Rolls-Royce RB (R-R Barnoldswick) Engine Designations
RB.23 -
Welland military turbojet, from 1942 Whittle W.2
- RB.23 desig. based on Rover model number B/23 or W.2B/23
RB.26 - Orig. desig. for
Derwent ('straight-through'
- RB.26 desig. based on Rover model number B/26 or W.2B/26
RB.37 - 1943
Derwent military turbojet, improved
- RB.37 desig. based on Rover model number B/37 or W.2B/37
RB.39 - 1945
Clyde axial turbojet AJ.25 or turboprop AP.25
-- 4,030 eshp AP.25 intended for Wyvern TF Mk.2, cancelled
RB.40 -
Derwent Mk.8 turbojet,* centrifugal compressor
- RB.40: 3,600 lbf, Avro 707, Fairey
Delta 1, Fokker S.14
-- * RB.40 was a 2.6 scale-up of the RB.37
RB.41 - 1944
Nene turbojet, centrifugal compressor
- RB.41: ~5,000 lbf, military & civilian use
-- Pratt & Whitney J42: Licensed US RB.41
-- Klimov VK-1: Unlicensed Soviet RB.41
Nene copy
-- Wopen WP-5 : Licenced vers. of unlicensed VK-1
RB.44 - 1948
Tay turbojet, centrifugal compressor
- RB.44: Enlarged
Nene, 6,000-7,000 lbf,
Tay Viscount
-- Hispano-Suiza
Tay : Fr. licensed,
Mystere II/III/IV
-- Hispano-Suiza
Verdon: French devel. for
Mystere IVA
-- Pratt & Whitney J48: Licensed US RB.44
RB.50 - 1944
Trent, turboprop development of RB.23
- RB.50: Flown 1945, Gloster Meteor F.1, 5-blade Rotol props
-- RB.50 Meteor installation produced 750 shp + 1,000 lbf
RB.52 - [Project] 1945
Clyde II turboprop, centrifugal compressor
RB.53 - 1946
Dart turboprop, centrifugal compressor
- RB.53: Devel. begun for RAF single turboprop trainer
-- Ministry of Supply designation in RDa. series
RB.55 -
Derwent V/
Derwent 5 (?? typo ??)
- RB.55: (??) Poss.
Derwent V desig., June 1945 0.855 scale
Derwent 5: FMA I.Ae. 27, Gloster
Meteor F.4, Nord 1601
-- Klimov RD-500: Unlicensed Soviet
Derwent V copy
Derwent 5/17: 3,600 lbf, Avro Canada C.102 (x 4)
RB.60 - (Project) 1946-47 small gas turbine,* ~500 bhp
- RB.60: Based on
Merlin 46 2-stage blower components
-- * Automotive or aviation (turboprop or turbojet)
RB.71 -
No details
RB.78 -
No details
RB.80 -
Conway, built Jan 1950 as single RCo.2 turbofan*
- RB.80 orig. designed to use
Avon and
Tweed components
-- * Orig. designated BJ.45, then BJ.80 for 'Bypass Jet'
-- Ministry of Supply designation in RCo. series
RB.82 - 1951 expendable turbojet for cruise missiles
- RB.82: Design dropped in favour of RB.93
- RB.82/1: 1st complete test bed, 2-bearing rigid rotor
- RB.82/2: Lengthened, 3-bearing design
- RB.82/3: 3-bearing design w/ overhung turbine disc
-- New design engine incorporating 1st TB feedback
- RB.82/4: (Project) Bearing moved from front to rear*
-- * Dictated by nozzle guide vanes requiring space
-- RB.82 concept dropped in favour of the RB.93/1
RB.84 -
No details
RB.90 -
Avon 200 augmented military turbojet, aka Volvo RM5
-- Ministry of Supply designation RA.
-- - 0026.html
RB.93 - 1953
Soar, improved RB.82, 1,750 lbf, canc. March 1965
- RB.93 licenced by Westinghouse as J-81 for US missiles
-- Ministry of Supply designation in RSr. series
RB.102 - (Project) Bristol
Olympus with large front fan
RB.103 - 2,200 lbf turbojet lift-jet, Dassault
Balzac V-001
-- - 1541.html
RB.106 - (Project) Twin-spool turbojet 15,000 lbf dry,* 20,750 lbf reheat
- RB.106: Intended as
Avon replacement, project cancelled in March 1957
-- - 1246.html
-- Orig. aimed at 10,000 lbf, poss. named '
Thames', for SR.177, EE P.6D
RB.107 - (??) Mentioned with
Meteor refurbishment
-- - 2068.html
RB.108 - 1955 2,210 lb-2,340 lb single-shaft turbojet lift-jet
- RB.108: Short SC.1, Dassault
Balzac, var. hover rigs, P.1126
-- - 1246.html
RB.109 - 1955
Tyne twin-shaft turboprop engines
-- Ministry of Supply designation in RTy. series
-- - 1246.html
RB.115 - (Project) Small turbojet (21-inch diameter?)
