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8 March 2007
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Was the YE-8 related?, another cool single engined MIG.

Cheers, Woody


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I'm looking to make the alternative rival to the Mirage III in the Six Day War. I already made the alternative to the Mirage III, the Super Vautour. Do you think the Ye-8 would have been devloped in time to be such an aircraft? Have you any suggestions.

Thanks for the info by the way.
I'm more or less looking to illustrate a 1950s derived aircraft. My initial book of color profiles, 3 views, and cutaways will be covering 1950s derived aircraft that would have flown in the 1960s. I then will move on to the following decades up to the 90s perhaps. Each book may take 6 months of work to finish. ;D
E-8 is from MiG-21 family, but not from family of heavy fighter E-3/E-75 - E-150/152.


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Impressive stuff ;D
Still waiting for someone to do an export derivative Ye-8 vs. exported North American F-107 hypothetical artwork ;)
In my buffer of not finished jobs are dogfights Ye-8 versus F-107 over Vietnam
F-107 was the competitor for the F-105. It was intended to be a fighter-bomber, rather than a fighter.
That's what I thought. I guess it wouldn't be dueling with any MiGs...well it would have hoped to not have to at least. Sometimes you don't have a choice. ;D
prolific1 said:
That's what I thought. I guess it wouldn't be dueling with any MiGs...well it would have hoped to not have to at least. Sometimes you don't have a choice. ;D

Not quite. The F-107 was conceived as a block improvement to the F-100 (originally the F-100B). USAF gave NAA a contract to develop the F-107 as a potential F-105 production replacement because of the delays in that project. So dropping a nuclear bomb was an important requirement and the intake was moved from ventral to dorsal to avoid aerodynamic interference with the semi-recessed under belly bomb. Both the F-105 and F-107 retained the full day fighter capability of the F-100 as was the TAC concept of a fighter at the time. However in the case of the F-105 it lacked the agility to be effective as a day fighter. The F-107 however was highly agile and was in hindsight a great loss to USAF.
Comparison E8 via F-107-


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Thanks. They look good together. The comparison really gives a sense of the relative scales.

To everyone else, nice comments and ideas. I'd love to ask why the F-105 was never exported (ie. Mig-19 or Abraham's mentioned agility limits) - But I didn't mean to divert the thread off topic in the first place.
It could be like this -


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E8 via NAA 212/ F-100B


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Just wondering if anyone has any definitive details regarding the two MiG-Ye-8 (E-8) flight articles of 1960-62 regarding the use of the SPS blown flap system.

As I understand it, the esteemed Bill Gunston in Jane's publications from 1979, 1981 and 1983 stated the Ye-8 program included a STOL objective - presumably a blown flap system. R.A.Belyakov and J.Marmain assert in (1994) no use of the blown flap system or STOL objectives for the program. A later publication "Soviet X-Planes" Midland Publishing dated 2001, by Y.Gordon and Bill Gunston further complicate the matter by stating that the first prototype Ye-8/81 did not employ SPS but the second article (Ye-8/82) did. Personally, after examining photos of both examples, neither have the distinguishing large SPS flap guide track fairings but do differ in braking parachute canister arrangement. Any knowledgeable‎ answer would be very appreciated.
Attempts to confirm the details by written request with the inherent company were not returned. So I guess it's a case of never know for sure.
Hi Asiscan,

may you will find a more details in a Russian books,such as;
Истребитель МиГ-21. "Русский дух" против "Фантомов", "Миражей" и "Громовержцев"
Hi Asiscan,

a more info about MiG Ye-8.


