Mach Buster Supersonic Turboprop Aircraft

Greetings, any friend of the subject or the forum in general will have more information or data about the Mach Buster, type of fuselage construction, its wings were of traditional metallic or composite construction, what type of engine did it use, was it overloaded...? Thanks, I'm working on making a specific cutaway right now.
It is remarkable that the landing gear was articulated in the style mounted on the Convair B-58A, especially the main gear has a medium articulation and retraction backwards, being very compact when retracting in the fuselage, I remind you it will be a job Merely speculative, my biggest doubts lie in the type of construction of the wing and fuselage, I will make two versions, one with a covered tubular fuselage and the other in composites. Suggestions and criticisms are welcome, but what is more valuable is real data.
What is the status of this project ?View attachment 697898
Cavitation --where low local pressure causes the fluid to vaporize -- is a phenomenon unique to liquids; aircraft propellers cannot cavitate as they're already in the gaseous state.

As to the status of the project? I suspect it's defunct. The latest news I could find about Mr Montagne dates from 2004, when he was trying to sell his Kinetic Mountain Goat
hesham said:
but we deal with this aircraft as a fake design to this moment,right.

No, "theoretical and speculative" is not the same as "fake"!!!

If some aircraft engineer working for the industry decides to imagine a new concept on a restaurant's paper nakpin, it's theoretical.

If some artist designs an aircraft and tries to pass it off as real, THAT is fake!
Yes the propeller age sorta stopped into 1945.

Since that the sound barrier and compressibility was studied.

Mach 0.8 is "only" 988 km/h.

So in fact 1000 km/h should be well doable with a piston driven propellerplane and what we know today !

Mach Buster propelle....???


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I was getting my A&P license in 1996, when they started pushing the Machbuster idea.

At the time, it sounded good, but knowing what I know now about driver memories and supersonic anything, I highly doubt that the plane would have broken 500mph/800kph, let alone Mach 1.
This is slightly off-topic, but in the same orbit. 20 plus years ago, Sergei Yakovlev, designed an prop aircraft that was suppose to go supersonic in some part of the flight envelope. The effort was due to a challenge by Skip Holm. Skip always had an interest in going supersonic with a prop aircraft. Sergei had some very novel ideas how to get there. Unfortunately, Skip would not be very happy if I disclosed them, but attached is a picture off the concept. Folks that originally saw the design thought it was a Reno racer, but in fact it was design to prove supersonic flight was possible with a prop. As a side note, the Mach Buster folks were consulting with Skip on their project.

(added three view)


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Thank you for sharing djfawcett!
Do you know the type of engine proposed by Sergeï Yakovlev for his project (piston engine or turboprop)?

Thank you for sharing djfawcett!
Do you know the type of engine proposed by Sergeï Yakovlev for his project (piston engine or turboprop)?
If it was for the Reno Air Races, it'd have to be piston engine. The Unlimited class rules only restriction is that you must use a piston engine for propulsion, no turbines (the other 6 rules are all air safety related).
Thank you for sharing djfawcett!
Do you know the type of engine proposed by Sergeï Yakovlev for his project (piston engine or turboprop)?
If it was for the Reno Air Races, it'd have to be piston engine. The Unlimited class rules only restriction is that you must use a piston engine for propulsion, no turbines (the other 6 rules are all air safety related).
Actually, there is also a weight limitation. This was pretty much imposed by the warbird guys on the pretense light aircraft could not cope with the wake turbulence of the heavy warbirds. But the reality is it eliminates any 21st century competition.
Not to hijack this thread, but here is one more unlimited racer designed by Skip Holm and AirBoss (my company). This was done just before the weight limitation was brought into effect. So, it never came to be. It would left all the boys in the wake - lol - after all the sqawks were worked out. We should probably start a new thread if racer discussion are to continue.