- RB.115 intended for Bristol Type 188, Hawker P.1107/P.1108
RB.121 - (Project) Supersonic turbojet for GOR.339 bombers
- RB.121: Opt'l engine for HP 100, Vickers SP-4 (
Small Swallow)
TSR 2: Britain's Lost Bomber, Damien Burke
RB.122 - (Project) Scaled-up RB.106 for O.R. F.155, cancelled
- RB.122: Enlarged RB.106 intended for Fairey
Delta III fighter
RB.123 - (Project) 10,250 lbf for EE P.10.M3 recce aircraft
RB.124 - (??) NB: appears as
What-If ('RB.124
Skylon II')
RB.126 - (Project) 13,400 lbf (dry) for English Electric P.8 (F.155T)
RB.127 - (Project) 1955, for R-156T Mach 3 recce requirement
RB.128 - (Project) Supersonic turbojet related to RB.106/RB.122
- RB.128: Enlarged, more powerful development of RB.122
- RB.128: 23,000 lbf dry, 31,600 lbf reheat, aimed at Fairey F.155T
RB.133 - (Project) More powerful
Avon RA.24 turbojet
- RB.133: 2 x 13,880 lbf for
Developed Sea Vixen
-- 2 x RB.133 for
Canberra PR.9 and Hawker P.1128
- RB.133: Optional engine for EE/Short P.17 to GOR.339
TSR.2: Britain's Lost Bomber, Damien Burke
RB.138 - (??) NB: Typo for RB.318 turboprop/turboshaft concept
-- - 0085.html
RB.140 -
Medway, 1957/58 development engine, 8,000 lbf
- RB.140: Aimed at 4-jet aircraft to BEA requirement
-- - 1813.PDF
RB.141 -
Medway, 1959 low-bypass turbofan, for Airco DH.121
- RB.141: Aimed at 3-jet aircraft to BEA requirement
-- 13,790 lbf RB.141-3 considered for
Caravelle 7 project
-- - 2806.html
RB.142 -
Medway military variant (conventional + vectored thrust)
- Conventional reheated RB.142R consid. for GOR.339 candidates*
-- * Avro 739, EE/Short P.17, Hawker P.1129, Vickers 571, etc.
- RB.142: Rear vectored-thrust engine for AW.681 and HS.681
RB.144 - (Project) 1957 lift-fan for civilian VTOL airliners
- RB.144: Boulton Paul P.143 VTOL airliner (x 10), P.144 (x 2)
RB.145 - 1961 RB.108 deriv., extra compressor stage, with MAN Turbo
- RB.145 : RB.108 with extra compressor stage and higher thrust
-- Light, non-expendable lift/cruise turbojet - 2,750 lbf dry
- RB.145R: Deflecting/tilting lift/thrust vers., 3,650 lbf reheat
-- - 1019.html
RB.146 - 12,690 lbf
Avon 300/301/302/302C with improved compressor
- RB.146: 16,600 lbf for Hawker P.1134 high-speed research project
-- - 1018.html
-- - 0042.html
RB.151 - (Project) 1958 30,000 lbf turbojet, SST powerplant
RB.153 - Designation is used twice for turbojet than turbofan
- RB.153 [1] : Turbojet devel. based on R-R/MAN Turbo RB.145
-- RB.153/17: 1959-60 3,934 lbf dry, 5,463 lbf reheat, VJ 101
- RB.153 [2] : 1963 'scaled-down
Spey', R-R/MAN joint project
- RB.153 : Twin rear thrust deflectors + reheat for P.1157
-- - 1395.html
- RB.153-61 : 1962(?), 6,850 lbf (dry), 11,645 lbf (reheat)
-- RB.153-61 : VAK 191D, Fiat G.95/6 (aka Fiat G.96), etc.
- RB.153-02 : 1967, 7,674 lbf (dry), 19,972 lbf (reheated)
-- RB.153-02: Proposed for BAC UKVG
- RB.153 : Considered for upgraded variant of HAL
Marut fighter
RB.154 - (Project) Civilian turbojet
- RB.154: Boulton Paul P.145 twin-boomed VTOL transport (x 4)
RB.155 - (Project) lift-jet turbojet
- RB.155: Boulton Paul VTOL P.144A (x 1), P.196 (x 8 in four pods)
RB.156 - Poss. not used to avoid confusion with AM Spec (Avro 730)
RB.157 - (?? liftjet ??)
RB.158 - (Project) 1959 34,000 lbf turbojet, Mach 2.0 SST
RB.159 - (Project) 1959 16,000 lbf turbojet based on
Avon RA29-5
RB.160 - (Project) 1959 34,000 lbf turbojet, SST powerplant
RB.161 - (Project) Turbofan/lift-jet development of RB.153 turbojet
- RB.161: For unbuilt unbuilt Avro 778, VFW-Fokker VAK 191B (RB.161-31)
RB.162 - 1962 single-shaft turbojet lift-jet (RB.162-30, -81) or booster
- eg: 5,2501b RB.162-86 booster engine on Hawker Siddeley
Trident 3B
- RB.162-31: Lift-jets for Fiat G.95/4, Fiat G.95/6 (aka G.96), etc.