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Thank you Hesham. I still can not determine a definitive SPS blown flap capability with either of the Ye-8 flight examples. Later photos of prototype SPS equipped MiG-21 aircraft from 1964 include wing "blisters" at semi-span, just forward of the control surface, which are not present with either Ye-8.
Frankly Asiscan,

I don't know,may be a little help from Russian members.
"MiG", ahead of time
About the fate of the unknown E-8

by Lev Berne

When in January last year, air public was shown to MiG - some called it the MFI (see "KR" 6-99), other 1.44 - some journalists who consider themselves aviation experts hurried to note that the layout of that machine is very similar to serial American F-16 fighter. And only few aviation specialists generation believed: similarities with the "sixteenth" really is, but Americans, in turn, repeat external features experienced Mikoyan E-8 aircraft born almost 15 years before the F-16.

In 1959, the chairman of the state committee these MiG-21 lieutenant general Ivan Pstigo (future air marshal) under wrote a preliminary opinion on test results with recommendations her start mass production of new front-line fighter MiG-21F. OKB-155 State Committee for Aviation Engineering (GKAT), led by the general designer A.I. Mikoyan, despite the colossal start related download mass production, started to work on improving performance and expanding combat capabilities of the aircraft.

Simultaneously, work was being done in the OKB to create "heavy" fighters, designed to achieve large speeds (up to M max = 2.6-2.8). Layout they had a traditional scheme - MiG: air intake - in the nasal parts, power plant - behind the cab pilot in the tail. At the same time in the central the cone is well-assembled radar. This scheme was optimal in terms of aerodynamics especially for first jet MiGs.

However, when more powerful stations then for their placement in the air intake cone of the place was obviously not enough. Also at speeds M> 2.5 has already started to affect aerodynamic heating and air intake ducts, located inside fuselage, became hot spots completely unnecessary heating.

The solution could be only one thing: remove air intake from the bow fuselage. Of the many layouts chosen those where the air intakes fit either at the bottom of the fuselage, or on the sides.

Machine design started at early 1960s. Main goal - using experience gained in the design MiG-21, create maneuverable, massive small frontline fighter weight and dimensions capable of carrying effective weapon system for hitting targets in the front and rear hemisphere day and night, fight in simple weather conditions at speeds range of numbers M = 0.5 - 1.8 at altitudes up to 18,000 m.

Dimension fighter that originally called the MiG-23, should there was to be only a little more MiG-21 so that this aircraft will replace it in mass production. At the same time supposed to equip the aircraft with weapon systems of a new generation, respectively named S-23. Its structure was to include radar station "Sapfir" and air-to-air guided missiles medium-range K-23 with semi-active radar and thermal heads homing. Therefore, in the accepted May 30, 1960 decision of the Commission Council of Ministers of the USSR on the military-industrial questions were prescribed - Develop MiG-23 based on MiG-21 PF with using the weapon system S-23. In serial production he must was replaced on a conveyor belt already well mastered the MiG-21PF.

The formation of the aerodynamic appearance aircraft assigned factory E-8 number (MiG-21F had an index E-6, and MiG-21 PF - E-7), determined relatively small volume theoretical and experimental studies. Special attention was paid to air intake and its location in order to ensure uniform velocity fields and reduced pressure loss in a wide range of angles of attack and slip. As a result of these experiments The type of air intake was determined its geometry, plumage schemes, wing mechanization and general aerodynamic layout of the new fighter.

Another significant innovation - placement in the head of the fuselage destabilizer - actually front horizontal tail (canard), which, however, it had no control mechanism. At that time, the state policy, as a governing body has not yet found its use. Destabilizer - horizontal plumage, installed in front of the wing and intended to improve the longitudinal manageability. Unlike stabilizer - destabilizer reduces longitudinal static stability margin (hence the name). On subsonic speeds "wings" PGO were in a vane (free) position, on supersonic - mechanically were fixed in a neutral, relatively axis of the aircraft. Before Mikoyan checked the effectiveness of such fins on the third specimen production MiG-21F-13 (E-6T/3). Fixation process happened smoothly and did not complicate piloting.

