Given that even something like ARRW cost like 30 millions a piece, would it not make more sense to integrate hypersonic cruise missile instead ?From Inside Defense pay site
Navy to rip out DDG-1000 Advanced Gun System mounts to make room for hypersonic weapons
The Navy plans to rip out the DDG-1000's Advanced Gun System mounts -- the original focus of the Zumwalt-class destroyer's offensive firepower -- to make room for a new vertical launch system that will fire Conventional Prompt Strike missiles, as part of a new goal that scraps five years of planning to field long-range hypersonic weapons on Ohio-class submarines
Can’t we also put them on Ohio’s.....please?
Given that even something like ARRW cost like 30 millions a piece, would it not make more sense to integrate hypersonic cruise missile instead ?From Inside Defense pay site
Navy to rip out DDG-1000 Advanced Gun System mounts to make room for hypersonic weapons
The Navy plans to rip out the DDG-1000's Advanced Gun System mounts -- the original focus of the Zumwalt-class destroyer's offensive firepower -- to make room for a new vertical launch system that will fire Conventional Prompt Strike missiles, as part of a new goal that scraps five years of planning to field long-range hypersonic weapons on Ohio-class submarines
Can’t we also put them on Ohio’s.....please?
It'll still be considered expensive at even half that cost.This is the Low Rate cost of a very small batch. Hard to see them not getting it to single digit millions per round at something resembling highish rate of production.
I don’t think so. It’s not a JASSM analogous. Neither one for the SiAW. In the broader scheme of air launched weapons it along with a possible conventional variant of the LRSO are going to be the two most expensive weapons which will be designed to tackle some of the toughest targets from stand off distance. Defeating those targets with cheaper weapons would possible entail risk and huge costs, not to mention that even if we could do it, the time critical aspect is the ARRW still won’t be replicated given the AF will have an all subsonic bomber fleet. ARRW is the most easily deployable hypersonic weapon we have given how rapidly bombers could deploy.It'll still be considered expensive at even half that cost.This is the Low Rate cost of a very small batch. Hard to see them not getting it to single digit millions per round at something resembling highish rate of production.
Probably trying to get a foot in the door and ensure production funding before the other services propose something 'better' and the whole thing gets stuck in the rdte track.I can’t tell if that’s good or bad news?
I would assume one of them is HACM and the other is OASuW-II ?Inside defense pay site
Biden administration endorses hypersonic weapon technology projects, proposes accelerated plan in FY-22 to buy, field
The Biden administration is proposing a fiscal year 2022 budget that would accelerate hypersonic weapon technology projects, endorsing a plan crafted during the Trump administration that includes establishing two new-start hypersonic cruise missile programs -- one in the Air Force, one in the Navy -- to complement current Pentagon boost-glide vehicle projects in an effort to field an entire family of ultra-fast, maneuvering strike and counter-strike capabilities this decade
If it's 12 and they're still looking at a Payload Tube spinoff, that means 4 tubes and (probably) no more guns forward. Questionable if HVP is part of the Navy's strategy....but on the other hand they seem to be killing that round so....Navy plans to pack each DDG-1000 with 12 long-range hypersonic strike missiles
The Navy is planning to outfit each of its three DDG-1000 destroyers with a dozen long-range hypersonic strike missiles, eyeing a new cold-launch system for the Zumwalt-class ship as part of a new plan to arm by 2025 a surface ship rather than a nuclear-powered guided missile submarine with the Conventional Prompt Strike weapon
Hoping for 120 each![]()
In the case of these vehicles the shape would not be ideal for purely penetration purposes but the density would help it rip through a ship say.It also isn't an unlike candidate for what little warhead they have. Space would be at premium but momentum would be plentiful. I suspect both gliders have only a tiny bursting charge for a warhead against soft targets. The ballast is probably incorporated into the kill mechanism, I'd imagine.