I have always wondered about the possibility of using a nuclear powered WIG to perform surface vessel duties. You could put weapons from a destroyer on it (a gun, SAM launcher, tomahawk launcher, etc) and it would have the advantage of higher speed than a surface vessel and near immunity to torpedoes. Also if you put some screws in the back you could make it have the capability of being a surface vessel when landed.

Also if you look here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,16956.15.html one of them has a link to an e-book with this photo in it.


Does anybody have detailed information and drawings about Aerocon Wingship? Or where I can find. Thanks!
You've probably already seen the old thread.

Another thread has a Russian language article from 1992 that mentions the project, in particular it's proposed 5000t design.

bigvlada said:
No, of course it's not, Aerocon WIG is different beast. Aerocon was a proponent of joint US-USSR cooperation on the large WIG designs as mentioned in this paper.
The Wingship's Potential. For Strategic Lift

Hope that helps a bit.
It help a lot with information, but I need something like blueprints, drawings, etc.... Thanks any way!!!



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From, Экранопланы (Техника и вооружение),

I displayed it before,but what was the cut line over the wings,indicated to what ?.


  • 1.png
    129.8 KB · Views: 278
From, Экранопланы (Техника и вооружение),

I displayed it before,but what was the cut line over the wings,indicated to what ?.

I'm not sure what you're asking, but I think it may be that the wings can fold up like a plane on the deck of an aircraft carrier to minimize the space it takes up in dock.
The translation seems to say "Hydrofoil project from 1959 by E. Henford" with supporting wings."
Couldn't find the inventor still yet in other sources, but this design isn't really a WIG, in my opinion,
as the main part of lifting the hull out of the water still is done by the hydrofoils.
The folding wings serve to increase the ground effect at higher speeds. The stretched wing is needed to get sufficient lift at low speeds to raise from the water. Then the wings are lowered to trap sufficient air to raise somwhat higher, while speed increases.

FYI, data and diagrams used to create the model in that video originated in US Bomber Projects #21:



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