According to calculations, installation of PGO, scope 2.6 m, increased coefficient lifting force at speeds M = 1.5-2.0 about twice. In addition, changed the position of the focus of the aircraft with simultaneous decreasing stock longitudinal sustainability that supersonic was redundant. Thereby managed to increase the value of overloads. For example, at an altitude of 15000 m maximum G load increased to 5G (on the serial MiG-21 in similar conditions only 2.5G), which allowed significantly improve maneuverability fighter.

In fact, for its time - the beginning 60s - E-8 could become maneuverable air fighter combat, which are now our MiG-29 and Su-27 and American F-16.

Classic world aircraft - front-line fighter MiG-21 had truly inexhaustible potential opportunities. He served excellent base for modifications of various appointments and modified record the number of times from 1959 to 1972. Heavily upgraded the aircraft was carried out mainly by installation paths for new engines R11-300 with increased plow allowing increase the mass of the machine, and accordingly fuel supply on board and equip fighter of various equipment and armament.

Although the E-8 was built on the basis of the MiG-21, but by its design scheme and on the changed appearance fundamentally different from the classic sample. Scheme without the usual for then MiGs of the nasal air intakes allowed set in the nose aircraft powerful radar - the main component weapon systems promising fighters. The constant challenge of any aircraft designer, starting with the simplest homemade and before the giant superliner, - getting excess effective thrust propulsion over required. It is solved, first of all, by raising thrust engines.

I dare to say that without a unique engine R11-300 aircraft MiG-21 would hardly have happened. This engine was created in the OKB, led by Alexander Aleksandrovich Mikulin (official name in those years - plant number 300 - from here and in the engine indexing this numeral). The first domestic two-shaft turbojet, which had only six stage compressor, small size, light, possessed the best specific weight, excellent thermodynamic parameters. The absence of compressor mechanization did it the most reliable military gas turbine engine in the world.

It was originally called AM-11, but after Mikulin to the detriment of the cause it was removed from the factory, its brand became R11-300. Further work on numerous engine modifications and making new samples of this family was held in OKB, based on Tushinsky motor factory where it was organized mass production of new twin shaft OKB had branch status plant "Union" (plant number 300). Headed this team Nikolay Georgievich Metshvarishvili - a talented student of Vladimir Yakovlevich Klimov. Initial increase in engine thrust was achieved without changing the main dimensions due to constructive and technological improvements that allowed increase the gas temperature before the turbine and, accordingly, the engine thrust.

At the same time, it was possible to preserve the most important military engine quality - stability his work when changing parameters air flow at the entrance to compressor. This was facilitated by the fact that in a long channel air intake MiG-21 air flow - before it reached before the first stage of the compressor - had time to stabilize and aerodynamic disturbances and temperature irregularities, arising mainly when maneuvering the aircraft and starts rockets, significantly reduced their values. New fighter with a modified aerodynamics, somewhat heavy and, naturally, more need Than the MiG-21, demanded the engine with at least 800 kg more thrust, than what gave the modified R11-300.

In addition, before N.G.Metskhvarishvili- whether the task was to get substantial increasing thrust without actually changing engine dimensions. Needed a different an approach. We decided to apply the method of small increments of the main parameters of the engine. Due to the larger diameter flow compressor parts and speeds increased air flow. With change profiling of compressor blades increased his pressure and, accordingly, the degree of compression. Using achieve metallurgy heat resistant alloys ensured a rise in temperature gas in front of the turbine. To provide engine strength had at the same time strengthen the main nodes and parts, including compressor discs. The engine had the same systems as its predecessor R11-300 including oxygen feed for starting igniters (to increase the height launch) and anti-icing system input part. On the compressor high pressure (HPC) were located air bleed windows blowing off the boundary layer. Afterburner in front connected to the original engine telescopic connection, and in the tail parts attached to the frame of the fuselage to provide temperature compensation longitudinal guides rails with rollers. She had a double All-Mode Ejector Nozzle with adjustable exterior and interior shutters. Well organized the afterburning process provided 55% boost.