- Lift-jet for P.1144, P.1149, P.1155, P.1159, Fiat G.222
RB.163 -
Spey civil variant, orig. for BEA's Airco DH.121 airliner
- eg: 16,900 lb
Spey RB.163-6 in BAC One-Eleven 700
-- Ministry of Supply designation in RSp. series
-- AR 963: Proposed licensed produced vers. by Allison
RB.165 - (??) Vectoring-thrust engine for VTOL aircraft
- RB.165: 1959-60, 9,000 lbf for MD 620
Cavalier, + 4 RB.153
- RB.165: (x 2) for MD 630
Cavalier, + 2 x RB.162 lift jets
RB.166 - 'RB.166-62' = typo for RB.168-62
RB.167 - (Project) Jan 1960 20,000 lbf turbojet, Mach 2.2 SST
-- RB.169.7 and RB.169.8 listed in French Gov't
Concorde files
- ??: [Project] March 1960 2-shaft 20,000 lbf engine for SST
RB.168 -
Spey turbofan, military variants
- RB.168-1A Mk 101: Blackburn
Buccaneer S.2,11,100 lbf
- RB.168-25R Mk 201: McDonnell Douglas F-4K/F-4M
- RB.168-62: Uprated
Spey for Saab 37 XE-1 (RAF
- RB.168-78 : 1974, 11,560 lbf, proposed for HS.1197
- RB.168-79R: 197?, 13,850 lbf dry, 23,400 lbf reheated
-- Associated with AST.403 (
Jaguar repl.) studies
- RB.168-89R: [Project]
Spey devel., 12,210 lbf dry/ 20,430 lbf reheat
-- Associated with AST.403 (
Harrier/Jaguar repl.) studies
-- Ministry of Supply designation in RSp. series
-- AR 168R: Joint R-R/Allison vers. for TFX competition
-- TF41: Allison Model 912 (RB.168-62) for LTV A-7D
RB.169 - (Project) 1962? ~25,000 lbf turbojet, Mach 2.2 SST
-- Poss.
Olympus desig. for early Sud-Dassault/BAC
Concorde design
-- - 1020.html
RB.170 - (Project) Mar 1960 24,000 lbf bypass turbojet, Mach 2.7 SST
RB.171 - (Project) Mar 1960 20,000 lbf bypass turbojet, Mach 2.2 SST
RB.172 - R-R/Turbomeca T260
Adour, military & short-haul transport
- RB.172-T260:
Adour military turbofan, aka RT.172
- RT.172-06: 1973
Adour Mk 151; for HS.1182/BAe
Hawk 50s
- RT.172-06: 5,200 lbf (4,650 lbf max cont.)
-- 95% commonality with the
Adour Mk 102, first run 1973
-- RT.172-06-11: 5,340 lbf R-R
Adour Mk 151/F405-RR-401
- RT.172-09: (Project) 1970, 'hotter' running RT.172-06 derivative
- RT.172-09: Unreheated, 5,370 lbf, proposed for HS.1182 (
RT.172-10 - (Project) 1970, bigger-fan* RT.172-09 development
- RT.172-10: 6,080 lbf, aimed at HS.1182 (
Hawk) deriv.**
-- * Fan diameter 1 inch (25 mm) greater, rebladed HP compressor
-- ** Reheated RT.172-10 variant proposed for BAC
- RT.172-15: (Project) 1972, 5,100 lbf (dry), 7,140 lbf (reheat)
-- Increased LP compressor speed, new HP & LP turbine blading
- RT.172-16: (Project) 1972, 5,440 lbf (dry), 7,640 lbf (reheat)
-- As '15; larger tailpipe, chuted mixer w/ increased reheat temp
- RT.172-17: (Project) 1972, 5,545 lbf (dry), 8,810 lbf (reheat)
- RT.172-18: (Project) 1972, 5,760 lbf (dry), 9,075 lbf (reheat)
-- New LP compressor, skewed HP blades for increased flow
- RT.172-19: (Project) 1972, 6,080 lbf (dry), 9,500 lbf (reheat)
-- Larger tailpipe, with reheat temp increased up to 2,000K
-- RT.172-19R: (Project) 9,550 lbf reheated (note slight increase)
- RT.172-20: (Project) 5,650 lbf
- RT.172-22: (Project) 6,200 lbf
- RT.172-23: (Project) 1972, 5,450 lbf (dry), 7,900 lbf (reheat)
- RT.172-26: 5,320 lbf, 8,040 lbf afterburning
-- First major
Adour upgrade, flew 02 Sept 1975
-- HAL Bangalore license for Indian AF
Jaguar Phase 1
- RT.172-30: (Project) 1974 project,
Jaguar upgrade option
- RT.172-41 - (Project) 197? 7-stage LP compressor
- RT.172-41: Improved sfc, shelved for RT.172-52/'-53
- RB.172-45: (x 2) for Breguet Br.121 (led to
- RB.172-49: 1964-65, proposed for BAC P.45 AFVG
-- RB.172-49R: 7,710 lbf dry, 13,050 lbf reheated
-- RB.172-49R probably also RT.172-49R ?
- RT.172-52: (Project) Higher thrust for
- RT.172-52: 3-stage LP/7-stage HP compressor
-- Planned 30% more thrust, 10% better sfc
- RT.172-53: (Project) Higher thrust compromise
- RT.172-53: 3-stage LP/5-stage HP compressor
-- Planned 20% more thrust, slightly worse sfc
- RT.172-56: Dec 1977, higher thrust variant
- RT.172-56: Developed alongside RT.172-58
- RT.172-56: Unreheated version, 5,700 lbf
- RB.172-57AR - (Project) 1964-65, reheated
- RB.172-57AR: for HS.1173 (AST.362) 13,000 lbf
- RT.172-58 - Feb 1978, Mk 811, higher thrust variant
- RT.172-58: Reheated, dev. alongside RT.172-56
- RT.172-58: 5,520 lbf dry, 8,430 lbf reheated
-- 1981 HAL-licence for IAF
Jaguars Phase 3-6
- RT.172-58C: (Project) 5,260 lbf dry, 8,470 lbf reheat
-- 1978 '-58 with improved HP compressor blades
-- RT.172-58C offered for the 'Big Wing'
- RT.172-63 - (Project) 5,540 lbf dry, 10,100 lbf reheat
-- 1978 '-69 with RB.199 afterburner technology
- RT.172-63: Offered for the 'Big Wing'
- RT.172-63: Offered for Swiss ALR
Piranha 2D
- RT.172-68 - (??) BAC
- RT.172-69 - (Project) 5,390 lbf dry, 9,200 lbf reheat
-- 1978 '-58C; 3-stage LP compr.; new turbine blades
- RT.172-69: Offered for the 'Big Wing'
- RB.172: For DH.126/HS.131/HS.136 studies, Dassault
Mystere 30
-- - 0043.html
RB.173 - [Project] Smaller, 7,500 lbf derivative of
- RB.173: Aimed at
Viscount jet devel. (or replacement?)