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With the passing of the Reno Air race into history (this is the last.year I think), I think an Air race thread would be warranted. Not just of modded.warbirds, but Formula One, and very interesting designs like the one just above.
@djfawcett - would love to hear more on your work shown above.
With the passing of the Reno Air race into history (this is the last.year I think), I think an Air race thread would be warranted. Not just of modded.warbirds, but Formula One, and very interesting designs like the one just above.
@djfawcett - would love to hear more on your work shown above.
Second the Air Racing thread.
It's a sad, sick travesty that in a proud nation that has empty (air) space galore up the wazoo in its Southwestern corner, a tradition like this has to come to an ignominious end without any alternative venue readily jumping in. What's next, killing off Oshkosh? Meanwhile, at Burning Man...
It's a sad, sick travesty that in a proud nation that has empty (air) space galore up the wazoo in its Southwestern corner, a tradition like this has to come to an ignominious end without any alternative venue readily jumping in. What's next, killing off Oshkosh? Meanwhile, at Burning Man...
Part of the problem is finding a place with enough hotel space and parking space, but not a lot of air traffic. I'd suggest up around Spokane, WA. Lots of relatively empty space there, and a decent amount of hotels to handle the visitors.
Thank you for sharing djfawcett!
Do you know the type of engine proposed by Sergeï Yakovlev for his project (piston engine or turboprop)?
If it was for the Reno Air Races, it'd have to be piston engine. The Unlimited class rules only restriction is that you must use a piston engine for propulsion, no turbines (the other 6 rules are all air safety related).
Actually, there is also a weight limitation. This was pretty much imposed by the warbird guys on the pretense light aircraft could not cope with the wake turbulence of the heavy warbirds. But the reality is it eliminates any 21st century competition.
Now that I have a copy of the 2019 rules pdf in hand, that's only 4500lbs. I could build one hell of a plane for 4500lbs empty... A P-51 is 7635lbs empty, for comparison.
From what I understand, it isn't so much an issue of space or accommodations, but insurance, nanny regulation and encroaching housing communities. Combine that with the expense of producing and operating a racing airplane for one event a year and that event quickly becomes unsustainable.

Now, racers will race. Those who are dedicated will find a way to pay the freight, so I think that is less of an issue than the "political" issues listed above. After all, in nearly 40 years in the motorsport business I have never heard a team owner complain that racing is too expensive, or a driver say that the cars are just too fast. They want to race and will find a way to show up.

That said, the FAA has been wanting Reno to go away for decades now, and was always ready with new regulatory hurdles for the organizers to clear before they would allow the races to be held. As I recall several years ago, the FAA left them hanging until just a week before the races were scheduled to begin, and then only allowed the event to proceed with several last-minute restrictions added.

And of course, if you say the word "racing" to an insurance company they will all rush off whimpering to their safe space. If you say "racing airplanes" they fall to the floor whimpering and have to be tucked into bed with a plush animal and hot chocolate. Fortunately, their reservations can be easily corrected with a massive outlay of cash. Unfortunately, they know you have no options, so they price their services accordingly.

Finally, there will always be those that feel the need to move into (or build) a house adjacent to an airport or racetrack and complain about noise, safety, traffic, property values, the Crimean War, etc., etc. etc. This has been happening at Stead and the proximity of the new developments to the race course is giving the FAA and insurance companied the vapors as well.

I guess the end of Reno was inevitable, but I think it is sad statement on our modern world that those who don't participate and are not interested in such things hold so much sway over those of us that do...

Please pardon the rant. This kind of thing drives me crazy...

And I will third the motion for an air racing thread!

Finally, there will always be those that feel the need to move into (or build) a house adjacent to an airport or racetrack and complain about noise, safety, traffic, property values, the Crimean War, etc., etc. etc. This has been happening at Stead and the proximity of the new developments to the race course is giving the FAA and insurance companied the vapors as well.

I guess the end of Reno was inevitable, but I think it is sad statement on our modern world that those who don't participate and are not interested in such things hold so much sway over those of us that do...

Please pardon the rant. This kind of thing drives me crazy...

And I will third the motion for an air racing thread!

I hate those people.

They buy a house next to the airport because it's cheap. It's cheap because of the noise.

Then they complain about the noise until the airport gets shut down and instantly gain $100k+ on their property values.
Land grab, nothing new sadly. Safety concerns may have something to do with the end of the event.
Finally, there will always be those that feel the need to move into (or build) a house adjacent to an airport or racetrack and complain about noise, safety, traffic, property values, the Crimean War, etc., etc. etc. This has been happening at Stead and the proximity of the new developments to the race course is giving the FAA and insurance companied the vapors as well.