Bench finishing tests the engine was quite successful: all basic data has been received already on the third copy. As a result succeeded increase air consumption from 64.5 kg/s (at R11F2S-300) up to 74 kg/s, and thrust on maximum - from 3950 kgf to 4700 kgf. Main military engine indicator installed on the fighter, - afterburner the new engine R21F-300 (stand option R21-300) became 7200 kgf (R11F2S-300, 6175 kgf). It should be noted that such a high the degree of afterburner (about 55%) was obtained for the first time on the first experienced the engine. With a take-off weight of 6800 kg thrust-to-weight ratio of a new fighter was greater than one, i.e. practically met today's requirements. At the same time increased slightly mass-geometric parameters: compared with R 11F-300 - diameter R21F-300 increased from 772 mm to 845 mm, the diameter of the afterburner- from 902 mm to 987 mm, and dry weight - from 1165 kg to 1250 kg. Unfortunately, then still the engine operation check has not been implemented with simulated flight conditions. Therefore, it was unknown how he would be work when in the air stream on Significant damage will occur at the compressor entrance. irregularity of the velocity field caused by the input channel configuration and aircraft evolution. Another factor affecting sustainability power plant operation combat aircraft becoming essential temperature irregularity fields at the entrance to the engine compressor, caused by entering the air intake hot gases when triggered (start) rocket weapons. Later began to apply various tricks to prevent this from happening unpleasant phenomenon, but in the described there was only one time period output - increase sustainability stocks compressor operation.

In December 1960, were completed General view drawings and aircraft layout. The work was very energetic, and when in June 1961, the general designer A.I. Mikoyan approved the general view machines, much of the work Blueprints have already been released. The main feature is located under the cockpit flat, almost rectangular air intake. Vertical three-track driven the wedge divided the air channel into two sleeves, connected in front of the engine.

The wedge control is electrohydraulic. Automatic adjustment was made only after cleaning chassis and ensure smooth movement the throat surface of the wedge 140mm depending on degree change compressor compression in the range of PC = 4- 10.4.

With a maximum degree of compression, and also before cleaning the chassis, the wedge was in the retracted position, which corresponded the largest flow area throat air intake. With help special throat mechanism surface of the wedge on both sides of the Besch synchronized. Moving joints shutters with fixed walls of the air intake sealed with rubber hoses to which was fed compressed air. The position of the middle wedge sash controlled by the pointer UPES-3 in cockpit, zero position the arrows corresponded to the maximum throat and position "10" - the minimum. In addition to automatic control wedge, provided manual control, which was used as an emergency in case of automatic control failure, as well as to test the operation of the control system wedge on the ground and in flight. It provided a smooth change of position. wedge flaps from closed to minimum throat bore. Takeoff doors - unguided, opened up inside the channel by the action vacuum in the channel when the engine is running on the ground and on takeoff. In flight they closed by pressure in the channel from the speed head pressure. The nose of the fuselage was supposed to take radar antenna which hid behind a large radiotransparent fairing of ogival form.

Fighter E-8, considered originally as a modification of the MiG-21PF, as its constructive development gradually more and more removed from the prototype. As a result, actually from his car inherited the wing, the tail, main landing gear and some onboard equipment systems. With this, compared to the prototype, it has undergone significant changes. For example, to reduce the possibility foreign objects when taxiing, taking off and landing in located quite close to the surface airfield air intake front landing gear moved 1.6m aft. She began to clean the compartment. between the two air intake channels. Accordingly, the base decreased landing gear and increased parking angle of the aircraft. Therefore, to prevent runway contact during takeoff and landing fuselage ventral strake, it was decided to perform folding: upon release the chassis he turned right 90 ° and when cleaning - got up in the starting position.

Fin rotation made possible to increase its area was additionally improved track stability the aircraft. It is important to note that the whole turn stabilizer was lowered down from horizontal contour by 135 mm compared with the MiG-21 PF. At the E-8 installed new front ever-mounted landing gear with wheel CT-108 with a size of 660x200 mm. Brake parachute container transferred to the root of the keel that allowed release it to reduce the length of the race just before landing without the appearance of a dangerous dive of the moment. The chassis provided
operation not only with concrete runways, but also from unpaved airfields.