RB.174 - 1961
Medway advanced civil development, ~15,000 lbf
- RB.174 "a modernized RB. 141" for Sud 10A
Nouvelle Caravelle
-- - 1650.PDF
RB.175 - (Project) Turbofan lift jet deriv. of RB.162, not built
- RB.175: RB.162 gas generator to drive fully-ducted front fan
-- The 8,000 lbf RB.175 specified for NATO BMR-4 transport
-- - 1895.html
-- - 0043.html
RB.176 - [Project] RB.162 deriv., turbine compressor/'air producer'
- RB.176 : Proposed for Fairy
Rotodyne & 'blown' SC.5/21
- RB176-11: Later flap-blowing development
-- - 1895.html
RB.177 - (Project)
Medway derivative, military turbofan
-- 4 x RB.177-22-23,000 lbf for BAC VC10 MRA variant to OR.357
-- 1 x RB.177 proposed for Saab 37
Viggen, ~15,000 lbf (dry)
-- - 1015.html
RB.178 - (Project) 1961 '
Super Conway', high-bypass
Medway devel.
- RB.178: Led to development of third generation RB.203
-- Orig. intended as SST engine, B747 1st subsonic application
-- HBN 100 'Airbus' (x 2), B747* and SC.5/41
Jet Belfast (x 4)
-- - 2365.html
- RB.178-16: July 1966 2-shaft trials engine
- RB-178-51: First 3-spool version, 44,000 lbf,* abandoned
-- * Gunston has proposed rating as 45,000 lbf (
reply #2)
- RB-178-61: 2-spool test engine, 27,500 lbf
(likely a typo for RB.18-176)
-- - 0028.PDF
- RB.178 demonstrator program terminated in 1966
-- * Proposed RB.178 joint production with General Electric
RB.179 - (Project) May 1961 6,000lbf turbofan for Fokker project
RB.180 - (Project) Turbofan 'reduced-scale
Spey', 6,800 lbf*
- RB.180" Planned for Fokker F.28, Avro 778F '
Jet Andover'
-- - 1020.html
-- * Some sources list 6,250 lbf as output for RB.180 turbofan
RB.181 - (Project) single-shaft turbojet VTOL lift-jet
- RB.181: Reduced-scale RB.162 for Lockheed-Short CL-704
-- - 1895.html
RB.182 - (??) 1964, revealed but
no details
RB.183 -
Spey Junior/
Tay, simplified/reduced-scale RB.163
- RB.183-1 orig. for Fokker-VFW F.28, HP.127
Jet Herald
- RB.183-2 Mk.555-15
Spey Junior; Mk.555-15, -15H, -15P
- RB.183-3 Mk.611
Tay, on Fokker F100.70, Gulfstream V
- RB.183-3 Mk.611-8
Tay, Gulfstream IV/G300/G400/C-20G/H
- RB.183-3 Mk.620-15
Tay, used on Fokker F70
- RB.183-3 Mk.650
Tay, F100, GIV, BAC 111
- RB.183-3 Mk.651
Tay, F100, Boeing 727 (re-engining)
- RB.183-3 Mk.670
Tay, B727, DC-9, B737, MD-96 (proposed)
- RB.183-55515P
Tay, used on Fokker F28 Mk4000
RB.185 - (??) 1964, revealed but no details
-- - 0649.html
RB.189 - 1969 3rd generation lift jet,
Mirage IIIV, etc.
- RB.189: Joint project with Allison, for HS.1019E6
-- RB.189 led to 9,000 lbf RR-Allison XV99-RA-1 project
RB.190 -
No details
RB.191 - 'RB.191-12' = typo for RB.193-12 engine in VAK 191B
Interavia, vol 26, Sept 1971, pp 1037-1039
RB.192 - (??) Common typo for both RB 162 and RB.193
-- Poss. not used to avoided confusion with AM Spec RB.192D ??
