Wondering if this a world record? The SSN Emeraude (4th of 6 Rubis class subs) is being retired next month after spending 19.3 years dived over a 37 year career.
That's 190 days dived each year on average, for a very long career. Seems like double crews can work really well to get maximum operational use... thoughts on whether USN or RN SSNs should also use double crews?
That's 190 days dived each year on average, for a very long career. Seems like double crews can work really well to get maximum operational use... thoughts on whether USN or RN SSNs should also use double crews?

Le SNA Émeraude attendu à Cherbourg avant la mi-novembre | Mer et Marine
Après avoir fait ses adieux à Toulon le 8 octobre et participé à l’exercice franco-marocain Chébec, le sous-marin nucléaire d’attaque (SNA) Émerau...
During its 37-year career, the Emeraude will have sailed nearly 1.3 million nautical miles (60 times around the Earth), spent more than 169,000 hours dived (more than 19 years below the surface) and logged more than 6,900 days at sea (nearly 19 years).