The fuel system had five fuselage tanks and four wing tank trays (in each console front and rear tanks). Four fuselage tanks for the first time not performed loose rubber, and metal with hermetic seams, included in the general power circuit the aircraft. Provided for installation pylon under the fuselage for external fuel tank (PTB) with a capacity of 600 liters.

On the E-8 was planned to apply new ejection seat KM-1 (SK-3). Accordingly, they made the cockpit canopy: it consisted of a fixed front visor and reclining to the right sash. Recall that the MiG-21 canopy was solid and with the ejection covered the pilot from oncoming air flow.

Like most first prototypes of new fighters. E-8/1 weapon system was not equipped. Instead of the standard radar in the foreparts on an experimental machine installed its overall weight model and blocks control recording equipment. The aircraft was supposed to be used to determine the flight technical characteristics, assessments of stability, controllability, working off completely new power plant and other equipment.

According to the original design of the aircraft developed under the armament complex S-23 (hence its original E-8/2 with underwing suspension of K-13 missiles. the name of the MiG-23). The composition of the complex included: Radar "Sapphire-1" with a pulse radiation (at the second stage - "Sapphire-2" with quasi-continuous radiation), two K-23 missiles, ASP-PF sight, infrared "Spektr" infra-red direction finder. However, since development of the S-23 system was delayed the first stage was planned to temporarily use on the E-8 serial radar-type TsD-30TP (RP-2), IR - "Samotsvet" sight and two K-13 missiles as used on the MiG-21PF.

Building the first prototype front fighter E-8 (E 8/1), received tail number 81, ended in January 1962, and on March 2nd transported to the flight station bureau on LII airfield in Zhukovsky. Order of the USSR Minaviaprom was crew assigned: lead test pilot Georgy Mosolov, understudy Alexander Fedotov, leading engineer Vano Mikoyan, his assistant, Vladimir Shcheblyy Kin, technician (mechanic) Oleg Kochkin. By this the lead engineer was appointed by the same order from engine bureau Victor Vedenev.

Already on March 5, the plane with docked wings first rolled out hangar. Then the usual routine went work on preparing the machine to the top of flights: installation and check of the KZA systems, aircraft refueling and alignment. On March 22 spent working off power iinstallations with engine R21F-300 (№105), and on the 23rd Georgy Mosolov accomplished first taxiing and approach of the aircraft.

Evaluation of the pilot according to the characteristics was positive. Can it was starting to fly. Since the engine R21F-300 number 105 was allowed to work only in earthly conditions, for testing SU, runs and approaches it was replaced by engine number 106, refined by the results of the last bench test and approved for flights. April 3rd checked out SU, work electric and hydraulic systems, and on April 6, George Mosolov began to carry out taxiing and ground runs already with the new engine. On the same day there was a methodical advice on which specialists of various directions gave E-8 "good" on performance of the factory flight program tests.

On April 17, 1962, the chief pilot of the OKB and the lead test pilot raised the E-8. The first flight went without comment. Considering that the power plant and especially engine caused certain concerns in the second and third flights its starting qualities were tested.

As subsequent events showed engine start checking was all timely and necessary operation. George understood this very well. Konstantinovich - one of our best test pilots and moreover excellent flight test specialist with power plants. Engine, in including at an altitude of 10,000 m, run fine. You can go further. It was necessary to test the work of all airborne systems to evaluate the main characteristics stability and controllability including those with destabilization determine the acceleration and altitude data. Although in the early 60s have already learned adjust air intakes settings depending on the modes flight but change program flow areas determined by the calculated by, usually demanded experimental refinement in flight conditions. For the E-8 with its original air intake things were much more complicated. Therefore, we decided to control automation wedge not connect, and the execution its functions should have been exercised test pilot. And already in the fifth flight at an altitude of 8000 m when cleaning turns The engine has spilled and stopped. But no wonder Mosolov flights began with testing launches in the air. In that flight and in the subsequent when the engine stopped, problems with its launch did not have. Here I must say that all the stops engine were the result of either a pump air intake duct or compressor due to its lack of stability to aerodynamic unequal dimensions of air flow at the entrance to first stage. To regulate the air intake Mosolov using the toggle switch for a given the program installed the corresponding manual wedge position. Such an assignment which the pilot must perform in addition to managing the new unknown aircraft could only be performed by a pilot tester of the highest qualifications.