RB.193 - 1964 3-shaft military turbofan, related to Bristol BS.53
- RR/MAN RB.193 4-poster vectored lift/propulsion, VFW/Fokker 191B
- eg: 2 x afterburning RB.193s for Saab
Viggen project 37 XE-3
-- Offered as '
New Pegasus' 11-61
(Harrier II) & 11-21 (AV-88)
RB.198 - (Project) 195? vectoring-thrust
Spey development
- RB.198: 11,056 lbf (dry), 18,630 lbf (reheat), DH.127 V/STOL
Air Warfare: An International Encyclopedia, Volume 1, pg 204
- RB.198: Typo for RB.178,
The Airbus A380, Graham Simons, pg 38
RB.199 - Turbo-Union (R-R, MTU, FiatAvio) turbofan for
-- - 2736.PDF
- RB.199-34R: (Project) ~1973 V/STOL, 8,530 lbf dry/ 15,300 lbf reheat
-- RB.199-34R: For HS.1190 variant and BAC EAG 8413A (to AST.396)
- RB.199-34R: (Project) Scaled, 7,630 lbf dry/ 13,690 lbf reheat
-- RB.199-34R: (Scaled) For alternative HS.1190 variant to AST.396
- RB.199-36 : (Project)
claimed 14,230 lbf dry; more likely 9,940 lbf
-- RB.199-36 : For HS.1189-1 (to AST.396) and A-10AMX (for FAB)
- RB.199-41 : (Project) 1969-70, 9,800 lbf, for HS.1189-5 & HS.1190-2
- RB.199-41 : (Project) Scaled-down, 6,160 lbf dry, for HS.1189-5
- RB.199-42R: (Project) ~1973, 9,700 lbf dry/ 17,000 lbf in reheat
-- For HS.1191-1/HS.1191-2/HS.1190-2 (AST.396), BAC P.71 (RN)
-- RB.199-42R: Also proposed for a single-seat MRCA study
- RB.199-42R: (Project) Scaled, 6,070 lbf dry/ 19,640 lbf reheat
-- RB.199-42R: (Scaled) For alternative HS.1190 variant to AST.396
- RB.199-52R: (Project) 9,220 lbf dry/ 14,810 lbf reheat
-- Associated with AST.403 (
Harrier/Jaguar repl.) studies
- RB.199-36 : 1969, RB.199 Mk.101 variant proposed for HS.1189
-- RB.199-36: No afterburner or thrust reversing
- RB.199-62R: 1978, 20,750 lbf dry, 37,850 lbf reheated
-- RB.199-62R: (Project) Proposed for BAe P.103 & BAe P.163
- RB.199-67R: (Project) 1980-81, proposed for BAe P.110
- RB.199-103: 1982, (?,???) lbf dry, 19,100 lbf reheated
-- RB.199-103: For Panavia
Tornado IDS variant
-- RB.199-103: Proposed for BAe, MBB, & Aeritalia ACA
- RB.199-104 : 19??, 9,100 lbf dry, 16,400 lbf reheated
-- RB.199-104: For Panavia
Tornado ADV variant
- RB.199-104D: 1985, 9,000 lbf dry, 17,500 lbf reheated
-- RB.199-104D: For BAe EAP demonstrator
- RB199-104E: For Eurofighter prototypes, redes. RB.199-122
- RB.199-105 : 19??, 9,600 lbf dry, 16,000 lbf reheated
-- RB.199-105: For Panavia
Tornado ECR variant
- RB199-122 : Orig. Mk 104E, for prototype Eurofighter
- RB.199-127: (Project) option for PRC '
Sabre II' MiG-21 update
- RB.199-128: (Project) option for PRC '
Sabre II' MiG-21 update
-- RB.199-127/128: Power outputs similar to RB.199-104 (above)
RB.200 - (??) Wikipedia listing, poss. confusion with EJ 200
RB.201 - (??)
hypothetical designation
RB.202 - Late '60s high bypass turbofan lift jet
- RB.202-25: HS.141 V/STOL airliner (16 x 10,300 lbf)
- RB.202-25 (x 12) for Dornier Do 231C/M project
RB.203 - Trent, 1967 3-spool Advanced Technology Engine turbofan
- RB.203: High bypass, RB.172 core, planned RB.163 Spey replacement
-- Intended for HS.136 (underwing) and HS.144 (rear-mounted) studies
RB.204 - (Project) 3-spool high-bypass civil turbofan, ~10,000 lbf
- RB.204: Related to more developed RB.207 project
-- - 0028.PDF
RB.205 - (Project) 3-spool high-bypass civil turbofan, ~20,000 lbf
- RB.205: Related to RB.207, proposed for W.German 4-jet airliner
-- - 0029.PDF
RB.207 - (Project) 1965 large 3-spool high-bypass turbofan
- RB.207: eg 47,500 lb RB.207-01 intended for Airbus A300
-- RB.207 was Rolls-Royce/SNECMA/MAN-Turbo joint project
-- RB.207 also considered for BAC
Three-Eleven (x 2)
-- Based on RB.178 work, effectively, a scaled-up RB.211
RB.208 - (Project) Large high bypass turbofan for Airbus
- RB.208: Listed in French Government Airbus files for 1966
-- Ricardo Miguel Vidal lists as 1950s lift-jet, pg 2914
RB.209 -
Marine Tyne (
Tyne RM1A, RM1C, and RM3C naval turbines)
RB.211 - Large 3-spool high-bypass turbofan engine series
- RB.211: Orig. developed for Lockheed L-1011, RB.206 devel.
RB.213 - (Project) 3-shaft civil turbofan, owing to RB.193/RB.203
- RB.213: Developed primarily for the BAC
One-Eleven 500
-- - 0024.pdf
RB.220 - 1970s high bypass ratio (6.5) turbofan, scaled-down RB.211
- RB.220: 2 x 27,000 lbf underwing for HS.141 V/STOL airliner
- RB.220: 2 x ~23,870 lbf underwing for Dornier Do 231C/M*
-- * RB.220 power for Do 231C/M listed as 10,886 kg of thrust
RB.221 - (??) Common typo for RB.211 in non-aviation press
RB.223 - (Project) Marine turbine, project def. study 1976
-- Rolls-Royce Industrial & Marine Division Project study
-- Poss. project desig. for WR-21 maritime gas turbine (??)
