Hycore. (South Korean Hypersonic Cruise Missile)

The AvWeek subhead writer needs a technology refresher course. That's not a glider.
I wonder if the X-51 imagery isn't perhaps just a placeholder and not truly representative of any of the missiles. Zircon for instance I can't imagine being a pure scramjet given its rough dimensions and surface launch mode; the booster would have to be rather energetic for it to be a pure wave rider. The Russians have never explicitly described it as a scramjet; I suspect it is ramjet/scramjet hybrid that changes its intake geometry.
Wouldn't surprise me. As for Zircon I read somewhere that it might not even be a scramjet but just a conventional ramjet. If so that would certainly be a record for ramjet speed.

For a dual-combustion ramjet (ramjet/scramjet) HyFly would be a good example. Didn't have VG intakes but completely separate flow paths as I recall.


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Having a separate ramjet mode seems a little pointless, unless it is for initial acceleration. Just shut down the scramjet and dive on the target.

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