I guess the end of Reno was inevitable, but I think it is sad statement on our modern world that those who don't participate and are not interested in such things hold so much sway over those of us that do...

Please pardon the rant. This kind of thing drives me crazy...

And I will third the motion for an air racing thread!

I hate those people.

They buy a house next to the airport because it's cheap. It's cheap because of the noise.

Then they complain about the noise until the airport gets shut down and instantly gain $100k+ on their property values.
Back during the 1960s, I remember visiting my uncle who lived in Dorval on the west end of Montreal Island, Quebec. He made sarcastic comments about his silly neighbors who bought houses near Dorval Airport (now known as Montreal-Trudeau Airport), then complained about the noise.
Dorval Airport dates back to the Second World War and was the busiest airport in Canada for many years.
It is remarkable that the landing gear was articulated in the style mounted on the Convair B-58A, especially the main gear has a medium articulation and retraction backwards, being very compact when retracting in the fuselage, I remind you it will be a job Merely speculative, my biggest doubts lie in the type of construction of the wing and fuselage, I will make two versions, one with a covered tubular fuselage and the other in composites. Suggestions and criticisms are welcome, but what is more valuable is real data.
I vaguely remember a picture from early in the building phase in a Popular Mechanics article I think, that was bare metal.

This does make sense, in the 1990s there wasn't a lot of unclassified information about how to build a composite structure for transonic speeds. But there was a lot of knowledge about building metal structures.

As to the engine, it was an Oldsmobile DRCE, Drag Race Competition Engine.
I would *dearly* love to witness *any* propeller accelerated air frame breaking the sound barrier, and I really could not care less whether the power source was piston or turbine driven (since both of them should be restricted from making any use of residual thrust from internal combustion). But after that, the next extreme engineering frontier/challenge should be a supersonic lighter than air vehicle...
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I wonder if there’s enough interest in this for a scale model YouTube challenge?

There’s been a few of these whereby the patrons income has covered the costs which being small scale can be quite modest. An example being the chap that vertically landed a model solid fuel rocket. only took him seven years.
Not to hijack this thread, but here is one more unlimited racer designed by Skip Holm and AirBoss (my company). This was done just before the weight limitation was brought into effect. So, it never came to be. It would left all the boys in the wake - lol - after all the sqawks were worked out. We should probably start a new thread if racer discussion are to continue.
How was this supposed to be powered ?
Not to hijack this thread, but here is one more unlimited racer designed by Skip Holm and AirBoss (my company). This was done just before the weight limitation was brought into effect. So, it never came to be. It would left all the boys in the wake - lol - after all the sqawks were worked out. We should probably start a new thread if racer discussion are to continue.
How was this supposed to be powered ?
The racer was going to be powered by a custom build V-12 that would put out over 2,750hp under race conditions. The aircraft would have been very light for a racer - in the neighborhood of 4,200lb gross.
Not to hijack this thread, but here is one more unlimited racer designed by Skip Holm and AirBoss (my company). This was done just before the weight limitation was brought into effect. So, it never came to be. It would left all the boys in the wake - lol - after all the sqawks were worked out. We should probably start a new thread if racer discussion are to continue.
How was this supposed to be powered ?
The racer was going to be powered by a custom build V-12 that would put out over 2,750hp under race conditions. The aircraft would have been very light for a racer - in the neighborhood of 4,200lb gross.
Falconer/LS based?
Not to hijack this thread, but here is one more unlimited racer designed by Skip Holm and AirBoss (my company). This was done just before the weight limitation was brought into effect. So, it never came to be. It would left all the boys in the wake - lol - after all the sqawks were worked out. We should probably start a new thread if racer discussion are to continue.
How was this supposed to be powered ?
The racer was going to be powered by a custom build V-12 that would put out over 2,750hp under race conditions. The aircraft would have been very light for a racer - in the neighborhood of 4,200lb gross.
Falconer/LS based?
1000 cu in ?

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