RB.225 - (Project) Higher-bypass turbofan;
Spey derivative
- RB.225: Project may have led to the R-R
RB.226 - (Project) STOL transport turbofan; Spey derivative
- RB.226: 1973 turbofan, 17,640-19,840 lbf range
-- - 0032.PDF
RB.227 - (Project) Lift-jet, leads to RB.228 (qv)
- RB.227-01: (Project) Lift engine, 9,850-10,780 lbf
-- RB.227-01: For HS.1191-1 & '-2, x 4 (to AST.396)
- RB.227 : (Project) Scaled '-01 lift-jet, 9,860 lbf
-- RB.227 (Scaled): Lift-jet for HS.1184-8 (AST.396)
RB.228: (Project) Lift-jet, more powerful RB.227 derivative
- RB.228 : (Project) Lift engine, 15,500 lbf
-- RB.228-02: For BAC P.71,* EAG 8413B & 'D/'8461B/'4678
-- RB.228-02: Alternative lift-jet for single-seat MRCA variant
-- * Behind cockpit, mounted 15° off vertical (y-axis)
-- RB.228-02 (Scaled): Lift engine, 10,680 lbf
-- RB.228-02 (Scaled): For BAC EAG 4678 (AST.396)
-- RB.228-03: Lift-jets (x 2) for HS.1192-1
RB.229 - (Project) 1972 twin spool bypass booster engine
- RB.299: Concorde tail-mounter take-off booster engine
-- Used instead of reheat, itended to reduce takeoff noise
RB.230 - (??) Typo for RB.220 vectored turbofan for Do 231
RB.231 - (Project) Small military turbofan engine series
- RB.231-02: 10,900 lbf dry, 15,600 lbf reheated
-- RB.231-02: HS.1203 '
Super Gnat', single-seat MRCA
-- RB.231-02: BAC EAG 8413B/'D, EAG 8461B (to AST.396)
-- RB.231-02: BAC EAG 4678, HS.1192-1, aka RB.231-02R
- RB.231-02 (Scaled): 9,650 lbf dry, 13,800 lbf reheat
-- RB.231-02 (Scaled): For V/STOL BAC EAG 4678 delta
- RB.231-02 (Scaled): 11,660 lbf dry, 16,690 lbf reheat
-- RB.231-02 (Scaled): For CTOL BAC EAG 8461/'8461B
RB.235 - (Project) 3-shaft turbofan, reduced-scale RB.211 deriv.
- RB.235: CFM56 rival, RB.235 abandoned to join P&W in JT10D
- RB.235: 'Cropped fan', 25-30,000 lbf, Turbo-Union development
-- - 0048.html
RB.236 - (Project) Small turbofan for Hawker-Siddeley HS.1215
RB.238 - (Project) 1974 fighter turbofan
-- RB.238 : For HS.1200 air superiority fighter studies
-- RB.238-10: Propose for HS.1195 attacker (AST.396)
RB.246: (Project) 197? turbofan (RT.172 replacement?)
- RB.246-06: 16,730 lbf (dry), 25,490 lbf (reheated)
-- RB.246-06: Associated with various AST.403 studies
- RB.246-11: 1978, no details
-- RB.246-11: Proposed for BAe P.94 (re-winged
RB.250: (Project) ~2000 supersonic turbofan for Sukhoi SSBJ
- RB.250: Poss. typo for RB.260, possibly related to RB.577
RB.260: (Project) ~2000 supersonic turbofan for Sukhoi SSBJ
- RB.260: Poss. typo for RB.250, possibly related to RB.577
RB.277 - (Project) Small turbofan for Hawker-Siddeley HS.1192
- RB.277: Unsure if HS.1192* lift or diverted propulsion jets
-- * HS.1192 was a
Jaguar-ish STOL strike a/c to AST 396
RB.282 - See RB282 turbofan below
RB.283 - See RB282 turbofan below
RB.285 - See RB285 turbofan below
RB.318 - Alfa Romeo/R-R/MTU joint study for small turboprop
- RB.318: Became the 580 shp Alfa Romeo AR.318 turboprop
-- - 0898.html
RB.340 - (Project) c.1975 small military turbofan
- RB.340: Hs.1200 series air superiority fighter projects
RB.346 - (Project) circa 1975 small military turbofan
- RB.346: Poss. intended for HS.1200 air superiority fighter
RB.400 - 'RB.400-50', typo for RB.409-50R (
RB.401 - 1973-74 high bypass civil/military turbofan
- RB.401: 2-spool, 5,100-5,540 lbf, Viper replacement
- RB.401-06: Demonstrator engine run 1975
- RB.401-20: (Project) Propfan/open rotor derivative
-- - 0482.html
-- RB.406 Variable Cycle Engine (VCE) for HS.1198 fighter
-- Further RB.406 development eclipsed by RB.432 (??)
RB.403 - 'RB.403-10R', a typo for RB.431-10R project (
RB.406 - (Project) Vectored-thrust Variable Cycle Engine (VCE)
- RB.406-04: For 1975 HS.1198 single-engined v/STOL fighter
RB.407 - R-R/Snecma M45M 2-stage, low-bypass turbofan
- RB.407: Aimed at business jets and military trainers*
-- * With concentric bypass flow routed to afterburner
RB.409 - (Project) 1975 small military turbofan, ~9,700 lbf
- RB.409: For Kingston's HS.1204 air superiority fighter
- RB.409-07R: (Project) Cropped fan RB.199 development
-- Considered for BAC P.97; 5,965 lbf dry; 10,150 lbf reheat
-- Associated with AST.403 (
Jaguar replacement) studies
- RB.409-50R: (Project) RB.199 devel. 8,770 lbf dry/ 15,475 lbf reheat
-- Consid. for modified
Tornado for AST.403 (
Jaguar repl.)
