trace of the operation.
ESSM drops its TVC module fairly close in, as soon as the missile has turned horizontal out of the launcher.

The concern about ESSM debris fallback on carriers was something I heard from folks in PEO Ships back in the day.
Thank you, I knew I wasn't losing my mind! (this time)

I would have addressed that by installing the VLS block(s) with a 5-10 degree outboard angle, but for whatever reason that apparently was either insufficient or not considered. Which is extremely unfortunate, since a single 8-cell Mk41 module would hold 32x ESSMs ready to launch, as opposed to the 8x that the box launcher has ready. I believe in arming carriers with enough onboard missile defenses to handle a Russian or Chinese bomber regimental attack, ~48x aircraft carrying up to 4x missiles each.

I'd want 4x modules on the carrier in 2 sets of 2, 2-3x RAM (since it's highly unlikely that the USN would adopt the OTO 76mm Sovraponte), and 2-3x CIWS.

The other option would be some fancy programming for the TVC module, to know where it was relative to the ship and not drop the TVC until the missile was clear of the ship (including wind drift)
To help with re-supply and crew rotation--perhaps future scuttling of Navy ships can be done atop shallow sea-mounts--with oil derricks relocated there as a cheapo JMOB.

Sitting duck though it may be, you would just have low cost supplies.

Should a Ford be struck--it might sail over the top of an oil platform with added legs whose surface is beneath the waves.

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Thank you, I knew I wasn't losing my mind! (this time)

I would have addressed that by installing the VLS block(s) with a 5-10 degree outboard angle, but for whatever reason that apparently was either insufficient or not considered. Which is extremely unfortunate, since a single 8-cell Mk41 module would hold 32x ESSMs ready to launch, as opposed to the 8x that the box launcher has ready. I believe in arming carriers with enough onboard missile defenses to handle a Russian or Chinese bomber regimental attack, ~48x aircraft carrying up to 4x missiles each.
This is what the Angled Adaptable Deck Launcher (formerly Cocoon) is intended for. I'm very surprised the Navy never adopted it.

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So are there any up to date estimates on when might USS Bill J. Clinton be laid down? Old estimate for 2027 seems way out of date. I'd think if USS BJ Clinton can get laid by 2029, USN should count itself lucky. With 2030 being more likely.
ESSM drops its TVC module fairly close in, as soon as the missile has turned horizontal out of the launcher.

The concern about ESSM debris fallback on carriers was something I heard from folks in PEO Ships back in the day.
I recall the ESSM's TVC being jettisoned after the turnover maneuver.
That's a much flatter angle than I had intended. I meant 5-10 degrees off vertical, or whatever putting the doors of the inboard cells vertically over the base of the outboard cells ends up being.

There are enough advantages to the flatter angle, especially for a self-defense launcher, to justify that rather than fiddling around with just a few degrees.
It's less than 3 seconds after launch. That should be clear of the ship, usually, but isn't a certainty.
FR Charles de Gaulle also uses VLS to launch Aster , and I remember the Aster's booster also only burns for a few seconds. any different?
FR Charles de Gaulle also uses VLS to launch Aster , and I remember the Aster's booster also only burns for a few seconds. any difference?

The TVC on ESSM isn't propulsive, it's just an add-on sitting in the exhaust stream of the main missile motor. So it comes off before the missile has done most of its acceleration, unlike the ASTER booster, which comes off after the dart is fully accelerated. So, the TVC has to be falling closer to the ship than an ASTER booster.
Here an interesting video about the Ford Class Aircraft Carrier program, uploaded by former USN RIO Ward Carroll today.
Be aware, this video is also political, because it brings up older comments on steam versus electromagnetic catapults by POTUS Trump in his first term.
President Biden has announced, that the next two Ford-class aircraft carriers will be named USS William J. Clinton (CVN 82) and USS George W. Bush (CVN 83).
No offence, but now we can certainly predict, that the future CVN-84 and CVN-85 will be named after POTUS 44 and POTUS 45/47.:(
Sorry, I just wish former aircraft carrier names like USS Saratoga, USS Lexington or even the USS Nimitz again etc. should be chosen instead.:)
Could not agree more. Rename CVN-77, USS Bush for both President Bushs, and name CVN 82 for USS United States and CVN 83 for USS Lexington. Clinton can have a destroyer or submarine named after him, so can Mr. Trump.
Neither should ever get that honor. Clinton has fairly reliably been accused of being a sexual predator, and Trump is an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon.
Look up "lawfare".
Could not agree more. Rename CVN-77, USS Bush for both President Bushs, and name CVN 82 for USS United States and CVN 83 for USS Lexington. Clinton can have a destroyer or submarine named after him, so can Mr. Trump.
Disagree with naming any ship "United States". It's all propaganda, and sinking "the United States" would be a coup of epic proportions.

I'd like Midway, Coral Sea, Hornet, etc back as carrier names.

As to the Presidents, Bush the Elder was a Sailor. Flew TBM Avengers in WW2. JKF should be well known for his PT boat. Jimmy Carter got a submarine, which is good because he was a submarine officer. Nixon was a sailor. LBJ did not serve. Ford was also a WW2 pilot (instructor). Clinton didn't serve. Bush the Younger was an Air Force pilot, I'm not entirely comfortable naming a ship for an airedale.

I'd honestly rather go back to the 41 for Freedom and recycle those names than use presidents, especially those who didn't serve in the Navy.
Bush the Younger was an Air Force pilot,

He was in the Texas ANG (He used his father's connections to jump the queue because ANG and NG personnel weren't sent to Vietnam) where he flew obsolete F-102A Delta Daggers (The MAD Magazine had something pointed to say about that).
He was in the Texas ANG (He used his father's connections to jump the queue because ANG and NG personnel weren't sent to Vietnam) where he flew obsolete F-102A Delta Daggers (The MAD Magazine had something pointed to say about that).
Not USN, therefore not worthy of having a carrier named for him.
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln.
Arguable, but we did use them in the 41 for Freedom before they were carriers. Okay, I'll allow it.

Which makes a total of 3.5 out of 10. GW, Abe, a maybe for Teddy, and Bush the Elder

The others? Not worthy, IMO.

Eisenhower? Good president, not a Sailor.
Vinson? He might have been the father of the two-ocean navy, but he was a screaming racist who tried to overturn the 15th amendment. The amendment that guaranteed blacks the right to vote.
Stennis? Okay, he was on the Senate Armed Services Committee, but another screaming racist who championed segregation and swore to violently oppose Brown v Board of Education.
Truman? Good president, not a Sailor. Truman was an artillery officer in the Army in WW1.
Reagan? Good president, definitely good for the Navy. Not a veteran.
IIRC the first and hopefully the last.

But still not a Sailor. Name an Army vehicle or base after him, not a carrier.
Eisenhower was the third five-star general, of five total.

Name - Date of Rank
George Marshall - 16 December 1944
Douglas MacArthur - 18 December 1944
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 20 December 1944
Henry H. Arnold - 21 December 1944
Omar Bradley - 22 September 1950

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