There was another difficulty. Because every engine surge was accompanied throwing gas temperature, pilot, so as not to burn the turbine and bring it out building the engine, had practically turn off the fuel instantly cleaning the throttle to the "stop" position. In the eighth flight, despite that in each previous due to the surge stop, Mosolov went to the limit speed. However when off afterburner occurred another surge stop the engine. The launch was held at a record height for this aircraft of 12500m.

Defects and failures were not only power plant. So, in the tenth flight by definition the ceiling appeared strong shaking. The pilot felt something was wrong and went to the landing. With post flight examination found that jammed destabilizer due to deformation locking mechanism. Since the engine obviously had small sustainable performance stocks, he decided "help": installed at the entrance spacer with straightening vanes so that stabilize the airflow before first stage compressor. Besides In addition, the test results were corrected management calculation program wedge air intake, set air pressure sensors behind the compressor engine (for this parameter passed the management of the wedge) and hooked up automation system.

Further flights took place, mainly way to debug management program wedge on various modes, including the evolution of the aircraft. The technique was "simple": Mosolov disconnected automatic and hand picked such a geometry of the input air device channel at which the entire power the installation would work steadily. But stocks were extremely small and at 25m flight after the strongest surge managed to avoid overheating of the engine. The tint colors were not only on turbine housing, but also on the engine cover fuselage compartment. In test flights brigade was engaged not only power installation. Work has been tested all onboard systems, including the destabilizer, defined the main characteristics sustainability and control manageability acceleration and altitude specifications. Generally new fighter showed good forward looking data. But without reliable operation of the power plant further it was inappropriate.

It was necessary to increase by all means gas dynamic stability reserves of the compressor. I had no time and engine designers were forced to solve this problem increase nozzle area turbine apparatus. The method is simple, but with this hold the workflow parameters engine at a decent level not succeeded: the thrust decreased to 6900 kgf with simultaneous deterioration of efficiency.

Engine with such changes R21F-300 №108 was installed on the aircraft and after ground work all flight systems continued. 11 September 1962 at a speed corresponding to M = 1.7, destruction occurred disk of the 6th stage of the compressor. With terrible force like a projectile one of its debris struck first the engine housing, then fuselage and hit the right wing consoles in the aileron zone, destroying him. Both were disabled hydraulic systems. Almost lost control, the fighter moved to speed rotation. Simultaneously with strong braking, caused by a sharp decrease in thrust, it began to lateral vibrations that observed in previous flights when braking with the engine stopped. In the helical fall uncontrollable the plane, losing altitude, was fast approaching to the ground. At an altitude of about 8,000m at a distance of 60 km from the airport Mosolovu had to resort to the means salvation.

Unlike the MiG-21, which at that time were mass-produced with the SK model seat with pilot protection, at ejection from the oncoming flow from the canopy, on E-8 was installed new canopy type lamp with opening in non-protective side the pilot. Therefore ejection was limited to maximum of 800 km / h. However, George Konstantinovich there was no time for further gradual speed reduction. He manually dropped the canopy and left the plane. Here's how he himself talks about it in compilation "MIG life":