- RB.409-70R: (Project) RB.199 development project
-- Associated with AST.403 (
Jaguar replacement) studies
RB.410 - R-R/Snecma M45S,* variable-pitch geared turbofan
- RB.410: 1975 test runs, 10-to-18,500 lbf M45H-01 derivative
-- * NB: M45SD was desig. on non-flying demonstrator engine
-- eg: RB.410D-2 (M4SSD-02) rated at 10,072 lbf (take-off)
-- - 2730.html
RB.411 - R-R/Snecma M57HA, 8,750 shp turboshaft M45H derivative
- RB.411: Intended for heavy-lift helicopters, cropped M45H fan
-- RB.411 x 2 to power tilt-wing Westland WG22 V/STOL airliner
RB.415 - R-R/Snecma M45SF fixed-pitch geared low bypass turbofan
- RB.415: 11,700 lbf; intended for HS.146/BAe.146 airliner
RB.419 - (Project) 1983 3-stage geared-fan turbofan for STOL transports
- RB.419 : Derived from RB.168 core with adapted TF41 low-press. compressor
-- Dowty Rotol variable-pitch fan (based on M45SD demonstrator fan)
- RB.419-03: Funded by Gov't of Canada for Advanced Stol Transport (AST)*
-- - 1856.html
-- * DHC Augmentor-Wing project 'Powered Lift STOVL Support Aircraft'
-- Diagram: (10-6)
RB.420 - (Project) 1970 26,000 lb non-vectoring
Pegasus offered to NASA
- RB.420 running on liquid hydrogen for Space Shuttle powered return
-- aka
Pegasus 420-01
RB.422 - (Project)
Pegasus development series; 31,400-44,600 lbf
- RB.422-02: PCB, 25,580-26,860 lbf dry; 38,100-40,000 lbf reheat
- RB.422-02 (Scaled): 26,860 lbf dry, 40,000 lbf reheated
-- RB.422-02 (Scaled): For BAC EAG 8404C(II) variant (AST.396)
- RB.422-04: Non-PCB version; 25,580 lbf dry, 38,100 lbf reheat
-- RB.422-04 (Non-PCB): For BAC EAG 8404C(II) variant (AST.396)
- RB.422-04: PCB version; 25,580-26,860 dry/38,100-40,000 reheat
-- RB.422-04 (PCB): For BAC EAG 8404D variant (to AST.396)
-- RB.422-04 (PCB): For BAC EAG 8472 (repl. 8404C(II)
- RB.422-06: 4-nozzle non-PCB vers. from 1972, for HS.1184-7
- RB.422-21: 4-nozzle subsonic derivative of RB.422-48 (below)
- RB.422-43: 4-nozzle supersonic vers., Plenum Chamber Burning
- RB.422-48: 3-poster Plenum Chamber Burning (PCB) turbofan
-- Alt to
Pegasus PCB for P.1212/P.1216 ASTOVL fighter concepts
-- - 2426.html
- RB.422-49: PCB vers. with afterburning on single rear nozzle
- RB.422-56: 2-nozzle, mixed-flow vers. for transonic applications
- RB.422-60: Orig. RB.422-X, BAe P.1216 ASTOVL, P.1219, P.1220 V/STOL
- RB.422-??: P.1214 ASTOVL, P.1230 V/STOL
RB.423 - R-R/Snecma M45R ultra-low bypass gas-generator
- RB.423: Intended for helicopter tip-jet propulsion
RB.424 - R-R/Snecma M45T variable-pitch geared turbofan
- RB.424: 6,300-12,000 lbf, for augmentor-wing STOLs
RB.427 - R-R/Snecma M45SE, proposed M45H (RB.411) derivative
- RB.427: (?? turbofan or turboshaft ??)
RB.428 - (Project) 3-poster turbofan with PCB, for HS.1185-26
RB.431 - (Project) ~1975 turbofan, non-vectored
Pegasus deriv.
- RB.431: 'Straight-through'
Pegasus variant for the HS.1202
- RB.431-10R: (Project) 'Straight-through'
Pegasus turbofan
-- RB.431-10R: (Project) 15,850 lbf dry, 28,030 lbf reheat
-- Associated with AST.403 (
Jaguar repl.) studies
- RB.431-11R: (Project) 15,865 lbf dry, 28,045 lbf reheat
- RB.431-14R: Associated with various AST.403 studies
RB.432 - (Project) 16,000-19,000 lbf turbofan study project
- RB.432: Contributed to joint projects, eg: RJ500 & V2500
RB.433 - (Project) 1977 16,000 lbf VP-fan turbofan study
- RB.433: Based on M45 core, geared fan based on M45SD-02
-- For USN multi-mission V/STOL A, then AEW, ASW, & COD a/c
-- - 3260.PDF
-- RB.433 project repl. planned 16,000 lbf refanned
Spey 67
-- - 0050.PDF
RB.506 - (Project) 1981 turboprop based on RTM322 turboshaft
- RB.506:
Dart replacement to rival CT7 and PW117/PW120
-- - 0928.PDF
RB.508 - Renumbered
Pegasus 18-06 , 26,000 lbf
RB.509 - (Project) 'Contra Fan' propfan, ~13,000 shp
- RB.509: Geared propfan (pusher), fan diameter 3.90 m
- RB.509: Related to RB.529, development begun 1986
-- RB509-05-FPTCR for Future Large Aircraft (FLA)
-- RB509-11 pusher for civil applications (??)
-- - 2295.PDF
RB.529 - (Project) Ducted counter-rotating propfan
- RB.529: 'Contra Fan' propfan, related to RB.509 (above)
RB.532 - (Project) Vectored thrust turbofan for P.1216
- RB.532: P.1216-41 (alt. to RB.422-60 or
Pegasus 11 PCB)
-- XG.30 (never run) was to be demo engine for the RB.532
RB.533 - (Project) Vectored thrust, non-PCB turbofan
- RB.533: Intended for BAe P.1229 project and others
RB.535 - (Project) Turboprop, RTM322 core + reduction gear*
-- * RM Vidal says Dart reduction gear to be used
-- NB: 'RB 535 E4' common misuse of RB211-535E4
RB.543 - (Project)
Adour upgrade/replacement turbofan
- RB.543:
Adour 871E fan upgrade; ~7,500 lbf (dry)
- RB.543-02R: Reheat; ~12,000 lbf, for Embraer project
RB.545 - (Project)
Swallow air-breathing rocket, for BAe HOTOL
- RB.545: Hydrogen fuel w/ air at low alt., LOX at higher alt.
RB.546 - (typo for RB.545
RB.549 - (??) Poss. 'Contra Fan' development (??)
Los Motores Aeroespaciales A-Z, pg 3022
-- a-z 2012v8.11.pdf
RB.550 - (Project) 3,200-to-5,000 shp turboprop engine
- RB.550: R-R
Dart replacement based on RTM322 core
-- RM.550 aimed at ATP, ATR72, Fokker 50, and others
-- - 1762.PDF
-- - 2295.PDF
RB.559 – (Project) 1985, turbofan (
Pegasus PCB analogue)
- RB.559 : Two-spool turbofan with contrarotating shafts*
-- * 3-stage fan, 4-stage HP, PCB for forward nozzles**
-- ** Variable-area + 2 x unreheated fixed-area nozzles
- RB.559-01A: Proposed for BAe P.1230-6 RN V/STOL fighter
RB.560 – (Project) 1987, turbofan RALS* for US/UK ASTOVL**
- RB.560: Two-spool axial-flow w/ contra-rotating shafts
-- * RALS = Remote Augmented Lift System
- RB.560-01: 29,925 lbf dry, 43,425 lbf reheated
-- RB.560-01: Proposed for BAe P.112C-2 ASTOVL design
-- ** ASTOVL = Advanced Short Take-off/Vertical Landing
-- ** Jan 1986 US/UK MOU, leads to JSF (X-32/X-35/F-35)
RB.561 – (Project) 1987, variable-cycle tandem fan turbofan
- RB.561: Low bypass-ratio turbofan w/high bypass capability
- RB.561: 2 x fully-vectoring fwd nozzles, 1 x 2D rear nozzle
- RB.561-01: 41,175 lbf dry, 54,675 lbf reheated
-- RB.561-01: For BAe P.115C-3 ASTOVL (
Harrier replacement)
RB.571 - (Project) Hybrid turbofan for US/UK ASTOVL use
- RB.571: Lift nozzle + vectored thrust + conv. afterburner
- RB.571: Related to RB.578 but using Eurojet EJ200 core
-- Intended for naval variant of Eurofighter EFA/EF 2000
-- - 2869.PDF
RB577: (Project) ~2000 supersonic medium-BPR turbofan
-- Likely
Trent core with lower (2.5:1) bypass ratio
- RB.577-T800-Su1: Soyuz VK21 repl. for Sukhoi SSBJ*
-- * 2 x 62,000 lbf (versus 3 x Soyuz VK21 turbofans)
- RB577-260-LM2: NASA QSV IIPS Study*
-- * June 2003 tests, Nozzle Acoustic Test Rig
-- "Based on earlier design for SSBJ"
RB.578 - (Project)
Pegasus 11-61 devel., 25,300 lbf dry
- RB.578: Stowable lift nozzles and rear afterburner
- RB.578: Related to RB.571 but retaining
Pegasus core
-- 27,000 lbf in lift mode, 41,300 lbf in reheat
RB.580 - (Project) Turbofan, AE 1107/T406 derivative core
- RB.580: 7,100 lbf, for small regional and business jets
-- Eclipsed RTM322 turbofan deriv. (related to RB.506?)
-- - 2327.PDF
Revived RB Designations - Rolls-Royce plc
RB282 - ~10-20,000 lbf small twin-spool, 2-shaft turbofan for bizjets
- RB282: Dassault
Falcon 5X (2009 lost out to Snecma
- RB282: Offered for Airbus A320 re-engining
RB283 - (?? typo ??)
RB285 - ~20-30,000 lbf small twin-spool, 3-shaft turbofan
- RB285: Offered for Airbus A320 re-engining
- RB285: Short-listeded for Irkut MC-21 (PD-14M/PW1428)
RB2011 - (Project) Contra-rotating propfan, becomes RB3011
RB3011 - (Project) Contra-rotating propfan, tractor/pusher
- RB3011: Intended for 180-300 pax airliners
-- Certification planned for 2017-2018
Hope that was helpful/useful. Any additions and/or corrections gratefully received