"It happened at high altitude and speed. Cabin instantly filled with smoke, the engine and management is stuck. Aircraft became uncontrollable, and I'm in it - not a pilot the tester, and the passenger. I could not immediately eject because speed was overly large. Waited can it will decrease, but the plane turned over back and went into a dive. I already can not jump out ... And the head was already pierced, broken hand and consciousness tormented the thought that there will be very sad if later someone thinks that I could not stand it and lost consciousness. But no, I did not faint, I fought and broadcast "Nine hundred ninety-ninth "(call sign G'Mosolova - approx. bus.) I leave the aircraft. In reply- silence. - I'm three nines, leaving aircraft - I repeated after the third attempts to contact pressed the lever catapult and shot into the airstream. And he - like concrete, grabbed the leg (did not work capture) and then broke it. I fell bye the machine didn't open the parachute, me shook and ... I hung under the dome head way down. How to tear off the parachute strap? Worked only one hand, another hung whip. Feeling no pain, I tried to pull off parachute strap, and bottom inexorably the earth was coming. I stayed seconds, and, thank God, succeeded break free I hit the ground with my feet (or rather, one, the other is broken), felt sharp pain in breaking bones and was under the tree in a deep forest. I lay there for five hours before first person found me. I lost a lot of blood and, realizing what may be the end hurry with
to report, what happened to the plane and on what mode. Asked to trim the parachute and spread it out, make fires and while there were forces waiting. I waited for the arrival helicopter. Then he waited almost a year on hospital bed before the first time he got his feet on the floor ... ".

Tests E-8 were the last in flight biography of the honored pilot tester of the USSR Georgy Konstantinovich Mosolov, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel, author of the three absolute world Aviation records of speed and height.

The second copy of the E-8/2 fighter, who had onboard number "82", rose to air for the first time on June 29, 1962. By the 4th September, flying on him a test pilot Alexander Fedotov managed to do 13 flights - the accident E-8/1 forced to stop flying and on this machine.

After analyzing all the negative phenomena and mainly because of the need engine capital solutions the topic was closed despite good flight performance received on both planes. It was voluntarist decision managers supported by the aviation industrydefense department of the Central Committee. Airplane definitely could bring to the necessary level of reliability.While you figured out what to do, the designers OKB switched to development project fighter E-8M (for him the name of the MiG-23 was kept with the system armament S-23P, lower air intake
and modified engine R21F-300. By wing design (larger area), tail and chassis he had continuity with E-8. Further work in this direction led in 1967 to the creation of a aircraft shortened takeoff and landing of the MiG-23PD (factory index "23-01") with main engine R27F-300 and two lifting RD-36-35 and with side intakes. They become characteristic and for the next yet more modified aircraft "23-11" with variable geometry wing and without lifting engines. The latter has become prototype front-line fighter MiG-23 and its modifications. In these airplanes embodied the decisions that tested or incorporated into the project E-8. Among them - the weapon system S-23, integral fuselage fuel tanks, foldable ventral fin. Some innovations tested on E-8 - new canopy and brake parachute at the base of the keel - found application even earlier on serial modifications MiG-21 (PFM, S, SM, etc.). Others were waiting the turn is longer.

Engine R21F-300 - because of the culprit all troubles - six-speed compressor - proved to be unviable. The designers were forced to reduce pressure levels, increasing their number. Engines of the P27-300 and R29-300, used from its progenitor R11-300 main two-shaft scheme, had afterburner 10200 kgf and 12,500 kgf. These were the main engines for the mass fighter MiG-23.

Let's go back to the beginning of the article and take a look. today on the newest russian combat 5th generation aircraft - experienced multifunction fighter MFI -Project 1.44 and experienced E-8 from already distant "sixties". In the eyes immediately rushes certain similarities between these two MiG aircraft! But after all between them more than three and a half decades hard work of scientists designers, engineers, pilots. So that many ideas and constructive solutions embodied over a third of a century ago in E-8, continue to live, and it can be argued what made all about forty flights, the car paved the way to the creation of fighters not only the third, but also the fourth and even fifth generations.


Wing span, m7.154
Length (without pitot), m14.90
Wing area, m 223.13
Weight, empty kg5,870
normal take-off, kg6,800
maximum take-off, kg8,200
Fuel capacity, l3,300
Speed max, km / h2,230
Maximum number, M2.1
Practical ceiling, m20,300
Takeoff /landing length, m835/850

Photos from the archive of the MiG design bureau.

"Wings of the Motherland" 9.2000


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This appears to be the best account of the Ye-8 / E-8 yet published, and has not been translated to English before.
It was an interesting read and how he thought the canard made it like an F-16 at supersonic speeds, which I could see as being true in that the canard shifted the AC forward at super sonic speeds to limit supersonic trim drag. Whereas, the F-16 being unstable at subsonic speeds allowed the F-16 to be slightly stable at supersonic speeds, thereby limiting it's supersonic trim drag. However, I would argue that the F-16 took it a step further with it's subsonic maneuverability due to being unstable at subsonic speeds.

Although, I think it's safe to argue the entire MiG-21 program could be seen as the godfather of the LWF program.
It was an interesting read and how he thought the canard made it like an F-16 at supersonic speeds, which I could see as being true in that the canard shifted the AC forward at super sonic speeds to limit supersonic trim drag. Whereas, the F-16 being unstable at subsonic speeds allowed the F-16 to be slightly stable at supersonic speeds, thereby limiting it's supersonic trim drag. However, I would argue that the F-16 took it a step further with it's subsonic maneuverability due to being unstable at subsonic speeds.

Although, I think it's safe to argue the entire MiG-21 program could be seen as the godfather of the LWF program.

Interesting to read about the intake and engine challenges. P.1121 had issues with its (very similar) intake even in static ground tests, and the similar (but upside down) F-107 intake also had major intake issues that were never solved. The two air channels feeding a single engine seems to have been part of the problem. Its probable a production Ye-8 would have a different intake design.

The MiG-21 already outperformed the F-4 at slow speeds handily, the Ye-8 would have improved somewhat subsonically due to the higher thrust/weight ratio, while also doubling allowable G at high speed and high altitude, This would probably be enough to ensure superiority over the F-4 at all speeds and altitudes and it would have reigned supreme until the F-15 / F-16.

The USSR went totally the opposite way with the eventual MiG-23, initially limiting it to 5G to make the VG wings produceable and concentrating on BVR. It took considerable development to make even a half-way decent fighter out of it.
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It's a fascinating design effort, and rather a missed opportunity.

I do wonder about the inlet issues, and might suspect it's down to the changing shape from inlet to tunnel to engine face. A half circular with shock cone type might have had an easier transition.
Something that i kinda obsessively wanted to find out for a long time, but never got to, was where would the gun or guns be installed in the Ye-8. I found this paragraph in a russian article:

During the design, the aircraft was assigned the designation MiG-23. It was planned to include K-23 and NAR missiles in two blocks (in overload) or two AO-9 (GSh-23) cannons in GP-9 gondolas, a new ASP-PF sight and the Spectrum infrared direction finder in its arsenal.

So my question is, does anyone know of a drawing/diagram showing where the two (!) GP-9 gun pods would go? Is it on the wings or some other arrangement? And for the purpose of speculation, if say the Ye-8 would have continued development and be adopted for service, where on the airframe could an INTERNAL gun be fitted? It doesn't seems possible to fit it under the fuselage a la MiG-21/23 because of the intake shape imo.

There were plans for MiG-23P with AO-9 air-air cannon and MiG-23B with AD-9 air-ground cannon. I'd guess the second was a depressable mount like SPPU-22 pod. I imagine only was carried under the fuselage like the GP-9 pod on the MiG-21.
From the book «МиГ»: полёт сквозь время, a diagram of the serial version. Interestingly I think the "Spektr" IRST on the tail here refers to the TP-23 as would later be used in MiG-23, unless they just recycled the name.

As an aside, does anyone know if a single photo or illustration exists of the Ye-8's cockpit? I'm in the process of 3D modelling it and currently have nothing but this diagram to go off.


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